Đề cương ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 5: The media (Dành cho học sinh yếu)

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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn thi môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 - Unit 5: The media (Dành cho học sinh yếu)

  1. UNIT 5: THE MEDIA (Phương tiện truyền thông) 1. (the) media N Phương tiện tr. thông đại chúng 2. to post V Đưa thông tin lên mạng 3. (the) internet N Mạng internet 4. to surf V Lướt (internet, TV) 5. to guess V Đoán, phỏng đoán -> to surf the Net/web Lướt mạng/web 6. to cry V Kêu to, rao 7. to respond V Trả lời, đáp lại response(s) n Sự đáp lại, sự phản hồi crier = town crier N Người rao tin 8. to communicate V Liên lạc, trao đồi thông tin 9. to shout V Kêu to, la to, hét to Communication N Sự liên lạc, sự giao tiếp communicative a Cởi mở -> shout N Tiếng gọi lớn, tiếng kêu thét 10. wonderful A Tuyệt vời 11. widely A Rộng lớn, trên phạm vi rộng 12. to deny V Phủ nhận dv denial n Sự chối bỏ 13. teenager N Thanh thiếu niên (13-19 tuổi) 14. benefit N Lợi ích, phúc lợi 15. adult N Người lớn, người trưởng thành 16. pity N Lòng thương hại, thương xót 17. variety N Nhiều, đủ loại -> pitiful a Gợi lên sự thương xót 18. channels N Kênh truyền hình -> pitifully N Một cách đáng thương 19. stage N Giai đoạn 20. access N Sự tiếp cận, quyền được sử accessible a dụng ;Có thể tiếp cận được 21. interactive A Tương tác, trao đổi th. tin qua to access V Truy cập thông tin dj lại get access to -> interaction N Sự tương tác, hợp tác 22. to explore V Thám hiểm, thăm dò -> to interact V Tương tác exploration N Hoạt động thám hiểm explorer n Nhà thám hiểm 23. (be) able toVo Có thể làm việc gì 24. to wander V Đi lang thang 25. remote a Từ xa, xa xôi 26. purpose N Mục đích -> remote control N Thiết bị điều khiển từ xa 27. limitation N Sự hạn chế, giới hạn 28. source N Nguồn to limit V Giới hạn, hạn chế -> source of N Nguồn thu nhập 29. time-consuming A Tốn nhiều thời gian income consume v Tiêu thụ consumer N Người tiêu dùng, tiêu thụ consumption n Sự tiêu thụ 30. violent A Có tính bạo lực, hung bạo 31. costly a Tốn tiền -> violence N Bạo lực, sự ác liệt, dữ dội 32. to suffer V Chịu, chịu đựng 33. documentary N Phim tài liệu 34. disadvantage N Sự bất lợi, điểm bất lợi 35. informative A Cung cấp nhiêu thông tin bổ ích # advantage N Tiện lợi, lợi thế -> information N Tin tức, thông tin Spam n Thư rác Electronic junk mail Thư điện tử tạp nhạp -> to inform V Báo, khai báo To be alert a Cảnh giác 36. telegraph N Điện báo, máy điện báo Useful #useless A Hữu ích # vô ích Usefully # uselessly ad 1 cách hữu ích # vô ích -> to telegraph V Đánh điện, gửi điện báo 37. to post V Đưa thông tin lên mạng internet 38. journalism N Nghề làm báo, ngành báo chí 39. to surf V Lướt (internet, TV) journalist N Nhà báo -> to surf the Net/web Lướt mạng/web 40. forum N Diễn đàn 41. to respond V Trả lời, đáp lại response(s) n Sự đáp lại, sự phản hồi
