Giáo án chuyên đề Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Đỗ Bình

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  1. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS GRADE 11 TOPIC 1. GENERATION GAPS I. VOCABULARY: 01. afford /ә’fɔ:d/ v Cĩ thể chi trả 02. attitude /’ỉtitju:d/ n Thái độ 03. bless /bles/ v Cầu nguyện 04. brand name /brỉnd neim/ n Hàng hiệu 05. browse /braʊs/ v Lướt mạng 06. burden /’bз:dn/ n Gánh nặng 07. casual /’kỉdʒʊәl/ a Bình thường 08. childcare /’tʃaildkeәr/ n Chăm sĩc con cái 09. comfortable /kmftәbl/ a Dễ chịu 10. compare /kәm’peәr/ v So sánh 11. compassion /kәm’pỉʃn/ n Lịng thương cảm 12. conflict /’kɔnflikt/ n Xung đột 13. conservative /kәn’sз:veitiv/ a Bảo thủ 14. control /kәn’tʃәʊl/ n/v Kiểm sốt 15. curfew /’kз:fjʊ:/ a Lệnh giới nghiêm 16. current /’krәnt/ n Hiện tại 17. disapproval /disә’pru:vl/ n Phản đối 18. dye /dai/ v Nhuộm 19. elegant /’eligәnt/ a Lịch lãm 20. experienced /ik’spiәriәnst/ a Cõ kinh nghiệm 21. extracurricular /ikstrәkә’rikjәlә/ n Ngoại khĩa 22. fashionable /’fỉʃnәbl/ a Thời trang, mốt 23. financial /’fainỉnʃl/ a Tài chính 24. flashy /’flỉʃi/ a Diện, hào nhống 25. forbid /fә’bid/ v Cấm đốn 26. force /fɔ:s/ v Buộc, ép buộc 27. frustrating /fr’streitiŋ/ a Bực, khĩ chịu 28. hair style /’heәstail/ n Kiểu tĩc 29. impose /im’pәʊz/ v Áp đặt lên 30. interact /intә’rỉkt/ v Tương tác 31. judge /dʒdʒ/ v Phán quyết 32. change one’s mind /tʃeindʒ wnz maind/ (ph) Đổi ý 33. extended family /iks’tendid ‘fỉmәli/(ph) gia đình đa thế hệ 34. junk food /’dʒŋk fu:d/ n Thức ăn nhanh 35. mature /mә’tʃʊәr/ a Trưởng thành 36. norm /nɔ:m/ n Sự chuẩn mực 37. obey /ә’bei/ v Vâng lời 38. objection /ɔb’dʒekʃn/ n Sự phản đối 39. open-minded /’әʊpn-maindid/ a Cởi mở 40. outweigh /aʊt’wei/ v Vượt trội 41. pierce /piәs/ n Xâu khuyên 42. prayer /’preiәr/ n Lời cầu nguyện 43. pressure /’dʒŋk fu:d/ n Áp lực 44. privacy /mә’tʃʊәr/ n Riêng tư 45. relaxation /rilỉk’seiʃn/ n Thư giãn 46. respect /ri’spekt/ v Tơn trọng 47. respectful /ri’spektfl/ a Tơn trọng 48. responsible /ri’spɔnsәbl/ a Trách nhiệm BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p1
  2. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 49. rude /ru:d/ a Thơ lỗ 50. sibling /’sibliŋ/ n Anh, chị ruột 51. soft drink /’sɔft driŋk/ n Nước ngọt 52. spit /spit/ v Khạc, nhổ 53. state-owned /’steit-әʊnd/ a Sở hữu nhà nước 54. studious /’stjʊ:diәs/ a Siêng năng 55. stuff /stf/ n Mĩn đồ 56. swear /sweәr/ v Thề 57. taste in /teist in/ n Thị hiếu về 58. tight (skinny) /tait//’skini/ a Chật (quần áo) 59. top /tɔp/ n Chĩp đỉnh 60. trend /trend/ n Xu hướng 61. upset /’pset/ a/v Buồn, thất vọng 62. value /’vỉljʊ:/ n Giá trị 63. viewpoint /’vjʊ:pɔint/ n Quan điểm 64. work out /’wз:k aʊt/ v Tìm ra 65. follow in one’s footsteps /’fɔlәʊ in wnz ‘futstep/ theo bước 66. multi-generational /mlti dʒenә’reiʃәnl/(a) đa thế hệ II. PRONUNCIATION: Stresses on words with two syllables III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Modals Verbs (review) 2. The Modals Verbs of: “should vs. ought to” “must vs. have to” (review) IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word that has the underlined (letters) pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. machine B. change C. teacher D. choose 02. A. condition B. option C. suggestion D. relation 03. A. believe B. readily C. friend D. pleasure 04. A. good B. gossip C. game D. geometry 05. A. trust B. mutual C. number D. uncertain II. Choose the one word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 06. It was so relaxing to be___ old friends. A. in B. between C. among D. around 07. She's made friends___ a little girl who lives next door. A. to B. of C. by D. with 08. The children seem to be totally capable___ working by themselves. A. on B. of C. in D. for 09. Your friendship should be based on___ trust. A. basic B. fragile C. mutual D. blind 10. The company expects___ from its employees. A. constancy B. quality C. interest D. loyalty 11. I've got lots of___, but only a few are really good friends A. close friends B. acquaintances C. neighbors D. partners 12. Friendship is a two-sided___, it lives by give-and-take. A. affair B. event C. aspect D. feature 13. Unselfishness is the very essence of friendship. A. romantic part B. important part C. difficult part D. interesting part 14. They___ a close friendship at university. A. created B. became C. promoted D. formed 15. We stayed friends even after we___ and left home. A. brought up B. turned up C. grew up D. took up III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentence. 16. He finds it___ lasting friendships. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p2
  3. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS A. difficult to make B. difficulty in making C. is difficult to make D. difficult making 17. You___ any friends if you___ talking like that. A. will win/ carryon B. won't win/ carryon C. wouldn't win/ carried on D. would have won/ had carried on 18. The aim of the culture festival is___ friendship between the two countries A. promote B. promoting C. to promote D. being promoted 19. People he ___ turned out to be only fair-weather friends. A. trusted B. has trusted C. was trusting D. had trusted 20. How can you let such a silly incident ___ your friendship? A. wreck B. to wreck C. wrecking D. that wrecks 21. It has become necessary ___ water in the metropolitan area because of the severe drought. A. rationing B. ration C. to ration D. to have rationed 22. All the passengers were made ___ their seat belts during the turbulence. A. buckle B. to buckle C. buckling D. for buckling. 23. ___ good ice cream, you need to use a lot of cream. A. Make B. Making C. To make D. For make 24. I got my friend ___ her car for the weekend. A. to let me to borrow B. to let me borrow C. let me borrow D. let me to borrow 25. They ___ good friends, but they've fallen out recently. A. used to be B. would be C. were D. are IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 26. Whatever happened, I didn't want to lose friendship of Vera. A B C D 27. The basic aims of science and magic are very similar - to understand and to control nature A B C D 28. It was a period of her life when she made some lifelong friendship. A B C D 29. Simon finds it hard for making friends with other children. A B C D 30. Not longer are contributions to the advancement of industry made primarily by individuals A B C D V. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box. terms words came pieces touch change last experience talk accent get make Meeting old school friends again can be a strange (31)___. Some have changed so much that you can hardly recognize them: they speak with a different (32)___, are interested in different things and all you can do is make small (33)___ and hope they'll go soon. Others, though you might have been out of (34)___ with them for years, are just the same as they always were - it's as if you (35)___ saw them yesterday. Before you know it, you're exchanging (36)___ about your families and friends, and setting out the (37)___ for another game of chess. A few change for the better. There's one person that I (38)___ on with very well now, though we weren't on speaking (39)___ for our last two years at school. One day, we met at a party and made it up and (40)___ engaged the same evening. VI. Read the passage carefully, then decide whether the following statement are true (T) or false (F). The proverb 'A friend in need is a friend indeed.' means that we shall know who our real friends are when we are in need. Those who desert us when we are in difficulty are just unfaithful friends. A true friend would remain with us whether we are rich or poor. Some people be friend the rich, simply for the sake of getting benefits from them. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p3
  4. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS It is useless to have insincere friends because these friends remain with us as long as we are rich or powerful. It is better to have one or two good friends rather than having hundreds of insincere ones. A true friend will stand by us in our trials and tribulations. He will be a great source of consolation and comfort in our troubles. So we must be careful in choosing our friends. It is difficult to choose a sincere friend overnight; it takes years for us to find a sincere friend. 41. Real friends share everything we need. 42. Unfaithful friends stop being our friends when we are in trouble. 43. A rich friend is always a true friend. 44. A true friend is always loyal to us and support us through our difficulties. 45. It's not worth having a lot of friends. 46. It may take a lot of time to find a real friend. VII. Choose the answer - A, B, C, or D - that is meaningful to the sentence printed before. 47. ___ the promotion of health and to helping people avoid injury and disease. A. To commit the Red Cross B. The Red Cross to commit C. Committed to the Red Cross is D. The Red Cross is committed to 48. It is possible___ may assist some tree in saving water in the winter. A. the leaves are lost B. when leaves have lost C. that the loss of leaves D. to lose leaves 49. It can sometimes___ a home. A. to take months to sell B. take several months to sell C. selling takes several months D. to sell taking several months 50. Pioneer men and women endured terrible hardships, and___. A. so do their children B. neither did the children C. also the children D. so did their children ___THE END___ TOPIC 2. RELATIONSHIPS I. VOCABULARY: 01. argument /’a:gjʊmәnt/ n Tranh cãi 02. counsellor /’kaʊsәlәr/ n Người tư vấn 03. date /deit/ n Cuộc hẹn hị 04. lend an ear /lend әn iәr/ ph Lắng nghe 05. sympathetic /simpә’etik/ a Cảm thơng 06. be in a relationship /bi in ә ri’leiʃnʃip/(ph) Đang cĩ mối quan hệ tình cảm 07. be reconciled (with someone) /bi re’kәnsaild wi ‘swn/ (ph) Làm lành, làm hịa 08. break up (with someone) /breik p wi ‘swn/ (ph) Chia tay, kết thúc mối quan hệ 09. romantic relationship /rәʊ’mỉntik ri’leiʃnʃip/ (ph) Mối quan hệ tình cảm lãng mạn II. PRONUNCIATION: Stresses on words with two syllables III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Liking Verbs be, seem (review) 2. Cleft Sentences (review) IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. 01. A. appreciate B. experience C. embarrassing D. situation 02. A. excited B. interested C. confident D. memorable 03. A. floppy B. embrace C. cotton D. idol 04. A. complain B. destroy C. terrify D. imagine 05. A. carefully B. correctly C. seriously D. personally II. Choose the one word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 06. What made you more interested___ learning English? A. on B. in C. with D. to 07. He always complained___ his mother about his work. A. with B. to C. at D. for 08. A few people enjoyed the exhibition, but the majority were___. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p4
