Đề kiểm tra mẫu môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Đề 3 (Có đáp án)

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  1. Period 6 Date of planning: September 8th 2021 SAMPLE TEST 3 I. Multiple choice 1. Choose a word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A. house B. holiday C. humor D. honour 2. Choose a word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the rest A. future B. student C. culture D. statue 3. Mrs Linh threatened him because he was always late for work. A. dismiss B. to dismiss C. dismissing D. dismisses 4.She made her son to wash the windows before he could go out with his friends. A. her B. could C. to wash D. with 5. They .the house 5 years ago. A. has built B. builds C. had built D. built 6. She decided (learn) English because she enjoys (speak) to foreigners. A. to learn/ speaking B. to learn / to speak C. learning/ to speak D. learning/ speaking 7. They seemed when I told them the news. A. surprising B. to surprise C. being surprising D. to be surprised 8.You’d better some money for a rainy day .You can’t count on .by our parents every time you get into finacial dificulty. A. save/ being rescued B. save/ rescuring C. to save/ to rescue D. save to be rescued 9. When I entered the living room, I saw my twins ( play) chess. A. play B. played C. playing D. to play 10. There must be mutual trust between friends, so that each can feel safe when telling the other his or her secrets. ( OPPOSITE) A. loyalty B. confidence C. suspicion D. humour 11 She always makes a fuss about anything she doesn’t like. A. feels excited B. feels sad C. talks friendly D. complains noisily 12.The music is what makes the movie so A. memory B. memorial C. memorable D. memorably 13. Our local government needs many .to join the illiteracy eradication campaign. A. voluteers B. voluntary C. volunteer D. voluntarily 14. Most married couples in European countries ___ wedding anniversaries each year. A. present B. compliment C. celebrate D. conduct 15. Lam and Mai are talking about their friends. Lam: “ What’s your friend like?” Mai: A. She is beautiful B. she is caring C.She has an oval face D. She studies very well 16. Minh and Toan are talking about their plan on Sunday. Minh: How about driving to the countryside this Sunday?” Toan “___ .” A. That’s a good idea B. That’s my pleasure C. Never mind D. Yes, I’m driving - Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C, D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage: Friends are ( 17 )people in your life you can depend on. A friend is someone with whom you can be yourself. You do not need to act differently around a friend. Your friend understands you and accepts you. Friends do not pressure you to do things you do not want to do. This is called peer pressure. Peers are people who have a lot ( 18 )common with each other. They have many of the same hobbies, sports, or other favorite pastimes. Friends share things with each other. A good friend will share her feelings and thoughts with you. Your friend will often ( 19 )you an ear, too. This means that she will be a good listener ( 20 )you share your thoughts and feelings. Your friend may even offer you advice when you need it. Friends listen. A good friend will want to help you when you are sad. She will want to laugh with you when you are happy. 17.A.special B.specially C. specialize D. specialization 8.A.on B.about C.in D.of 19.A. give B. lend C.take D.put 20.A.that B.after C.when D.while Read the passage and then choose the best answer A, B , C or D for the following questions.
  2. Linda Shaw was about to have her evening meal with parents and grandmother when something rather frightening happened. The family had just sat down at a table in the dining room and had called Linda’s brother Tony to join them when three armed men went in. One of the men pointed a gun at them while another held a knife. The family were all terrified, except Tony, who was watching television so that he had no idea anything was wrong. The men began to put everything that was valuable into a large bag. While stealing things, they didn’t see Linda write the word “HELP” on the piece of paper. Linda dropped the paper out of the window on the street. Two passengers saw it and called the police. A few minutes later the police caught them. After they were being taken away. Tony was bewildered. He had been watching television throughout the whole incident. 21. It can be inferred from the story that the men A. stole all the valuable things and left B. were successful in robbing C. were not caught D. weren’t able to steal anything 22. The accident happened A. while Linda and her family were sleeping. B. when Linda and her family were about to have an evening meal. C. while Linda and her family were having an evening meal. D. after Linda and her family had finished having an evening meal. 23.Which sentence is Not True? A. There are four members in the family B. Linda helped her family from being stolen valuable things C. Tony called police to caught the three armed men. D, The three men were unsuccessful in robbing. 24. The word “ it” in the passage referred to . A. the street B. the paper C. the family D. the bag II. WRITING( 2.8 points) Part A: Combine the following sentences into one as required: 25. Tony didn’t know how to use the computer. He couldn’t get the job as expected.( Use : Present participle) => . 26. The boy stole the man’s motorbike. He denied it. ( Use: Perfect Gerund) => 27. The couple decided to buy that car. They checked the price early. ( Use: After .) => Part B: Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first 28. We took these pictures during our visit Ha Long Bay. => While . 29. It takes Mai three hours a day to finish her housework. => Mai spends . 30. Linda hopes that her parents will buy her a new car on her birthday. => Linda hopes . . 31. Linda has a habit of drinking a cup of coffee every morning. => Linda is used KEY 25. Not knowing , Tony couldn’t get the job as expected. 26. The boy denied having stolen the man’s motorbike. 27. After the couple had checked the price, they decided to buy that car. 28. Whie we were visiting Ha Long Bay, we took these pictures 29. Mai spends three hours finishing her housework 30. Linda hopes to be given a new car by her parents on her birthday. 31. Linda is used to drinking a cup of coffee every morning.