  2. UNIT 5: THE MEDIA I/ NEW WORDS 1. cry (v): la hét, khóc 13. increase (n,v): tăng lên crier (n): người rao hàng, rao tin increasing (adj): đan tăng lên increasingly (adv): ngày càng tăng 2. invent (v): phát minh invention (n): sự phát minh 14. use (n,v): sử dụng, dùng inventor (n): nhà phát minh useful (adj): hữu dụng useless (adj): vô dụng 3. popular (adj): phổ biến, nổi tiếng usefully (adv): một cách hữu dụng unpopular (adj): không phổ biến uselessly (adv): một cách vô dụng popularly (adv): 1 cách phổ biến user (n): người sử dụng popularity (n): sự phổ biến unused (adj): không dùng đến 4. view (n,v): quan cảnh; xem 15. respond (v): phản hồi viewer (n): người xem response (n): sự phản hồi 5. various (adj): khác nhau 16. communicate (v): giao tiếp, liên lạc variously (adv): phong phú communication (n): sự liên lạc, giao tiếp variety (n): sự phong phú, đa dạng communicator (n):người truyền đạt communicable (a): có thể lan truyền 6. develop (v): phát triển communicative (adj): nói năng hoạt bát development (n): sự phát triển developing (adj): đang phát triển 17. relate (v): quan hệ developed (adj): đã phát triển ≠ undeveloped: relation (n): sự giao thiệp, quan hệ Không phát triển relationship (n): mối quan hệ, tình thân thuộc underdeveloped (adj): chậm phát triển relate (v): liên hệ, liên quan underdevelopment (n) sự không phát triển relative (adj): có liên quan relative(s) (n): bà con họ hàng 7. interact (v): tương tác relatively (adv): khá là (trạng từ chỉ mức độ) interaction (n): sự tương tác interactive (adj): tương tác 18. wonder (v): tự hỏi interactively (adv): 1 cách tương tác wonder (n): kỳ quan, điều kỳ diệu wonderful (adj): tuyệt vời wonderfully (adv); 1 cách tuyệt vời 8. document (n): tài liệu documentary (n): phim tài liệu 19. deny (v): phủ nhận denial (n): sự phủ nhận 9. violent (adj): bạo lực undeniable (a): không thể phủ nhận violently (adv): mãnh liệt, dữ dội undeniably (adv): 1 cách k thể phủ nhận violence (n): sự bạo lực nonviolent (adj): bất bạo động 20. educate (v): giáo dục nonviolence (n) không bạo động education (n): sự giáo dục, nền giáo dục educational (adj): mang tính giáo dục 10. bore (v): làm ai chán nản well-educated (adj): được giáo dục tốt bored (with) (adj): chán ill-educated (adj): vô giáo dục boring (adj): nhàm chán boringly (adv): 1 cách nhàm chán 21. entertain (v): giải trí boredom (n): sự chán chường entertainer (n): người góp vui entertainment (n): sự giải trí, cách tiêu khiển 11. appear (v): xuất hiện entertaining (adj): mang tính giải trí, thư giản appearance (n): sự xuất hiện entertainingly (adv):1 cách giải trí 12. disappear (v): biến mất 22. assign (v): cho bài tập disappearance (n): sự biến mất assignment (n): bài tập
  3. 23. cost (n,v): giá trị; tốn costly (adj): tốn tiền 36. commerce (n): thương nghiệp, sự buôn bán commercial (a): thuộc về thương nghiệp 24. limit (n,v): giới hạn, hạn chế limited (adj): hữu hạn 37. invention (n): sự phát minh limitation (n): sự hạn chế, giới hạn invent (a): phát minh, sáng chế inventor (n): Người phát minh 25. danger (n): nguy cơ, hiểm họa inventive (a): Đầy sáng tạo dangerous (adj): nguy hiểm inventively (adv): 1 cách đầy sáng tạo dangerously (adv) endanger (v): gây nguy hiểm 38. explore (v): khám phá exploration (n): sự phám phá 26. person (n): người, cá nhân explorer (n): ng do thám, thám hiểm people (n): mọi người (số nhiều) exploratory (a): có tính cách thám hiểm personal (adj): thuộc về cá nhân personally (adv): theo cá nhân (ai) 27. leak (v): rò rĩ leaking (n): sự rò rĩ 28. advantage (n): lợi thế advantaged (adj): có lợi thế, may mắn take advantage of : lợi dụng disadvantage (n): bất lợi disadvantaged (adj): bị thiệt thòi 29. sell (v): bán seller (n): người bán sale (n): việc buôn bán for sale: để bán 30. grow (v): phát triển growth (n): sự phát triển 31. grocery (n): của hàng tạp hóa groceries (n): đồ tạp hóa 32. favor (n): ủng hộ, ưa thích favorite (adj): yêu