  5. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS A. restrained B. admirable C. impartial D. disappointed 09. The girl was so___ that she didn't look at him in the face. A. shy B. confident C. impatient D. sneaky 10. There is a growing tendency among singers to___ some famous singers. A. imitate B. follow C. reflect D. pursue 11. An only child often creates an___ friend to play with. A. imagery B. imaginable C. imaginary D. imaginative 12. I felt my face burning with___. A. confidence B. enthusiasm C. pleasure D. embarrassment 13. I believe that everyone has had___ experiences in their life. A. memorable B. observable C. acceptable D. reflexible 14. He rose from his chair and___ her warmly. A. protected B. replaced C. embraced D. appreciated 15. She showed her___ by asking lots of trivial questions. A. experience B. experienced C. inexperienced D. inexperience III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best fits the blank space in each sentence. 16. Not a word___ since the exam started. A. she wrote B. she had written C. had she written D. she has written 17. Among the many valuable paintings in the gallery___ a self-portrait by Picasso. A. is B. are C. be D. were 18. My father isn't interested in tennis and___. A. my brothers don't either B. so aren't my brothers C. neither do my brothers D. neither are my brothers 19. 'Did you enjoy the picnic?' 'I was okay, but I'd rather___ to a movie.' A. go B. be going C. have gone D. went 20. Since___ to a warmer and less humid climate, I've had no trouble with my asthma. A. upon moving B. moving C. I move D. I moving 21. He looked forward to___ his first pay packet. A. be receiving B. have received C. receiving D. receive 22. I'm sorry you've missed the train, it___ five minutes ago. A. had left B. left C. has left D. has been left 23. ___ you at the station if you'd told me you were coming today. A. I'd meet B. I was met C. I met D. I'd have met 24. It was ___ that everyone answered it correctly. A. so a simple question B. such a simple question C. too simple question D. a more simple question 25. The university ___ by private funds as well as by tuition income and grants. A. is supported B. supports C. is supporting D. has supported IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase -A, B, C, or D- that needs correcting. 26. Computers have made access to information instantly available just by push a few buttons. A B C D 27. We have heard so many news about recent developments in computer technology. A B C D 28. Fifteen hundred dollars a year were the per capita income in the United States in 1950. A B C D 29. In science, the results of an experiment are not generally accepted until they had been duplicated in other laboratories. A B C D 30. It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer. A B C D V. Choose the word or phrase -A, B, C, or D- that best fits the blanks in the following passage. During the (31)___ years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to. They often seem to dislike being questioned. They may seem (32)___ to talk about their work at school. This is a normal (33)___ of this age. Though it can be very hard for parents to understand, it is part of becoming (34) ___ of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p5
  6. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Young people are usually unwilling to talk if they believe, that questions are trying to (35)___ up on them Parents should do their (36)___ to talk to their son and daughter about school, work and future plans but should not (37)___ them to talk if they don't want to. Parents should also watch for danger signs. Some young people in trying to be adult may (38)___ with sex, drugs, alcohol or smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of (39)___ behavior which may be connected with these and help if (40)___. 31. A. early B. teenage C. childhood D. recent 32. A. unworried B. unrestrained C. unexpected D. unwilling 33. A. development. B. appearance C. circumstance D. achievement 34. A. free B. confident C. dependent D. independent 35. A. catch B. check C. keep D. make 36. A. well B. good C. better D. best 37. A. push B. allow C. put D. expect 38. A. experiment B. approach C. experience D. attach 39. A. unacceptable B. unusual C. normal D. exemplary 40. A. proper B. appropriate C. important D. necessary VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital. I think it's important to see as much of a country as you can, but it is difficult to travel around Nepal. The hospital let me have a few days’ holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me. We started preparing for the trip at six in the morning, and left camp with two elephants carrying our equipment. It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes. In the jungle there was a lot of wildlife, but we were trying to find big cats, especially tigers. We climbed onto the elephants' backs to get better view, but it is unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day. Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet. We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding. This was the tiger's lunch! Suddenly I started to feel very frightened. We heard the tiger a second before we saw it. It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four meters long. I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal's throat. It grabbed Kamal's leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away. One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch. That night it was impossible to sleep! 41. The writer went to Nepal___. A. for holiday B. for treatment C. for business D. on tour 42. When having a few days off, he decided to go into___. A. the remote villages B. the mountains C. the seaside D. the tropical forest 43. It's difficult to find tigers in the afternoon because___. A. they usually sleep at this time of day C. the elephants' back wasn't high enough to get view B. tigers hardly hunt in the heat of the day D. it's so hot at this time 44. The writer started to feel frightened when___. A. he saw a tiger B. he saw the tiger's lunch C. he crept nearer D. he found a deer 45. The tiger___. A. was like a flash of light B. saw them a second before they saw it C. jumped out very fast D. jumped out of the grass at about four meters. 46. Which of the followings is not true according to the passage? A. Tigers are members of the cat family. B. The writer was made to wear shoes and trousers to protect him from the heat of the day. C. Kamal narrowly escaped being killed. D. It was such a terrible experience that the writer couldn't sleep that night. VII. Choose the answer -A, B, C, or D- that is nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p6
  7. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 47. The plane had scarcely taken off when it crashed. A. The plane took off and soon afterwards it crashed. C. When the plane was taking off, it crashed. B. When the plane crashed, it hadn't taken off yet D. The plane hardly crashed after it took off. 48. Never has any one spoken to me like that! A. I never speak that way. C. Everyone speaks to me that way. B. No one speaks to me that way. D. Some people always speak to me that way. 49. It's a long time since I saw a movie. A. I spent a long time looking for a movie to see C. I haven't seen movie for a long time. B. I saw a movie that took very long time. D. I have seen some movies so far. 50. He now goes to work on his bicycle instead of by car. A. He still goes to work by car but more often on his bicycle. B. He has stopped driving to work and goes by bicycle. C. He has never gone to work in his car but always on his bicycle. D. Since he bought the car, he has never used the bicycle to go to work. 51. I find myself at a loss to understand Harold's behavior. A. I lost contact with Harold, so I couldn't understand him well. B. I have to lose a lot to understand Harold's behavior. C. I completely understand Harold's behavior. D. I find Harold's behavior quite incomprehensible. VIII. Choose one option that best fits each of the following sentences. 52. The cyclist___ he crossed the main street. A. looked with caution after B. had looked cautiously before C. was looked cautious when D. has looked cautiously while 53. Nowhere in the northern section of the United States___ for growing citrus crops. A. the climate is suitable B. where the climate is suitable C. is the climate suitable D. is there suitability of the climate 54. ___ is a belief generally held by people who live in colder climates. A. That weather affects a person's mood B. A person’s mood is affected by weather C. Although a person's mood is, affected by weather D. Weather affects a person's mood 55. ___ he began to make friends more easily. A. Having entered his new school, it was found that B. Upon entering into the new school C. When he had been entering the new school D. After entering the new school ___THE END___ TOPIC 3. INDEPENDENCE I. VOCABULARY: 01. confident /kәn’fidәnt/ a Tự tin 02. coordination /kәʊɔ:di'nei∫n/ (n) Hợp tác 03. decisive /de’saisiv/ a Quyết đốn 04. determine /di’tз:mind/ a Quyết tâm 05. housekeeping /haʊs’ki:piŋ/ n Việc nhà 06. interpersonal /intә’pз:sәnl/ a Liên nhân 07. motivated /’mәʊtiveitid/ a Cĩ động lực 08. prioritize /prai’ɔ:rәtaiz/ v Ưu tiên 09. protective /prә’tektiv/ a Bảo vệ 10. reliable /ri’laiәbl/ a Đáng tin cậy 11. strive /straiv/ v Cố, nỗ lực 12. self-discipline /self-‘disәplin/ (n) Tự giác 13. self-esteemed /self-i’sti:m/ (n) Tự tơn 14. self-reliant /self-ri’laiәnt/ (n) Tự lực BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p7
  8. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 12. self-discipline /self-‘disәplin/ (n) Tự giác 15. time management /taim ‘mỉnidʒmәnt/(n) Quản lí thời gian 16. well-informed /wel in’f ɔ:md/ a Đủ thơng tin 17. wisely /’waisli/ adv Khơn ngoan II. PRONUNCIATION: Stresses on words with more than two syllables III. GRAMMAR: 1. Full Infinitives follow adjectives and nouns (review) 2. Infinitives (review) IV. PRACTICE TEST: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 01. A. question B. mutual C. situation D. action 02. A. rumor B. humor C. mutual D. duty 03. A. honest B. honor C. honey D. ghost Choose the word whose main stress pattern is not the same as that of the others. 04. A. understanding B. anniversary C. experience D. celebration 05. A. invite B. intimate C. divorce D. imagine Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in each sentence. 06. He seemed ___ a friendship to Joe. A. beginning B. being begun C. to be begun D. to have begun 07. ___ happened, I didn't want to lose Sarah's friendship. A. However B. Wherever C. Whatever D. Whenever 08. He had a portrait ___ as a birthday present for his daughter. A. paint B. painting C. painted D. to be painted 09. We ___ friends even after we grew up and left home. A. became B. made C. struck up D. remained 10. At first I found it difficult ___ on the other side of the road. A. to get used to drive B. to get used to driving C. being used to drive D. in getting used to driving 11. The factory is said ___ in a fire two years ago. A. being destroyed B. to have been destroyed C. to destroy D. to have destroyed 12. The party starts at 8 o'clock so I'll ___ at 7.45. A. look for you B. pick you up C. bring you along D. take you out 13. She wants to look ___ in her wedding reception. A. nature B. natured C. natural D. naturally 14. When will you have the dress made?' 'I expect ___ by Friday. A. to finish B. finishing C. to be finished D. being finished 15. A selfish person is incapable ___ true friendship. A. of B. with C. in D. for 16. ___ it was a formal dinner party, James wore his blue jeans. A. Since B. Even though C. Until D. Only if 17. No sooner ___ the phone rang. A. had they arrived home that B. they had arrived home than C. did they arrive home that D. had they arrived home than 18. A number of Vietnamese ___ to that city recently. A. moved B. has moved C. have moved D. was moved 19. I'm really ___ to the party. All my old friends will be there. A. appreciating B. looking forward C. thinking about D. enjoyable 20. Mr. Lee was upset by ___ him the truth. A. our not having told B. us not tell C. we didn't tell D. not to tell 21. Jean has a very easy-going ___, which is why she is so popular. A. reputation B. personality C. characteristic D. sympathy 22. The examiner made us ___ our identification in order to be admitted to the test center. A. show B. showing C. to show D. showed 23. As we entered the room, we saw a rat ___ towards a hole in the skirting board. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p8