thích 33. please (v): làm vui lòng pleased (with) (adj): hài lòng pleasant (adj): dễ chịu unpleasant (adj): khó chịu pleasantly (adv): một cách dễ chịu unpleasantly (adv): một cách không thoải mái pleasure (n): niềm vui 34. detect (v): dò ra, tìm ra detection (n): sự tìm ra, dò ra detective (n): thám tử, trinh thám detector (n): người dò ra, tìm ra detectable (a): có thể tìm ra 35. wonder (n): kỳ quan wonderful (a): tuyệt vời wonder (v): ngạc nhiên, muốn biết, tự hỏi wonderfully (adv): 1 cách đáng kinh ngạc
  4. I. TAG QUESTIONS (Câu hỏi đuôi) Câu phát biểu Câu hỏi đuôi Câu phát biểu Câu hỏi đuôi S + V0 / V S / ES , don’t/ doesn’t + S? S + are / is , aren’t / isn’t + S? S + don’t / doesn’t + V0 , do / does + S ? S + aren’t/ isn’t, are / is + S? I + AREN’T +I? S + was / were , wasn’t / weren’t + S? am , AM +I ? S + wasn’t / weren’t , was / were + S ? I + am not ., S + VQK / ED , didn’t + S? S + have / has + VII/ED , haven’t / hasn’t + S? S + didn’t + did + S ? S + haven’t/hasn’t + VII/ED , have / has + S? V0 ., S + had + VII/ed , hadn’t + S? S + hadn’t + V+3 / ed , had + S? S + will + V0 , won’t + S ? S+ can / may + V0 , can’t / mayn’t + S? S + won’t + V0 , will + S ? S+ can’t/ mayn’t +V0 can / may + S ? S + have to / has to +V0 , don’t / doesn’t+S? Let’s + V0 , shall we? Khi trong cây có các trạng từ: seldom, hardly, never, rarely ; nobody/ no one / nothing (tương đương ý phủ định) trong phần câu hỏi đuôi luôn ở thể khẳng định Ex: Lan rarely goes to school on time, does she? Nobody likes the meeting, do they? * Các chủ từ trong câu hỏi đuôi luôn là: HE , SHE , I , YOU, WE, THEY, IT. Câu phát biểu Câu hỏi đuôi Câu phát biểu Câu hỏi đuôi Câu phát biểu Câu hỏi đuôi Tên người nam he ? Someone they ? Something it? Tên người và I we? Somebody they? Nothing it? Tên người nữ she? No one they? Anything it? Tên hai người they ? Nobody they? This / that it? Anyone they? These / those they ? Anybody they? * Lưu ý: Câu phát biểu Câu hỏi đuôi Câu phát biểu Câu hỏi đuôi V0 . , won’t you ? There + is / are , isn’t / aren’t + there? Don’t + V0 . will you? There + isn’t / aren’t , is / are + there? - Trong phần hỏi đuôi luôn là đại từ (I , you , he , she , they , it , we , there) - Khi phần đuôi phải ở phủ định thì không tách rời not ra khỏi trợ động từ mà phải dính liền ở dạng rút gọn (don’t / doesn’t / won’t / isn’t / haven’t / ) - Khi viết lại câu với câu hỏi đuôi, ta lưu ý: + Đề bài cho câu nghi vấn : + Chúng ta chuyển thành câu khẳng định rồi thêm phần hỏi ở cuối câu Do they walk to school? They walk to school, don’t they? EXERCISE 1: Choose the best answer: 1. Teresa is an accountant,___? A. aren't she? B.doesn't she? C. isn't she? D. She isn't? 2. I am a good worker,___? A. I am? B. do I? C. amn't I? D. aren't I? 3. Peirre is a grandfather,___? A. he isn't? B. isn't he? C. he is? D. doesn't he? 4. Kate is a doctor, ___? A. she is? B. is she? C. doesn't she? D. isn't she? 5. Jacques and Alicia are students, ___? A. aren't they? B. are they? C. isn't he? D. isn't they? 6. Mario is at work right now, ___? A. aren't they? B. isn't he? C. is he? D. isn't she? 7. I'm here, ___? A. am I not? B. am not I? C. amn't I? D. aren't you? 8. You and I are busy right now, ___? A.aren't I? B. aren't we? C. we aren't? D. aren't you? 9. It's windy today, ___? A. am I? B. aren't they? C. isn't it? D. isn't he? 10. I am ready for the next exercise, ___? A. isn't it? B. don't I? C. aren't you? D. aren't I?
  5. EXERCISE 2: Add the Tag – question to complete the following sentences 1. They don’t walk regularly, do they? 2. Ngoc hasn’t finished her study in England, ? 3. Quan asked you how to get to the post office, ? 4. Your classmates are going to have a picnic, ? 5. I have to come there at 5p.m., ? 6. We must all work very hard, ? 7. Mr. Smith has kindly provided a picnic lunch for us, ? 8. He was a pilot, .? 9. They disappeared too long, .? 10. He shouldn’t play video games too much, ? 11. You aren’t at home now, ? 12. There are rivers and lakes on the moon, .? 13. Hoa and Ha have to look after these children, ? 14. Nam had to buy some match boxes, ? 15. Hanh is preparing for her next examination, ? 16. The weather’s very sunny today, ? 17. There isn’t any buses in this street, ? 18. Mary likes watching TV, .? 19. We haven’t met since we left school, .? EXERCISE 3: Some special Tag – questions 1. Stop talking, ? 2. Never go with that bad lady, ? 3. Don’t smoke in here, ? 4. Tam seldom bought anything in this market, .? 5. No one is going to stay overnight in this restaurant, ? 6. Go out as quickly as possible, ? 7. Let’s go for a picnic in Ninh Binh, ? 8. Someone often brings us flowers, ? 9. Nothing can make him depressed, ? 10. Everything good will come to you, ? EXERCISE 4: Rewrite the following sentences, using Tag – question: 1. Have You read this article on the website? 2. Didn’t she use to wear a long dress? . 3. Doesn’t Tom like playing computer games? 4. Was a daily newspaper published in Germany in 1550 . 5. Does Trung like watching sports? . 6. Hasn’t SHE been to Singapore before? . 7. Am I late? . 8. Did you get good grade last semester? 9. Can you turn on the television for me? . 10. Is Mr. McGuiness from Ireland? 11. Are You John ? 12. Did she go to the library yesterday? 13. Isn't the car in the garage? 14. Didn't he recognize me? . 15. Do cars pollute the environment? 16. Has Mr. Pritchard been to Scotland recently? . II. GERUND (VING) and INFINITIVE (TO Vo) I. Verb + Gerund (V + Ving) :những động từ luôn được theo sau bởi V-ing: Admit : chấp nhận - Consider : xem xét Advise : khuyên - Keep : giữ, tiếp tục Avoid : tránh - Mind : phiền Discuss : thảo luận - Suggest : đề nghị Dislike : ghét - Enjoy : thích, thưởng thức Practice : thực hành - Can’t help : không thể chịu đựng Complete = - Finish : hoàn thành Delay = - Postpone : hoãn lại Give up = - Quit : từ bỏ Be used to = - Get used to: Quen với Be accustomed to: quen với - Look forward to: Mong chờ, mong đợi