  9. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS A. scamper B. to scamper C. scampering D. was scampering 24. I remember ___ to Paris when I was a very small child. A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking 25. It was difficult to ___ a date which was convenient for everyone. A. agree B. organize C. arrange D. provide Choose the underlined word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that needs correcting. 26. If one is invited out to a dinner, it is perfect proper to go either with or without a gift A B C D 27. His teacher encouraged him taking part in the international piano competition. A B C D 28. Jane has not rarely missed, a party since she was fifteen years old. A B C D 29. Tina is always understanding, patient, and sensitive when helping her friends to their problems. A B C D 30. So far this term, the students in writing class have learned how to write thesis statements, organize their material, and summarizing their conclusion. A B C D Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank in the following passage. A few weeks ago, I had a (31) ___ unusual flight from London to Khartoum. The flight was (32) ___ to leave at a quarter past two, so I checked in at half past twelve, thinking that I had plenty of time to save. I was rather horrified to find that I had to pay £50 (33) ___ baggage, but on the other hand, it was relief to see the back of my suitcase, which was, I had to (34) ___ , extremely heavy. Having visited the duty-free shop, I sat in the lounge waiting for my I flight to be calleD. Two o'clock came, and (35) ___ there was no announcement, so I went over to the information desk. The ground hostess (36) ___ me that the plane would be leaving only a few minutes later than scheduled, and I sat down again. Suddenly there was an announcement: 'Flight (37) ___ until 17.45'. There was a collective groan from the waiting passengers, but the airline then announced that it was offering us a free lunch, which (38) ___ us all a little. We eventually took off at 17.45. Shortly after we were airborne, the captain explained the (39) ___ of our delay. Apparently, just before we were original due to board, a mouse had been discovered on the plane. As a result, the plane had had to be (40) ___ from service. 31. A. somehow B. somewhat C. somewhere D. something 32. A. destined B. planned C. likely D. due 33. A. hand B. heavy C. excess D. loaded 34. A. admit B. expect C. confess D. confide 35. A. so B. only C. just D. still 36. A. warned B. assured C. insured D. assumed 37. A. diverted B. canceled C. delayed D. confirmed 38. A. pacified B. persuaded C. encouraged D. consoled 39. A. reason B. cause C. origin D. root 40. A. withdrawn B. deleted C. removed D. pulled Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. Your mind's ability to bring back experiences you have had is your memory. There are two kinds of remembering, recall and recognition. For instance, you may not be able to recall the poem you read yesterday in class, but if you see it again, you will know it instantly because you recognize it. Some few people have 'total recall,' often spoken of as photographic memory. A person with total recall can recite a whole page of a book he has read only once, or playa musical composition after hearing it once. This is very unusual, however, and most people have difficulty in remembering even names they heard the day before. This is not because most people lack the ability to remember, but because they had not paid much attention to what they heard. They felt no personal reasons to remember. Having a personal reason for remembering is one of the most important factors in a good memory. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p9
  10. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS When you have a strong reason for remembering, concentrate as you read or listen, and try to connect the new information to things you I already know. A detail is easy to remember when it fits into a whole that makes sense. If you understand the entire history lesson before you try to remember any particular dates, your memory may surprise you. 41. While not directly stated, it may be inferred from the article that ___. A. details are more easily remembered by fitting them into a whole B. recall and recognition are the same thing C. wanting to do a thing is very important to being able to do it D. if he will try hard enough, one man can remember as well as Mother 42. This article as a whole tells us about ___. A. people who can remember whole pages C. our memory and how to improve it B. recognition and recall D. people who can't remember names 43. A person with photographic memory is ___. A. can only remember things if he looks at a photograph C. can be found in mental hospitals B. brings his camera everywhere he goes D. can remember every detail of what he sees or hears 44. One way to improve our memory is ___ A. to ask other people to repeat something you want to remember. B. to have a camera with you all the time C. to concentrate on what you hear or read D. to learn everything by heart 45. Which sentence is not true? A. If you can't remember things, you have no memory. B. Recognition and recall are the two kinds of memory. C. Total recall is remembering something in its entirely. D. A person can remember anything better if he has a strong reason for doing it. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that is nearest in meaning to the printed before it. 46. It's no use trying to make friends with him. A. You should try to make friends with him. C. There's no point in trying to make a friendship with him. D. Making a friendship with him is worthless. B. I find it difficult to make friends with him. 47. As soon as he arrived at the airport, he called home. A. No sooner had he arrived at the airport, he called home. B. He arrived at the airport sooner than he had expected. C. Calling home, he said that he had arrived the airport. D. Immediately after he called home, he arrived the airport. 48. We had our house decorated to celebrate our wedding anniversary. A. We had to decorate our house. C. Our house needs to be decorated. D. We helped my father decorate our house. B. We had someone decorate our house. Choose the best sentence (a, b, c, or d) made from the given cues. 49. Thank/ invitation/ silver anniversary/ beginning/ September// A. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary at the beginning of September. B. Thanks for your invitation of the silver anniversary at the beginning of September. C. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary in the beginning of September. D. Thank you for your invitation to your silver anniversary at the beginning in September. 50. When! II arrive/ lecture/ already start/ professor/ write/ overhead projector// A. When I arrived the lecture already started and the professor wrote the overhead projector. B. When I arrived lecture had already started 'and professor wrote the overhead projector. C. When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor was writing on the overhead projector. D. When I arrived the lecture had already started and the professor had writing on the overhead projector. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p10
  11. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS TOPIC 4. VOLUNTEER I. VOCABULARY: 01. access /'ỉkses/ v Tiếp cận 02. accessible /ỉk'sesəbl/ a Cĩ thể tiếp cận 03. barrier /'bỉriə/ n Rào cản 04. blind /blaind/ a Mù 05. campaign /kỉm'pein/ n Chiến dịch 06. care /keə/ n/v Chăm sĩc 07. charity /'t∫ỉriti/ n Từ thiện 08. cognitive /'kɔgnətiv/ a Nhậm chức 09. community /kə'mju:niti/ n Cộng đồng 10. coordination /kәʊɔ:di'nei∫n/ n Hợp tác 11. deaf /def/ a Điếc 12. disability /disə'biliti/ n Sự tàn tật 13. disabled /dis'eibld/ a/n Tàn tật 14. discrimination /diskrimi'nei∫n/ n Kì thị, phân biệt 15. disrespectful /disris'pektfəl/ a Thiếu tơn trọng 16. donate /dәʊ'neit/ v Quyên, tặng 17. dumb /dmb/ a Câm 18. fracture /'frỉkt∫ə/ n/v Gãy (xương) 19. fund /fʌnd/ n/v (cấp) quỹ 20. healthcare /’helθ keə(r)/ n Chăm sĩc y tế 21. hearing /'hiəriη/ a Thính giác 22. humanitarian /hju:mỉni'teəriən/ n Nhân đạo 23. impaired /im'peəd/ a Hỏng, yếu 24. impairment /im'peəmənt/ n Sự hỏng, yếu 25. independent /indi'pendənt/ n Độc lập 26. integrate /’intigreit/ v Hịa nhập 27. involve /in'vɔlv/ v Liên quan 28. mobility /mәʊ'biliti/ n Lưu động 29. physical /'fizikl/ a Thể chất 30. right /rait/ n Quyền lợi 31. solution /sə'lu:∫n/ n Giải pháp 32. suffer /'sʌfər/ v Đau khổ 33. support /sə'pɔ:t/ v/n Trợ giúp, hỗ trợ 34. talent /'tỉlənt/ n Tài năng 35. treat /tri:t/ v Điều trị, cư xử 36. unite /jʊ:'nait/ v Đồn kết 37. visual /'vi∫ʊəl/ a Thuộc thị giác 38. volunteer /vɔlən'tiər/ n/v Tình nguyện 39. wheelchair /'wi:lt∫eə/ n Xe lăn II. PRONUNCIATION: Stresses on words with more than two syllables III. GRAMMAR: 1. Comparison of The simple Past – The Present Perfect (review) 2. The Tenses (review) IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. wholy B. wrap C. write D. who 02. A. flood B. good C. foot D. look 03. A. mountain B. country C. drought D. hour 04. A. university B. student C. volunteer D. museum 05. A. handicapped B. advantaged C. organized D. raised BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p11
  12. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS II. Choose the one word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentences. 06. The boys were taken___ a fishing trip last weekend. A. in B. to C. on D. for 07. She frequently volunteers___ extra work because she really likes her job. A. to B. for C. with D. in 08. We hope that students themselves will enjoy taking part___ the projects. A. in B. on C. at D. for 09. He volunteered his___ as a driver. A. job B. work C. service D. help 10. All the teachers work on an entirely___ basis. A. volunteer B. volunteered C. voluntary D. voluntarily 12. They volunteer to take care of children who have been ___ by the AIDS epidemic. A. supported B. suffered C. left D. orphaned 13. It's filthy' in here! Are there any volunteers to help ___? A. light up B. clean up C. clear up D. take up 14. He eventually ___ his disability to achieve some business success. A. overcame B. destroyed C. overwhelmed D. suffered 15. The new law allows school districts to spend more money on less ___ children. A. advantageous B. disadvantageous C. advantaged D. disadvantaged 16. A lot of children participated in ___ performances. A. raising-fund B. fundraising C. fundraise D. funding-raise III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentence. 17. I'm sure it's not my fault that Peter found out what we were planning. I don't remember ___ anyone about it. A. to tell B. being told C. having told D. to be told 18. The charity is appealing for volunteers ___ elderly patients to and from hospital. A. to take B. taking C. taken D. who take 19. The building ___ the earthquake but then by a fire. A. was survived - destroyed B. survived - was destroyed C. survived - destroyed D. was survived - was destroyed 20. ___ by the boys' behavior, she complained to the head teacher. A. She annoyed B. Annoyed C. She was annoyed D. Annoying 21. 'Wait a minute,' said Frank, ___ through the door. A. run B. runs C. running D. ran 22. ___ a hotel, we looked for somewhere to have dinner. A. Finding B. We found C. Found D. Having fauna 23. The children enjoyed ___ on fishing trips. A. taking B. to be taken C. being taken D. having taken 24. Stacey seems like a bright student. She's always the first ___ her work. A. to finish B. finishing C. being finished D. to be finished 25. We were shocked to hear the news of your ___. A. having fired B. to be fired C. having been fired D. to have been fired 26. I think I hear someone ___ the back window. Do you hear it, too? A. trying open B. trying to open C. try opening D. try to open IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase - A, B, C or D -that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 27. When I was sick with the flu, my mother made me to eat soup and rest in bed A B C D 28. Having lived here for seven years, my friend is used to speak English with all her classmates. A B C D 29. To grow well, a tree must be well-suited to the area where is it planted. A B C D 30. Despite modern medical technology, many diseases causing by viruses I are still not curable. A B C D BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p12