  6. Ex: They discussed opening a new business. He admitted stealing the money. II. Verb + Gerund (Ving) or Infinitive (To Vo) ( Nghĩa không thay đổi ): Begin : bắt đầu - Like : thích - Hate : Ghét Start : bắt đầu - Love : yêu - Can’t stand: không thể chịu đựng Continue : tiếp tục - Prefer : thích hơn - Can’t bear : không thể chịu đựng Ex: It began to rain = It began raining. III. Verb + Gerund (Ving) or Infinitive (To Vo) ( Nghĩa thay đổi ): 1. Stop + V-ing : chấm dứt, không làm một việc nào đó nữa. Stop + to V : Ngưng lại một việc nào đó để làm mọt việc khác. Ex:- He stopped smoking. ( Anh ấy bỏ hút thuốc.) - He stopped to smoke. ( Anh ấy dừng lại để hút thuốc.) 2. Remember + V-ing : Nhớ lại một việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ. Remember + to V : Nhớ để làm, thực hiện một việc nào đó. Ex: - I remember seeing the Everest for the first time. The sight was impressive. - Before going to bed, she always remembers to lock the door. 3. Forget + V-ing : Quên một sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ. Forget + to V : Quên làm một việc nào đó ( nhiệm vụ, bổn phận). Ex:- I ‘ll never forget seeing the Everest for the first time. - Don’t forget to do homework before going to school. 4. Try + V-ing : Thử Try + to V : Cố gắng. Ex: - The room was hot. I try opening the window, but it was still hot. - I always try to learn English. IV. Expressions followed by gerund:những thành ngữ được theo sau bởi V-ing: - It’s no use: Vô ích - It’s useless: Vô ích - It’s no good: Không tốt - Be used to: quen với = Get used to: quen với = Be accustomed to : quen với - Look forward to - Be busy: bận rộn - Be worth : đáng Ex: It’s no use doing that. ( Thật là vô ích để làm việc đó.) I’m looking forward to meeting her. ( Tôi đang mong chờ gặp cô ấy.) V. Prepositions ( in, at, on, of, for,with, without ) + Gerund: sau giới từ là V-ing: Ex:- She is interested in watching T.V. We can’t live without eating. VI. Verb (SPEND, WASTE) + money, time + Gerund (VIng): - Spend : He spends most of his time (on) studying. - Waste : She wastes much momey buying those clothes. VII. Verbs of perception + (Pro)noun + Gerund or Bare infinitive: Sau các động từ chỉ giác quan thì động từ thêm –ING hoặc động từ nguyên mẫu không TO: - See - Notice - Hear - Watch - Look at - Listen to - Observe - Feel - Smell Ex: I heard the rain fall on the roof. ( Tôi nghe mưa rơi trên mái nhà.) falling ( Tôi nghe mưa đang rơi trên mái nhà.) VIII. Modal verb + Bare infinitive (Vo): Sau động từ khiếm khuyết là động từ nguyên mẫu không TO: Will, shall, can, may, must, would, should, could, might, had better, ought to, + Vo Ex:- I can swim. -You ought to study harder. - He had better not be late. IX. Verb + someone + Bare infinitive (Vo): - Let : để - My father let me drive his car. - Have : nhờ - I’ll have my brother repair my bicycle. - Make: bắt buộc - Mrs Lee made her son clean his room. X. Verb + something (thứ gì đó) + PII (Bị động): thể bị động của câu truyền khiến: - Have : nhờ - I had my watch repaired. - Get : nhờ - I got my watch repaired. EXERCISE 1: Use the correct form of the verb in parenthese: 1. Students stopped (make) noise when the teacher came in. 2. she couldn’t bear (shed) tears when she saw the film “Romeo and Juliet” 3. I remember (meet) you somewhere last month.