  13. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 31. We should have been informed Janis about the change in plans regarding our weekend trip to the mountains. A B C D V. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box. governments worldwide suffered communities enable emergency nutrition developing services quality UNICEF means the United Nations Children's Fund. It serves children in (31) ___ all over the world. It helps children of all races, nationalities, religions, and political systems in more than 140 (32) ___ countries. The purpose of UNICEF is to help provide better life for children and their mothers. UNICEF gives both long-term assistance and (33) ___ help. UNICEF was created in 1946 to help bring food and medicine to children who (34) ___ during World War II in Europe. It began as a temporary agency, but became a permanent part of the United Nations in 1953 due to the need for its (35) ___ around the world. UNICEF's primary concern is to help governments of developing countries improve the (36) ___ of life for almost one billion children. UNICEF's main office is in the United Nations offices in New York City, but it also has more than 40 offices and 100 programs (37) ___. In 1965, UNICEF won the Nobel Peace Prize for its work helping children and building brighter futures. UNICEF works with (38) ___ to provide three kinds of services. First, UNICEF plans and develops programs in developing countries. These programs serve the community by providing health care, information about (39) ___, basic education, and safe water and sanitation. Then UNICEF trains people to work in these programs. UNICEF also provides supplies and equipment that (40) ___ the programs to work. VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. This is part of a report by the Chairman of the Charities Committee of a Club. By Match this year, we shall have raised enough money, we hope, to buy the equipment for the Youth Club. When we have raised the money, we are planning to go back to the Youth Club leaders in order to discover exactly what is needed most. Plans have been made for the Book Sale which will be held on 15th February, This means that many of us will be spending the first two weeks of February collecting books. The event is likely to be held in the Town Hall. If there are problems here, however, we hope that other Club members might come up with some alternative suggestions. As we are proposing to sponsor a student from Africa on a three-month language course in this country, we also intend to hold a Charity Dance in the spring. Such events are apt to be difficult to organize, so all members of the Club are invited to contribute or help in any way they can. The moment I was asked if we could possibly help in some way with the new Club for the Disabled. I said yes. As Chairman, lam bound to say that this is the sort of social work many Club members would like to do, other than simply raising money. We are therefore planning to ask members if they can perhaps help out 'on one Saturday every month (on a rota basis). Finally, by January next year the Club will have been going for twenty years, and the Committee intend to mark this anniversary with some kind of dinner, a dance or a party. We have already been offered (unofficially) the use of the dance all at 'The Forest Hotel'. However, we shall be devoting one of our meetings in the near future to full discussion on the form of the event, etc. Any suggestions will be welcome. 41. The Committee will be going back to the Youth Club leaders ___. A. to ask for money in March B. to tell them about the equipment C. to find out what the Club needs D. to collect old books from them 42. The Committee does not yet know ___. A. when books will be collected B. when the Book Sale will be held C. how to get the book to the Town Hall D. where the Book Sale will take place 43. Every Club member has been asked ___. A. to help with the Charity Dance B. to sponsor a foreign student C. to write to an African student D. to organize something for the Dance 44. In order to help the new Club for Disabled, members will be asked ___. A. to raise some money B. to make a contribution C. if they can plan a Club program D. to help at the Club one a month 45. There will be an event next January ___. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p13
  14. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS A. because the Club has been offered 'the Forest Hotel’ C. to raise money for a student from Africa B. which will take the form of a discussion evening D. to celebrate the Club's twentieth birthday VII. From the four words or phrases - A, B, C or D - choose the one that best completes the sentences. 46. ___ the promotion of health and to helping people avoid injury and disease. A. To commit the Red Cross B. The Red Cross to commit C. Committed to the Read Cross is D. The Red Cross is committed to 47. Although most cats hate to swim, ___ if necessary. A. cap they do so B. they can do so C. they do so can D. so they can do 48. ___, all matter is formed of mole-cutes. A. No matter how complex B. It doesn't matter if the complex C. How complex is not a matter D. It's not a complex matter 49. With a television audience of 25 billion, World Cup Soccer has ten times the___ Olympic Games. A. more viewers B. the most viewers C. the most viewers D. more viewers than 50. ___ all citrus fruit originated with the Chinese orange. A. That the belief B. It is believed that C. To believe that D. The belief that ___THE END___ TOPIC 5. ASEAN I. VOCABULARY: 01. assistance /ә’sistәns/ n Trợ giúp 02. association /әsәʊsi’eiʃn/ n Hội, hiệp hội 03. behavior /bi’heivjәr/ n Cư xử, hành vi 04. bend /’bend/ v Cúi, gập, uốn 05. benefit /’benәfit/ n Lợi ích 06. block /blɔk/ n Khối 07. brochure /’brәʊʃәr/ n Sách chỉ dẫn 08. charm /tʃa:m/ n Duyên dáng 09. charter /’tʃa:tәr/ n Hiến chương 10. constitution /kɔnsti’tjʊʃn/ n Hiến pháp 11. delicate /’delikәt/ a Thanh nhã 12. digest /dai’dʒest/ v Tiêu hĩa 13. economic /i:kә’nɔmik/ a Kinh tế 14. economy / i:’kɔnәmi/ n Nền kinh tế 15. elongated /’i:’lɔŋgeitid/ a Thon, dài 16. external /iks’tз:nl/ a Bên ngồi 17. govern /’gvn/ v Cầm quyền 18. graceful /’greisfl/ a Duyên dáng 19. identity /ai’dentәti/ n Bản sắc 20. inner /’inәr/ a Bên trong 21. infectious /in’fekʃәs/ a Nhiễm 22. in accordance with /in ә’kɔdns wi/ (ph) Phù hợp với 23. interference /intә’fiәrәns/ n Can thiệp 24. legal /’li:gl/ a Hợp pháp 25. maintain /mein’tein/ v Duy trì 26. motto /’mɔtәʊ/ n Khẩu hiệu 27. official /ә’fiʃl/ a Chính thức 28. outer /’aʊtәr/ a Bên ngồi 29. principle /’prinsәpl/ n Nguyên tắc 30. project /’prɔdʒekt/ n/v (lập) Dự án BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p14
  15. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 31. progress /prәʊ’gres/ n/v Tiến bộ 32. quiz /quiz/ n/v Đố, thi đố 33. rank /rỉŋk/ n/v (xếp) thứ, hạng 34. stability /stә’bilәti/ n Sự ổn định 35. theory /’iәri/ n Học thuyết 36. vision /’viʒn/ n Tầm nhìn II. PRONUNCIATION: Stresses on words with more than two syllables III. GRAMMAR: 1. Gerunds (review) 2. The Use State Verbs believe, know, think, remember, doubt, get, regret, realize, understand IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. 01. A. illiterate B. eradicate C. voluntary D. minority 02. A. combat B. ethnic C. province D. campaign 03. A. volunteer B. struggle C. promise D. concentrate 04. A. education B. universal C. eradication D. population 05. A. considerable B. effective C. relevant D. maturity II. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C, or D -that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 06. I'm not surprised Margaret's ill. With all the voluntary work she's___, she's really been doing too much. A. taken off B. taken on C. taken in D. taken to 07. An English Club will be ___ to help children improve their English. A. brought on B. showed up C. set up D. put on 08. There was a gradual ___ in the number of both males and females who were literate in the Lowlands. A. rise B. raise C. arise D. risen 09. Only highly ___ people are capable of discussing these subjects. A. interesting B. common C. literate D. business 10. Most students who were asked felt that ___ respect in the classroom was essential. A. mutual B. annual C. actual D. continuous 11. Many university students ___ spent their summer vacations teaching illiterate people to read and write. A. freely B. consciously C. gradually D. voluntarily 12. The proposal has not met with ___ agreement. A. voluntary B. universal C. Informal D. effective 13. A child's vocabulary ___ through reading. A. expands B. expends C. expels D. exposes 14. Children living in remote and mountainous areas may be ___ disadvantaged. A. educated B. education C. educational D. educationally 15. She is 'due to ___ a lecture on genetic engineering. A. make B. teach C. deliver D. take III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentence. 16. Twenty-five people ___ killed in that traffic accident. A. reported to be B. are reporting to be C. are reported being D. are reported to be 17. The woman said she ___ in this village for over fifty years. A. has been living B. was living C. had been living D. lives 18. US scientists claim that they ___ a new vaccine against malaria. A. developed B. have developed C. had developed D. was developing 19. The lecturer recommended ___ a number of books before the exam. A. reading B. to read C. us reading D. to have read 20. Jane appears ___ some weight. Has she been ill? A. having lost B. having been lost C. to have lost D. to have been lost 21. If you saw a lawyer, he'd advise you ___ legal action. A. take B. taking C. to take D. for taking 22. Hardly ___ to the bus-stop when the bus suddenly pulled away. A. did they get B. they had got C. they got D. had they got BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p15
  16. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 23. He advised me ___ anything about it for the time being. A. didn't do B. not do C. don't do D. not to do 24. By the time you return here next week, we ___ the project. A. will have finished B. has finished C. will finish D. will be finishing 25. We are going to get our house ___ next week. A. painting B. to paint C. painted D. to be painted IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase. A, B, C or D - that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 26. Before the nineteenth century, it was rarely to find organized systems of adult education A B C D 27. Only when the famine gets worse world governments will begin to act. A B C D 28. On some streets, it has against the law to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. A B C D 29. Members of high school clubs learn to participation in teams through their involvement in community projects. A B C D 30. Special education is intended help both handicapped and gifted children to reach their learning potentials. A B C D V. Choose the correct word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the passage. The traditional definition of literacy is considered to be the ability to read and write, or the ability to use language to, read, write, listen, and speak. In modern contexts, the word refers to reading and writing at a level (31) ___ for communication, or at a level that lets one understand and communicate ideas in a literate society,' so as to take (32) ___ in that society. The United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has drafted the following definition: “Literacy is the ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written 'materials (33) ___ with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning to enable an Individual to achieve his or her goals, to develop his, or her (34) ___ and potential, and to participate fully in the wider society." Many policy analysts consider literacy rates a crucial measure of a region's human capital. This claim is made on the (35) ___ that literate people can be trained less expensively than illiterate people, generally have a higher socio-economic (36) ___ and enjoy better health and employment prospects. Policy makers also argue that literacy increases job opportunities and access to higher education. In Kerala, India, for example, female and child mortality rates declined (37) ___ in the 1960s, when girls who were educated in the education reforms after 1948 began to raise families. Recent researchers, (38) ___, argue that correlations such as, the one listed above may have more to do with the effects of schooling rather than literacy in general. Regardless, the (39)___ of educational systems worldwide includes a basic (40) ___ around communication through test and print, which is the foundation of most definitions of literacy. 31. A. important B. adequate C. adaptable D. suitable 32. A. control B. comfort C. part D. honor 33. A. associated B. worked C. appropriated D. related 34. A. ability B. knowledge C. behavior D. performance 35. A. basics B. ways C. foundations D. grounds 36. A. status B. request C. condition D. state 37. A. actually B. dramatically C. extremely D. accurately 38. A. therefore B. however C. consequently D. additionally 39. A. main B. majority C. focus D. demand 40. A. concept B. content C. contact D. context VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. A literate population is a necessity for any nation wishing to take advantage of modern technological growth. For instance, research has shown a direct relationship between literacy among women and improved health' and child care in the family. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has long supported the concept that education must be considered an ongoing process. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p16
  17. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Adult education has long been important in Europe, where formal programs began in the 18th century. In Britain, concern for the education of poor and working-class people resulted in the growth of adult education programs, such as the evening school and the, Mechanic's Institute, to expand education opportunities for all people: After the Russian Revolution, the Russian government virtually eliminated illiteracy through the establishment of various institutions and extension classes for adults. In other areas of the world, adult education movements are of a more recent origin. In 1960, Egypt established a 'schools for the people' system designed to educate the adult population. In the 1970s, countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America began to increase opportunities for adult education. Innovative programs involving the mass media are being used in many countries. Tanzania, for example, has used mass education techniques and the radio to organize national education programs in health, nutrition, and citizenship. In the 1980s, international educational exchange programs grew in popularity in the United States and many other countries. 41. What does this passage mainly discuss? A. National education B. Illiteracy eradication C. Adult education D. Primary education 42. It can be inferred from this passage that education ___. A. help people to read and write C. is a constant process B. must only be given to adults D. is an important factor in the country's development 43. Which of the followings is not' true? A. Adult education has boomed in Europe in recent years. B. Educated women know how to take care of their children properly. C. Illiteracy is almost erased in Russia. D. In many countries, mass education is carried out through television. 44. Which of the followings is not mentioned as means used for mass education? A. radio B. newspapers C. internet D. textbooks 45. According to the passage, adult education ___. A. offers opportunities for promotion B. is popular all over the world nowadays C. is to educate people to improve their health D. has been developed thanks to the mass media VII. Choose the answer -A, B, C, or D -that is nearest in meaning to the sentence printed before. 46. That library book must be returned within one week. A. The book was brought back last week. B. The book should have been returned a week ago. C. The book hl1S already been borrowed for a week. D. The book can't be kept longer than a week. 47. As soon as he waved his hand, she turned away. A. He saw her turn away and he waved his hand. B. He waved his hand at the same time as she did. C. He waved his hand and at once she turned away. D. She turned away because he waved his hand too soon. 48. 'You broke my glasses,' said the woman to me. A. The woman insisted on breaking her glasses. B. The woman advised me to break her glasses. C. The woman told me to break her glasses. D. The woman blamed me for having broken her glasses. 49. The family find it difficult to manage on the money they have. A. It's difficult for the family to get by on the money they have. B. It is difficult for them to earn money. C. The family could manage on the money they have. D. The family managed to earn enough money to live. 50. She told us to help ourselves to the apples in the basket. A. She offered us some apples in return for our help. B. She let us have as many apples as we wanted. C. She wanted our help to pick the apples and put them in a basket. D. She wanted us to do all the work ourselves. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p17
  18. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS TOPIC 6. GLOBAL WARMING I. VOCABULARY: 01. absorb /әb’sɔ:b/ v Thấm, hút 02. atmosphere /’ỉtmәsfiәr/ n Khí quyển 03. awareness /ә’weәnәs/ n Nhận thức 04. ban /bỉn/ n/v (lệnh) Cấm 05. capture /’kỉptʃәr / v Giam giữ 06. carbon footprint /ka:bәn ‘fu:tprint/ (ph) lượng CO2 thải 07. catastrophic /kỉtә’strɔfik/ a Thảm họa 08. clean-up /kli:n p/ n Sự dọn sạch 09. climate change /’klaimәt tʃeindʒ/(n) Biến đổi khí hậu 10. diversity /dai’vз:sәti/ n Đa dạng sinh học 11. drought /draʊt/ n Hạn hán 12. ecological /i:kә’lɔdʒikl/ a Sinh thái 13. ecosystem /’i:kәʊsistәm/ n Hệ sinh thái 14. emission /i’miʃn/ n Xả, thải, tỏa ra 15. famine /’fỉmin/ n Nạn đĩi 16. greenhouse gas /’gri:nhaʊs gỉs/ (n) Khí gây HƯNK 17. heat-related /hi:t ri’leitid/ a Do sức nĩng 18. infectious /in’fekʃәs/ a Lây nhiễm 19. lawmaker /lɔ:meikәr/ n Nhà làm luật 20. oil spill /ɔil spil/ n Tràn dầu II. PRONUNCIATION: Stresses on some special words III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Perfect Gerunds (review) 2. The Participles used as Adjectives (review) IV. PRACTICE TEST: I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 01. A. scatter B. nature C. danger D. race 02. A. exactly B. exist C. exhaust D. extinct 03. A. feature B. species C. weather D. decrease 04. A. survive B. prohibit C. fertilizer D. environment 05. A. decreased B. influenced C. endangered D. established II. Choose the word or phrase A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 06. What exactly is the influence of air pollution___ human beings? A. to B. with C. on D. for 07. The campaign will hopefully ensure the survival___ the tiger. A. of B. for C. to D. on 08. It is possible for local wildlife to coexist___ industry. A. to B. of C. in D. with 09. The health of our children is being___ by exhaust fumes. A. danger B. endanger C. dangerous D. endangered 10. The society was set up to___ endangered species from extinction. A. prevent B. distinguish C. preserve D. survive 11. If people stop destroying animal's natural habitat, more species will survive and produce___. A. offspring B. ecology C. landscape D. benefit 12. People in this region cultivate mainly rice and vegetables. A. destroy B. grow C. develop D. support 13. Among the problems facing the national park's manager, the most serious ones are those of ___ and expansion. A. improvement B. reassessment C. distinction D. maintenance 14. Oil spills are having a devastating effect on coral reefs in the ocean. A. powerful B. significant C. disastrous D. detectable BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p18
  19. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 15. The factory was fined for___ chemicals into the river. A. discharging B. dumping C. producing D. exposing. III. Choose the word or phrase A, B, C, or D that best completes the sentence. 16. Jean Fragonard was a French artist___ portrait of children. A. whose paintings B. who has painted C. who painted D. whose painted 17. The smoke from burning fuels causes pollution if it___ into the atmosphere. A. releases B. is released C. will be released D. released. 18. Portland, Maine, is___ the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow spent his early years. A. where B. it where C. where is D. which is where 19. Walkers can unwittingly damage the fragile environment___. A. that the birds live B. where the birds live in C. which live the birds D. in which the birds live 20. Wild animals___ in their natural habitat will have a better and longer life than those which are kept in protected areas. A. live B. to live C. living D. lived 21. There should be some measures to protect the humpback whale___ an endangered species. A. to consider B. considered C. consider D. is considered 22. We should participate in the movement___ to conserve the natural environment. A. organized B. to organize C. organizing D. organize 23. The purchase of wild animals___. A. should ban B. must ban C. have to be banned D. must be banned 24. The school has been given 20 computers, half of___ are brand new. A. that B. those C. them D. which 25. The computer, ___ the memory capacity has just been upgraded, is among the latest generations. A. that B. whose C. of which D. which of IV. Choose word or phrase - A, B, C or D – that needs correcting. 26. Despite of a language barrier, humans have managed to communicate with others through sign language, in which certain motions stand for letters, words, or ideas. A B C D 27. Radio stations at which broadcast only news first appeared in the 1970s. A B C D 28. JKL Motorbikes sells six different models, the first which they started making in 1985 A B C D 29. Visitors were not permitted entering the park after dark because of the lack of security and lighting. A B C D 30. If Monique had not attended the party, she never would meet her old friend Dan, whom she had not seen in years. A B C D V. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word from the box. represents fueled oversee alarming lost imported establish reduced covered sought derived cleared. The rate at which the deforestation of the world is proceeding is (31)___. In the 1950 approximately 25 percent of the earth's land surface had been (32)___ with forests, and less than twenty-five years later the amount of the forest land was (33)___ to 20 percent. This decrease from 25 percent to 20 percent from 1950 to 1973 (34)___ an astounding 20 million square kilometers of forests. Predictions are that all, additional 20 million square kilometers of forest land will be (35)___ by 2020. The majority of deforestation is occurring in the tropical forests in developing countries, (36)___ by the developing countries' need for increased agricultural land and the desire on the part of developed countries to import wood and wood products. More than 90 percent of the plywood used in the United States, for example, is (37)___ from, developing countries with tropical rain forests. By the mid-1980s, solutions to this expanding problem were being (38)___, in the form of attempts to (39)___ an international regulatory organization to (40)___ the use of tropical forests. VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers. The natural world is under violent assault from man. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p19
  20. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS The seas and rivers are being poisoned by radioactive wastes, by chemical discharges and by the dumping of dangerous toxins and raw sewage. The air we breathe is polluted by smoke and fumes from factories and motor vehicles; even the rain is poisoned. It's little wonder forests and lakes are being destroyed and everywhere wildlife is disappearing. Yet the destruction continues. Governments and industries throughout the world are intensifying their efforts to extract the earth's mineral riches and to plunder its living resources. The great rainforests and the frozen continents alike are seriously threatened. And this despite the warnings of the scientific community and the deep concern of millions of ordinary people. Despite the fact, too, that we can create environmentally-clean industries, harness the power of the sun, wind and waves for our energy needs and manage the finite resources of the Earth in a way that will safeguard our future and protect all the rich variety of life forms which share this planet with us. But there is still hope. The forces of destruction are being challenged across the globe - and at the spearhead of this challenge is Greenpeace. Wherever the environment is in danger, Greenpeace has made a stand. Its scientific presentations and peaceful direct actions at sea and on land have shocked governments and industri1es into an awareness that Greenpeace will not allow the natural world to be destroyed. Those actions, too, have won the admiration and support of millions. Now you can strengthen the thin green line; you can make your voice heard in defense of the living world by joining Greenpeace today. Thank God someone's making waves. 41. Which of these statements is not made? A. Drinking water is polluted. B. Radioactive waste poisons the sea. C. Sewage isn't processed. D. Cars and factories poison the air. 42. The writer___. A. is surprised that the rain is poisoned. C. wonders why the natural world is being destroyed. B. is ensured why the air is polluted. D. understands why forests and lakes are being destroyed. 43. Rainforests are being destroyed because governments and industries___. A. are unaware of what they're doing wrong. B. are rich and powerful. C. choose to ignore criticism. D. basically care about the environment. 44. The earth's resources___. A. should only be for people B. can be made to last longer. C. will last forever. D. belong to just humans and animals 45. Governments and industries___. A. don't know what Greenpeace thinks. B. are forced to understand the problems by Greenpeace. C. can easily ignore Greenpeace. D. misunderstand what Greenpeace thinks. VII. Choose the sentence A, B, C or D which in closest in meaning to the printed sentence. 46. The children made every effort to please their parents. A. The children made little effort to please their parents. B. The children tried their best to please their parents. C. The parents were pleased with their children's effort. D. The children made no attempt to please their parents. 47. Scientists say forests are being destroyed by air pollution. A. Scientists blame air pollution for the destruction of forests. B. Scientists are blamed for destroying forests. C. Scientists say that there's much air pollution in the forests. D. Forests are being destroyed by scientists. 48. I would be very grateful if you could send me the document. A. I would appreciate your sending me the document. B. I was very grateful for your document. C. I'm upset about your not sending me the document. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p20