  7. 4. Ann likes (cook ) . but hate (wash) .up. 5. He’ll try (not make) the same mistake again. 6. Would you mind (buy) me a newspaper? 7. Would you like (have) the next dance with me? 8. Did you remember (phone ) Ann? Oh, No, I completely forgot it 9. I hope (not do) that tiring work again. 10. It is no use ( advise) him. He never allows anybody (give) advice. 11. He always avoid(meet) me in the street. 12. My parents decided (take) a taxi because it was late. 13. My grandfather gets used to (get) up early in the morning. 14. Do you often practice(speak) English? 15. He spent hours (try) . (repair) his car. 16. That shirt makes you (look) . younger. 17. Mrs. Green prefers (watch) TV to (go) . to the cinema. EXECISE 2: Choose the best answer: 1 . Would you like ( have ) some thing to eat.? a. having b. to have c. have d. to having 2. My teacher made me . (answer ) the questions. a. answering b. to answer c. answer d. answers 3. He used (play) games everyday but now he gives up (play) a. to play / play b. to play / playing c. play / play d. playing / play 4. It’s difficult (get) used to (eat) with chopsticks. a. to get / eating b. to get / to eat c. get / eat d. get / eating 5. They prefer (watch) films to drama. a. watch b. watching c. to watch d. to watching 6. We decided (rent) a houses with a swimming pool. a. rent b. renting c. rend d. to rent 7. Let me (pay) for the meal . You paid last time. a. paying b. to pay c. pay d. to paying 8. I hate (see) a child (cry). a. see / cry b. to see / to cry c. seeing / crying d. to see / to cry 9. Can you help me (get) the dinner ready? a. get b. getting c. to get d. got 10. I’ve enjoyed . (meet) you. I hope (see) you again. a. meet / see c. meeting / to see c. meeting / seeing d/ to meet / to see EXERCISE 3: Rewrite the following sentences: 1/ Would you close the door, please ? - Would you mind ___? 2/ They didn’t allow us to smoke in here. - They didn’t let ___ 3/ My teacher advised buying that book. - My teacher advised us ___. 4/ He has studied English for six years. - He began ___. 5/ It is necessary to master English. - Mastering ___. 6/ He spent two hours writing the essay. - It took ___. 7/ He expects to hear from her as soon as possible. - He is looking forward ___. 8/I would like you to help me to put the chairs away? - Do you mind___? 9/Don’t forget that you have to do this homework. -Please remember ___ 10/Don’t ask so many questions. -Please stop ___ 11/I think we’ve discussed phrasal verbs enough now. -Let’s stop___ 12/They haven’t played chess for a long time. -They stopped ___ 13/He hasn’t smoked for 3 years. - He stopped___
  8. TEST FOR UNIT 5 Pronunciation . Chọn từ có phần gạch dưới được phát âm khác với từ còn lại. 1/ a. wealth b. weak c. peace d. seat 2/ a. divice b. skill c. decide d. polite 3/ a. elephant b. eleven c. economic d. electric 4/ a. borrow b. work c. pocket d. stop 5/ a. lend b. send c. mend d. open Find the one choice that best completes the sentence. Vocabulary. 6/ Town___used to go through city streets, shouting about the things they wanted to sell. a. shouters b. criers c. singers d. dancers 7/ Messages that a person receives or send on the computer are___. a. data b. information c. e-mail d. texts 8/ Hoa Hoc Tro is one of the most___magazines for teenagers. a. like b. dislike c. know d. popular 9/ Living in a far-away town I can’t get___to the Net easily. a. access b. work c. connect d. relation 10/ My parents always think that chatting on the internet is time -___;it ‘s a waste of time. a. spending b. worling c. consuming d. getting 11/ Without a___,you can not access to the internet. a. machine b. television c. computer d. translator 12/ The next stage of the___of Television is interactive TV a. revolution b. resolution c. development d. invention 13/ Thanks to television we can enjoy various international programs on different ___ a. channels b. ways c. forms d. parts 14/ Television___can enjoy various interesting programs by selecting the right channels . a. lookers b. watchers c. viewers d. seers 15/ Throught television we can see and learn about people, places and things in ___ lands . a. near b. next to c. faraway d. distance 16/ TV brings___and sound from around the world into millions of homes a. pictures b. images c. visages d. portraits Grammar & Structures. 