  21. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS D. Do not send me the document, please. 49. 'You should have finished the report by now.' John told his secretary. A. John reproached his secretary for not having finished the report. B. John said that his secretary had not finished the report. C. John reminded his secretary of finishing the report on time. D. John scolded his secretary for not having finished the .report. 50. That young man is bound to fail in this test. A. Certainly, that young man will fail in this test. B. It would be impossible for that young man to fail this test. C. There is no way that young man can succeed in this test. D. A and C are correct ___THE END___ TOPIC 7. FURTHER EDUCATION I. VOCABULARY: 01. abroad /ә’brɔ:d/ adv Ngồi nước 02. academic /ỉkә’demik/ a Học thuật 03. accommodation /ә’kɔmә’deiʃn/ n Chỗ ở 04. achieve /ә’tʃi:v/ v Đạt được 05. admission /әd’miʃn/ n Chấp nhận 06. analytical /ỉnә’litikl/ a Phân tích 07. baccalaureate /bỉkә’lɔ:riәt/ n Thi tú tài 08. bachelor /’bỉtʃәlә/ n Cử nhân 09. broaden /’brɔ:dәn/ v Mở rộng 10. campus /’kỉmpәs/ n Khu trường 11. collaboration /kәlỉbә’reiʃn/ n Cộng tác 12. college /’kɔlidʒ/ n Cao đẳng 13. consult /kәn’slt/ v Tư vấn 14. coordinator /kәʊ’ɔ:dineitә/ n Điều phối viên 15. course /kɔ:s/ n Khĩa học 16. critical /’kritikl/ a Phê phán 17. CV /sivi/ n Lí lịch 18. dean /di:n/ n Trưởng khoa 19. degree /di’gri:/ n Học vị, bằng 20. diploma /di’plәʊmә/ n Bằng cấp 21. doctorate /’dɔktәrәt/ n Học vị tiến sĩ 22. eligible /’elidʒәbl/ a Đủ tư cách 23. enroll /in’rәʊl/ v Ghi danh 24. enter /’entәr/ v Nhập 25. faculty /’fỉklti/ n Khoa, viện 26. institution /insti’tjʊʃn/ n Học viện 27. internship /’intз:nʃip/ n Tập sự 28. kindergarten /’kindә’ga:tn/ n Mẫu giáo 29. major /’meidʒәr/ n Chuyên ngành 30. mandatory /’mỉndәtәri/ a Bắt buộc 31. master /’ma:stәr/ n Thạc sỹ 32. passion /’pỉʃn/ n Đam mê 33. potential /pә’tenʃl/ n Khả năng 34. profession /prә’feʃn/ n Nghề nghiệp 35. pursue /pә’sjʊ:/ v Theo đuổi 36. qualification /kwɔlifi’keiʃn/ n Bằng cấp 37. scholarship /’skɔ:lәʃip/ n Học bổng BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p21
  22. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 38. skill /skil/ n Kĩ năng 39. talent /’tỉlәnt/ n Tài năng 40. training /’treiniŋ/ n Đào tạo 41. transcript /’trỉnskrip/ n Học bạ 42. tuition /’tjʊ:iʃn/ n Học phí 43. tutor /’tjʊ:tәr/ n Gia sư 44. undergraduate /ndә’grỉdʒʊәt/ n SV chưa TN 45. university /jʊni’vз:sәti/ n Trường đại học 46. vocational /vәʊ’keiʃәnl/ a Học hướng nghiệp 40. training /’treiniŋ/ n Đào tạo II. COMMUNICATIVE EXCHANGES: Greeting III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Tenses (review) 2. The Present Perfect (review) 3. The Present Perfect Continuous (review) IV. PRACTICE EXERCISE: I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. reciting B. spirit C. stimulate D. winner 02. A. problem B. sponsor C. wonderful D. enjoy 03. A. announce B. annual C. award D. among 04. A. competition B. completion C. question D. information 05. A. athletics B. marathon C. faithfully D. smoothly II. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 06. The contest aimed to stimulate the spirit of learning English ___ students. A. on B. for C. of D. among 07. The teacher explained the competition's rules ___ the students very carefully. A. to B. with. C. for D. about 08. Most students are interested ___ the annual English Speaking Contests. A. on B. in C. with D. at 09. ___ is someone who takes part in sports competitions. A. Judge B. Sportsman C. Athletic D. Sponsor 10. They quickly read the questions and tried to find out the answers. A. complete B. guess C. offer D. discover 11. A string of defeats has failed to break the team's ___. A. spirits B. efforts C. works D. methods 12. There is now intense ___ between schools to attract students. A. competence B. competition C. competitive D. competitor 13. Such questions provide a useful means of ___ students' interest. A. expressing B. encouraging C. stimulating D. providing 14. All students can take part in the annual English-speaking Competition. A. happening once a year B. happening once a term B. happening once a month D. happening once every six months 15. He___ his poem in front of the whole school. A. dedicated B. recited C. said D. delivered III. Choose the word or phrase- A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentence. 16. We took part in a sponsored walk ___ to support the poor. A. organized B. organizing C. that organized D. had organized 17. We strongly recommend ___ your luggage when you travel. A. to insure B. you insuring. C. your insurance D. you insure 18. She asked my advice ___ subject she should study at university. A. what B. on what. C. to what D. on to what 19. Children could be compelled to work on the farm, effectively denying ___. A. their school B. them to school C. them schooling D. for schooling 20. Indoor heating systems have made ___ for people to live and work comfortably in temperate climates. A. it is possible B. possible C. it possible D. possibly BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p22
  23. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 21. She phoned the police and ___ outside her home. A. reported to attack B. was reported to be attacked C. reported being attacked D. reported to be attacked 22. The children were warned ___ in the lake without an adult present. A. not swim B. not to swim C. not swimming D. to not swim 23. Homestead High School's football team ___ a championship until last season. A. has never won B. is never winning C. had never been winning D. had never won 24. George mentioned ___ in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details. A. having injured B. having been injured C. to have injured D. to have been injure 25. She' wanted to know if I ___ Paul recently. A. saw B. have seen C. had seen D. would see IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase A, B, C or D that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 26. The teacher said that about 10 children need special help in reading. A B C D 27. Every teacher I've spoken to tell me that standard of spelling are in decline A B C D 28. The purpose of the examination was to test the students' knowing of the subject. A B C D 29. Let me know if you are interested to take part in the Sculpture Competition. A B C D 30. If athletics are neglected in school, this will have a big impact on future national team. A B C D V. Fill in each blank space with one appropriate word from the box. well-known associated involve professional extra whole beats popular enthusiast end support against For many young people, sport is a (31) ___ part of school life and being in one of the school teams and playing in matches is very important. If someone is in a team, it means a lot of (32) ___ training and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away from home since many matches are played then. It might also (33) ___ traveling to other towns to play (34) ___ other school teams and then staying on after the match for a meal or a drink. Sometimes, parents, friends or other students will travel with the team to (35) ___ their own side. When a school team (36) ___ another one, it is the (37) ___ school that feels proud, not only the players. It can also mean that a school becomes (38) ___ for being good at certain sports and students from that school may (39) ___ up playing for national and international teams so that the school has some really famous names (40) ___ with it. VI. Read the passage, then decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). I am in favor of English-speaking contests in schools. Such contests encourage students to practice speaking English in their classes and help them improve their speaking skills. Besides, while preparing themselves for the contests, students' have a chance to 'review their lessons thoroughly. Contests among classes provide students' with opportunities to work with team spirit, thus, enabling them to learn how to cooperate with other people. Some students may think that their preparations for the speaking contests are time-consuming. However, in my opinion, such preparations are worth spending time on. My classmates and I have found that we speak English better after each- contest. In sum, English-speaking contests in schools are useful to students. 41. English-speaking, contests give students opportunities to practice speaking English. 42. English-speaking contests make students fail in preparation for their lessons in classes. 43. English-speaking contests provide students with a lot of useful skills. 44. English-speaking contests help students know how to work with other people. 45. English-speaking contests ask for a thoroughly review. 46. English-speaking contests take a lot of time to prepare. 47. The writer is an English teacher. VII. Choose the answer (A, B, C or D) that is nearest in meaning to the printed before it. 48. 'Why not participate in the English Speaking Contest?' A. He asked me to take part in the English Speaking Contest. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p23
  24. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS B. He suggested taking part in the English Speaking Contest. C. He offered us to take part in the English Speaking Contest. D. He told me not to participate in the English Speaking Contest. 49. Please watch your steps as you get off. A. Please look at the steps while getting off. B. Go down the steps in order to get off. C. Please have a look at the Steps as you get off D. Be careful not to tumble while getting off. 50. 'Let me pay for the coffee. I really want.' A. Jenny is asked to pay for the coffee. B. Jenny suggested paying for the coffee. C. Jenny insisted on paying for the coffee. D. Jenny told me to pay for the coffee. ___THE END___ TOPIC 8. WORLD HERITAGES I. VOCABULARY: 01. abundant /ә’bdәnt/ a Dồi dào 02. acknowledge /әk’nɔ:lidʒ/ v Chấp nhận 03. archaeological /a:kiә’lɔ:dʒikl/ a Khảo cổ học 04. authentic /ɔ:’θentik/ a Thật, thực 05. breathtaking /’breθteikiŋ/ a Đẹp, lơi cuốn 06. bury /’beri/ v Chơn vùi 07. cave /keiv/ n Động 08. citadel /’sitәdәl/ n Thành trì 09. complex /’kɔmpleks/ n Quần thể 10. comprise /kәm’prais/ v Bao gồm 11. craftsman /’kra:ftsmәn/ n Thợ thủ cơng 12. cruise /kru:z/ n Chuyến du biển 13. cuisine /kwi’zi:n/ n Nấu nướng 14. decorate /’dekәreit/ v Trang trí 15. demolish /di’mɔliʃ/ v Đổ sập 16. distinctive /dis’tiŋktiv/ a Nổi bật 17. dome /dәʊm/ n Mái vịm 18. dynasty /’dinәsti/ n Triều đại 19. emerge /i’mз:dʒ/ v Trồi lên 20. emperor /’empiәrәr/ n Đế vương 21. endow /in’dәʊ/ v Ban tặng 22. excavation /ekskә’veiʃn/ n Việc khai quật 23. expand /ik’spỉnd/ v Mở rộng 24. fauna /’fɔ:nә/ n Hệ động vật 25. flora /’flɔ:rә/ n Hệ thực vật 26. geological /dʒiә’lɔdʒikl/ a Địa chất 27. grotto /’grɔtәʊ/ n Hang 28. harmonious /ha:’mәʊniәs/ a Hài hịa 29. heritage /’heritidʒ/ n Di sản 30. imperial /im’piәriәl/ a Hồng tộc 31. in ruins /in ’ru:inz/ ph Tàn tích 32. intact /in’tỉkt/ a Nguyên vẹn 33. irresponsible /iri’spɔnsәbl/ a Vơ trách nhiệm 34. islet /’ailәt/ n Đảo nhỏ 35. landscape /lỉndskeip/ n Phong cảnh 36. lantern /’lỉntәn/ n Đèn lồng 37. limestone /’laimstәʊn/ n Đá vơi 38. magnificent /mỉg’nifisnt/ a Tuyệt đẹp BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p24
  25. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 39. masterpiece /’ma:stәpi:s/ n Kiệt tác 40. mausoleum /mɔsә’li:әm/ n Lăng tẩm 41. mosaic /mәʊ’zeiik/ a Chạm, khảm 42. mosque /mɔsk/ n Đề thờ 43. outstanding /aʊt’stỉndiŋ/ a Xuất sắc 44. picturesque /piktʃә’resk/ a Đẹp như tranh 45. poetic /pәʊ’etik/ a Nên thơ 46. preservation /prezә’veiʃn/ n Sự bảo tồn 47. preserve /pri:’zз:v/ v Bảo tồn 48. relic /’relik/ n Cổ vật 49. respectively /ri’spektivli/ adv Lần lượt 50. royal /’rɔiәl/ a Hồng gia 51. sanctuary /sỉŋk’tjʊәri/ n Thánh địa 52. scenic /si:nik/ a Đẹp đẽ 53. subsequent /’sbsikwәnt/ a Sau này 54. tomb /tu:mb/ n Lăng mộ 55. worship /’wз:ʃip/ v Tơn kính, thờ cúng II. COMMUNICATIVE EXCHANGES: Thanking III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Relative Clauses (review) 2. The Reduced Clauses of ING/ED/TO INFINITIVE (review) IV. PRACTICE EXERCISE: I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. world B. wonder C. theory D. proceed 02. A. pyramid B. spiral C. private D. recycle 03. A. weather B. treasure C. great D. jealous 04. A. raised B. ranked C. surpassed D. laughed 05. A. suggest B. century C. upon D. bury II. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D – that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 06. The structure consisted ___ approximately 2 million blocks of stone, A. on B. with C. of D. in 07. The Great Pyramid ranked ___ the tallest structure on earth for more than 43 centuries. A. in B. of C. at D. as 08. The purpose of the pyramid was to protect the burial chamber ___ the weather. A. for B. from C. of D. in 09. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the, famous man-made wonders of the world. A. artificial B. natural C. modern D. eternal 10. The Great Pyramid was only ___ in height in the nineteenth century AD. A. proposed B. promoted C. improved D. surpassed 11. There are rumors of buried ___ in that old house. A. belongings B. tomb C. treasure D. chamber 12. Each tower of the Ponagar Towers was ___ to a different god. A. dedicated B. distributed C. delivered D. contributed 13. The Great Wall is China's most popular ___. A. construction B. attraction C. impression D. contribution 14. A visit to the Great Wall will certainly bring tourists great ___ in each step of the wall. A. excite B. exciting C. excitement D. excited 15. The Great Wall of China is considered one of the greatest wonders in the world ___ its magnificence and significance. A. in spite of B. because C. instead of D. thanks to III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D – that best completes the sentence. 16. The current constitutional problem is ___ by the top legal minds in the country. A. studying B. being studied C. being studying D. been studied BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p25
  26. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 17. It was announced that neither the passengers nor the driver ___ in the crash. A. were injured B. are injured C. was injured D. have been injured 18. If it keeps on raining, the basketball game ought ___. A. to postpone B. to be postponed C. postpone D. be postponed 19. The first question must ___ before you attempt the others. A. be answered B. have answered C. answer D. to answer 20. The manager expected the team ___ because they hadn't done enough training. A. to be lost B. have lost C. by losing D. to lose 21. The floor in the room was so dirty as if it ___ for days. A. hadn't swept B. wouldn't have swept C. haven't been swept D. hadn't been swept 22. What's wrong with your car? ~ I think it needs ___. A. check B. checking C. to check D. be checked 23. I think you should ___. A. have your hair be cut B. have your hair cut C. cut your hair D. have your hair been cut 24. Both domestic and imported automobiles must ___ anti-pollution devices. A. equip with B. equip by C. be equipped with D. be equipped by 25. ___ that we have to leave the building. A. We have informed B. It has been informed C. It has been informed us D. We have been informed IV. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that needs correcting. 26. They are planning on attending the convention next month, and so I am. A B C D 27. Financier Andrew Mellon donated most of this magnificent art collection to the National Gallery of Art, where it is now locating. A B C D 28. Because of its vast tracts of virtually uninhabited northern forest, Canada has one of the lowest population density in the world. A B C D 29. Some of the people were standing the street watched the parade, while others were singing songs. A B C D 30. As soon as Pete had arrived, he told us that he will be leaving for London tomorrow after the board meeting. A B C D V. Fill in each blank space with one appropriate from the box. . visible network conservative Astronauts monument structure discernible designated measured dispelled The Great Wall is probably China's best-known (31) ___ and one of its most popular tourist destinations. In 1987 it was (32) ___ a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The Great Wall is not a single, continuous (33) ___. Rather, it consists of a (34) ___ of walls and towers that leaves the frontier open in places. Estimates of the total length of the monument vary, depending on which sections are included and haw they are (35) ___. The Great Wall is about 2,400 km (about 1,500 mi) long, according to (36) ___ estimates. Other estimates cite a length .of 6,400 km (4,000 mi), or even longer. Some long- standing myths about the wall have been (37) ___ in recent decades. The existing wall is hat several thousand years old, nor is it, as has been widely asserted, (38) ___ with the naked eye from outer space. ((39) ___ have confirmed this. However, some of the wall is (40) ___ in special radar images taken by satellites.) VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer. The ruined temples of Angkor are perhaps one of the mast impressive Seven Wonders of the World. Located in modern day Cambodia near Lake Tonle Sap, the largest freshwater lake in Asia, Angkor was the seat of power for the Khmer Empire from the ninth to the fifteenth century. The ruins of Angkor are d9cumented as same .of the mast impressive ones in the world, rivaling the pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Why this mighty civilization died out is a question that archeologists are now only beginning to ponder. The answer, it turns out, may be linked with the availability of fresh water. One possible explanation for the downfall of the Khmer Empire has to do with the inhabitants' irrigation system. The temple and palaces of Angkor were constructed around a series of artificial reservoirs and canals which were annually flooded to capacity by the Mekong River. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p26
  27. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS Once filled, they were used to irrigate the surrounding rice patties and farmland during the course of the year. Farmers were completely dependent upon the water for their crucial rice crop. Without consistent irrigation, the farmers would have been unable to maintain functional crop production. Scientists speculate that toward the end of the Khmer Empire the hydraulic systems of the reservoirs and canals broke down. The construction of hundreds of sandstone temples and palaces required an enormous amount of physical labor. In addition, as the capital of the Khmer Empire, Angkor contained upwards of one hundred thousand people who resided in and around Angkor. In order to feed so many people, the local farmers were driven to grow food quicker and more efficiently. After centuries of continual use, the irrigation system was pushed beyond its capacity. Soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and the loss of water led to decrease in the food supply. With less food available, the people of Angkor slowly began to migrate to other parts of Cambodia thus leaving the marvelous city of Angkor to be swallowed by the jungle. Therefore, it is speculated that the Khmer Empire may have fallen victim to its own decrepit infrastructure. 41. What is the passage mainly about? A. Modern day agricultural procedures in Cambodia. B. A possible explanation for the, decline of a civilization. C. The essential role water plays in farming. D. Religious temples of the ancient Khmer Empire. 42. The passage preceding the passage most likely discusses ___. A. architecture of ancient Asian civilization B. religious practices of the people of Angkor C. the form of government practiced by the Khmer Empire D. the other six wonders of the world 43. According to the passage, Lake Tonle Sap in Cambodia ___. A. is an enormous fresh body of water in Asia B. was unable to supply enough fish for the people of Angkor C. became polluted due to a population explosion D. is one of the Seven Wonders of the World 44. Why does the author mention the hydraulic systems of the reservoirs? A. They supplied irrigation from the Indian Ocean. B. They became non-functional due to overuse. C. They were destroyed by nearby warrior tribes. D. They helped transport the sandstones for constructing temples. 45. It can be inferred from the passage that the inhabitants of the Khmer Empire ___. A. were intentionally starved by the farmers B. lost their food source due to excess rainfall C. supplemented their diets with 'meat hunted in the nearby jungles D. depended upon rice as their main source of food 46. All the following are mentioned as events that can affect food supply EXCEPT. A. erosion of soil B. contamination of soil C. reduction of nutrients D. loss of water supply VII. From the four words or phrases- A, B, C or D – choose the one that best completes the sentence. 47. Over the centuries, ___ that try to explain the origins of the university. A. although many theories B. many theories C. have many theories been D. there have been many theories. 48. Green plants combine ___ with water and carbon dioxide to make food. A. energy derived it from light B. energy derived from light C. energy is derived from light D. from light, and energy derived' 49. To plant rice, farmers, ___, set young plants in the mud. A. they wade with bare feet in the water B. water wading in their bare feet C. whose bare feet wading in the water D. wading in the water in their bare feet 50. Only by reproducing at a tremendous rate ___ to survive in the sea. A. many plant and animal species manage B. do many plant and animal species manage C. manage many plant and animal species D. plant and animal species manage many BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p27