17/ There are a lot of people here,___? a. are they b. are there c. aren’t there d. aren’t they 18/ They had to go home,___? a. hadn’t they b. didn’t they c. had they d. did they 19/ We should avoid___our environment. a. to pollute b. polluting c. polluted d. pollute 20/ He apologized for___me___so long. a. keeping/ waiting b. keep/ wait c. keeping/ to wait d. to keep/ waiting 21/ It ‘s too hot now. Why don’t we go___? a. to swim b. swimming c. swim d. to have swim 22/ Is it possible___you___your office? a. to see/ at b. to see/ for c. seeing/ at d. seeing/ for 23/ It takes me about two hours___to Vung Tau a. ride b. riding c. to ride d. rode 24/ “ Do you think I should buy this suit?” “___my opinion, it ‘s too expensive” a. In b. To c. From d. For 25/ The neighbors complained___the noise. a. for b. to c. about d. with 26/ Would you mind___me how to use this machine? a. to show b. showing c. show d. to have shown 27/ Let ‘s go to the cinema tonight,___? a. don’t we b. let we c. shan’t we d. shall we 28/ This book isn’t very interesting,___? a. isn’t it b. is it c. is this d. isn’t this 29/ Tom has never written to you,___? a. hasn’t he b. has he c. hasn’t Tom d. has Tom 30/ Mr. Brown needs to leave right now,___? a. needn’t he b. doesn’t he c. need he d. does he 31/ Everything is all right,___? a. isn’t every thing b. is every thing c. is it d. isn’t it
  9. 32/ He refused___with me. a. go b. to go c. going d. having gone 33/ He offered___me his notebook. a. lend b. lending c. to lend d. having lend 34/ John, stop___at those magazines and pay attention. a. look b. to look c. looking d. to having looked 35/ Have you even thought___moving to another town? a. from b. of c. at d. by 36/ I ‘ll do the cooking when I have finished___the floor. a. clean b. cleaning c. to cleaned d. cleaned 37/ The nurse suggested___two aspirins. a. to take b. take c. taking d. being taken 38/ We can’t depend___his help. We have to do the work___ourselves a. on/ by b. on/ with c. by/ with d. with/ by 39/ How much time do you spend___a web a day? a. to surf b. surfing c. surf d. to have surfed 40/ Listen to what Iam saying,___? a. don’t you b. do you c. will you d. can you Identifying mistakes. Choose the underlined words or phrases that are not correct in standard written English. 41/ Janet promised not telling anyone what I had said. A B C D 42/ You look worried. What were you thinking about? A B C D 43/ There is three bedrooms and a large living room in our house A B C D 44/ I enjoi listening to music and go dancing with my friends. A B C D 45/ He looked ill. Did you advise him seeing the doctor? A B C D 46/ She hated to be questioned by the police. A B C D 47/ I tried to explain to him but he went on to complain. A B C D 48/ We hope being invited to join the health club. A lot of its members are our friend. A B C D 49/Many people think that last year’s race at Bruckheim ought never to being taken place. A B C D 50/ Racing driver Chuck Loder aggeed being interviewed by our reporter. A B C D Reading Comprehension: My Television My television is an important (51)___of furniture to me. I can’t get(52)___ the house very often, but my TV brings the whole(53)___to me. From the evening news and the “all-news” channels. I learn about events in the(54)___world: politics, the environment, recent changes in technology and medicine, and(55)___on. I like game shows and travel programs,(56)___. And I love comedies: I think it ‘s important to be (57)___to laugh. I can even watch shows (58)___other languages and”go shopping” by TV. With the major national networks (CBS. NBC,ABC)., the aducation and cable channels , and the extra sports and movie channels, I have a(59)___of fifty different programs(60)___the same time! Maybe I’ll get a satellite dish. Then I’ll have even more choices. 51/ a. bit b. picce c. slice d. pair 52/ a. out b. in c. out of d. in to 53/ a. world b. places c. towns d. cities 54/ a. side b. inside c. outside d. by side 55/ a. such b. this c. that d. so 56/ a. too b. so c. either d. neither 57/ a. ability b. enable c. able d. enabilyty 58/ a. of b. in c. at d. wish 59/ a. choose b. chose c. choice d. choosing 60/ a. in b. at c. on d. of