  28. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS TOPIC 9. FUTURE CITIES I. VOCABULARY: 01. city dweller /’siti ‘dwelәr/ n Dân thành thị 02. detect /di’tekt/ v Phát hiện 03. infrastructure /’infrәstrktʃә/ n Hạ tầng 04. inhabitant /in’hỉbitәnt/ n Cư dân 05. liveable /’livәbl/ a Sống được 06. optimistic /ɔpti’mistik/ a Lạc quan 07. overcrowded /’әʊvәkraʊdid/ a Đơng nghẹt 08. pessimistic /pesi’mistik/ a Lạc quan 09. renewable /ri’njʊәbl/ a Tái chế được 10. sustainable /sә’steinәbl/ a Bề vững 11. upgrade /p’greid v Nâng cấp 12. urban /’з:bәn/ a Thành thị 13. quality of life/’kwɔlәti әv laif/ (ph) Chất lượng sống 14. urban planner /’з:bәn ‘plỉnәr/ (ph) qui hoạch đơ thị II. COMMUNICATIVE EXCHANGES: Giving Comments III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Question-Tags (review) 2. The Conditional Sentences Type 0 (review) IV. PRACTICE EXERCISE: I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 01. A. foot B. moon C. look D. would 02. A. gravity B. aspiration C. biography D. possible 03. A. technical B. conquest C. psychology D. launched 04. A. national B. venture C. fortunate D. suggestion 05. A. support B. shuttle C. success D. venture II. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence or substitutes for the underlined word or phrase. 06. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon ___ 20 July 1969. A. in B. at C. on D. of 07. She is never satisfied ___ what she's got. A. to B. with C. for D. in . 08. In 1961 Yuri Gagarin lifted ___ into space aboard the Vostok 1. A. off B. up C. on D. Ø 09. After landing, the team members were greeted like ___ heroes. A. conquer B. conquering C. conqueror D. conquest 10. No one knew precisely what would happen to a human being in space. A. exactly B. clearly C. carefully D. vividly 11. Neil Armstrong, an American ___, was the first man to step on the moon's surface. A. scientist B. cosmonaut C. astronaut D. astronomer 12. The 27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut became the first person to eat and drink in ___. A. weight B. weighting C. weightless D. weightlessness 13. About 100 Russian satellites are the earth. A. flying B. orbiting C. traveling D. circuiting 14. Many people are demonstrating to express their ___ with the new land law. A. satisfied B. satisfactory C. satisfaction D. dissatisfaction 15. The astronauts were able to send the information back to the earth. A. spaceships B. space stations C. spacemen D. space shots III. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D - that best completes the sentence. 16. No one is better cook than his mother, ___? A. is she B. isn't she C. are they D. aren’t they 17. Do it right now, ___? A. will you B. shall you C. do you D. don't you BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p28
  29. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 18. There are no easy ways to learn a foreign language, ___? A. are they B. are there C. aren't they D. aren't there 19. He seldom goes to the library, ___? A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he 20. Let's go for a long walk, ___? A. will we B. shall we C. don't you D. do you 21. I'd lost my key, so I ___ the door when I got home. A. could lock B. wasn't able to lock C. couldn't unlock D. was able to unlock 22. When Mr. Lee was younger, he ___ work in the garden for hours. A. has got to B. should be able to C. can D. could 23. Yesterday I ___ to a furniture store. I bought a new lamp there. A. could go B. could have gone C. went D. ought to have gone 24. Do you think there ___ less conflict in the world if all people ___ the same language? A. would be/ spoke B. were/ would speak C. were/ spoke D. would have been/ had spoken 25. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, ___ eleven times the size of the earth. A. being B. has C. is D. having IV. Choose the word or phrase - A, B, C or D -that needs correcting. 26. After the stock market crash of 1929, less people were able to find employment A B C D 27. The average temperature on Mars, the fourth planet from the sun, is about eighty degrees than colder on Earth. A B C D 28. Halley's comet was named of the astronomer Edmund Halley, who was the first to realize that some comets appear in regular cycles. A B C D 29. A number of people still wants to apply for the position of accountant in that company. A B C D 30. If I were a little taller I could be astronaut, but I don't meet the height requirement A B C D V. Fill in each blank space with one appropriate from the box. manned seriously affected space radiation groundless weightlessness harmless journey flown appeared effects Before man had (31) ___ in space it was thought that his physical and mental capabilities might be (32) ___ by long periods of (33) ___, and that he might be endangered by high levels of (34) ___. Yuri Gagarin's first (35) ___flight in April 1961 showed that man could live in space and, although this (36) ___ only lasted for 108 minutes, it gave encouragement to those interested in the future of (37) ___ space flight. In fact most of the early fears about man's health in space have proved (38) ___, and although several odd medical (39) ___ have been observed, none has (40) ___ affected man's ability for useful work. VI. Read the passage, decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Throughout history there have been many great explorers. Have you, for example, heard of Marco Polo, the famous Italian traveler? He was the first European to travel to China. He arrived in China in the late 13th century. About 200 years later, Christopher Columbus sailed from Spain by ship. He was looking for a new way to reach India. However, as you probably know, he didn't reach India. He landed in America. Five hundred years after Columbus in the' 1930s a famous explorer named Richard Byrd was one of the first persons to fly over both the North and the South Poles. Today we continue to explore this world and are studying to explore other worlds, too. In the 1930s Russian and American scientists sent many unmanned spacecraft to the moon. These spacecraft sent back very valuable information about the moon. Then on July 16th 1969 the first manned spaceship to the moon left earth. On that day Apollo 11 blasted off with three American astronauts on board. Four days after blast-off, two of these astronauts landed on the moon. They later explored the surface of the moon. About two days after landing on the moon, they started back to the earth. They arrived safely back on earth a few days later. Today we are sending unmanned spacecraft to other planets. In the future, we might walk on Mars or Venus the way we did on the moon. We might even travel to other galaxies. Who knows? One thing we know for sure is that we will continue to explore this world and other worlds, too. BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p29
  30. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 41. Marco Polo traveled from England to China in the late 13th century. 42. While he was looking for India, Christopher Columbus reached America. 43. In the 19thcentury Richard Byrd flew over both the North and the South Poles. 44. Unmanned spacecraft went to the moon before manned spacecraft did. 45. Apollo 11 was the first manned spaceship to go to the moon. 46. Apollo 11 was damaged in the blast. 47. All American astronauts on the spaceship landed on and explored the surface of the moon. 48. Today we are sending spacecraft with astronauts on board to other planets. VII. Choose the phrase that best completes the sentence. 49. ___ by meteorites whose impact formed craters of all size. A. The surface of the moon was shaped B. The moon whose surface shaped C. The surface of the shaped moon D. The surface was forming the shape of the moon 50. Many craters on the earth's surface were probably formed by very large meteorites ___. A. when smashed into the ground was an explosion C. smashing into the ground and exploding B. which smashed into the ground and an explosion D. they smashed into the ground and exploded ___THE END___ TOPIC 10. LIFESTYLE & LONGEVITY I. VOCABULARY: 01. boost /bu:st/ v Đẩy mạnh 02. dietary /’daiәtәri/ a Chế độ ăn 03. meditation /medi’teiʃn/ n Thiền định 04. be attributed to /bi ә’tʃibjʊ:tid tә/ (ph) Qui cho 05. immune system /i’mjʊ:n ‘sistәm/(ph) Hệ miễn dịch 06. life expectancy /laif iks’pektәnsi/ (ph) Tuổi thọ 07. nutrition /njʊ:’triʃn/ n Dinh dưỡng 08. nutritious /njʊ:’triʃәs/ a Bổ dưỡng 09. stress-free /’stres-fri:/ a Khơng âu lo 10. workout /’wз:kaʊt/ (n) Tập thể lực 11. natural remedy /’nỉtʃrәl ‘remәdi/ (ph) Trị liệu tự nhiên 12. prescription medicine /pris’kriʃn ‘medsn/ (ph) Thuốc theo đơn II. COMMUNICATIVE EXCHANGES: Showing Agreements and Disagreements III. GRAMMAR: 1. The Reported Speech with Infinitives & Gerunds (review) 2. The Reported Speech with Conditionals (review) IV. PRACTICE EXERCISE: I. Choose the word that has main stress placed differently from the others. 01. A. celebrate B. decorate C. entertain D. influence 02. A. polite B. popular C. pagoda D. agrarian 03. A. longevity B. calendar C. parade D. occasion 04. A. represent B. exchange C. receiving D. prepare 05. A. constancy B. festival C. activity D. comment II. Choose the one word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentences or substitutes for the underlined part. 06. Before Tet, supermarkets and shops are full ___ goods. A. of B. with C. in D. for 07. On the first -day of Tet, children ___ their new clothes and make New Year's wishes to their parents. A. take on B. pick on C. put on D. try on 08. People believed that what they do on the first day of the year will __ their luck during the whole year. A. control B. influence C. exchange D. result 09. I looked everywhere but I couldn't find ___ at all. A. no one B. anyone C. someone D. somebody BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p30
  31. GIÁO ÁN CHUYÊN ĐỀ 11 - MATERIALS FOR GRADE 11 STUDENTS – A GUIDE FOR SUCCESS 10. Tet is really a time of fun and ___ throughout the country. A. holidays B. celebrations C. preparations D. festivals 11. The whole family usually tries to get together at Christmas. A. contact B. gather C. relate D. communicate 12. In Britain Christmas dinner usually ___ turkey, Christmas pudding and brandy butter. A. brings on B. serves with C. consists of D. puts up 13. We wish you both- health and longevity. A. long life B. happy life C. easy life D. exciting life 14. Vietnamese people usually make ___ for Tet several weeks beforehand. A. preparing B. preparation C. preparatory D. preparations 15. She has as good chance as ___ of winning the race. A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. no one III. Choose the one word or phrase - A, B, C, or D - that best completes the sentences. 16. Nobody was late for the meeting last night, ___? A. wasn't he B. weren't they C. were they D. was he 17. No girl should have to wear school uniform, because it ___ like a sack of potatoes. A. makes them look B. makes her look C. makes them to look D. makes her to look 18. I phoned Sarah at home, but ___. A. there were no answers B. there were no answer C. there was no answers D. there was no answer 19. ___ thinks that Phil should be given the job. A. A number of people B. Neither of us C. Most of us D. The majority of people 20. Neither Jane nor her brothers ___ a consent form for tomorrow's field trip. A. need B. needs C. is needing D. has need 21. My cousin who I used to visit every summer ___ from America on Saturday. A. arriving B. is arriving C. has arrived D. is going 22. The holiday nowadays is not as long as it ___. A. is used to be B. was used to be C. used to be D. is used to being 23. If I were you, ___ and tell her you're going to be late. A. I phone B. I'll phone C. I'd phone D. I'd have phoned 24. Let the boy ___ it himself before you offer to help. A. try B. to try C. trying D. will try 25. When someone___ you a present, it is a custom to give them in return. A. give B. gives C. will give D. has given IV. Identify the one underlined word or phrase -A, B, C or D- that must be changed for the sentence to be correct. 26. Most of the trees in our garden are less than 10 years old but ones are much older than that. A B C D 27. My shoes were so uncomfortable that I had to go out and buy new one. A B C D 28. Mrs. Stevens, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities. A B C D 29. Eric and his sister won first prize for the most elaborate customs they had worn to the Halloween party. A B C D 30. Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own research paper this semester. A B C D V. Choose the word or phrase (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage. From (31) ___ times people have celebrated the end of winter and the new life that spring brings. One of the most important Christian festivals is Easter, (32) ___ Christians remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Easter, however, is not the (33) ___ spring festival. In Sweden, people celebrate the end of the winter by making (34) ___ bonfires. Fire also plays an important part in the Hindu festival of Holi. In some villages children are (35) ___ round bonfires by their mothers to protect them (36) ___ danger in the coming year. Buddhists in Thailand soak (37) ___ in water when celebrating BY ĐỖ BÌNH – THPT LIỄN SƠN, LẬP THẠCH, VĨNH PHÚC, p31