Bài tập Tiếng anh 8 cả năm sách thí điểm (Có đáp án chi tiết)

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Nội dung text: Bài tập Tiếng anh 8 cả năm sách thí điểm (Có đáp án chi tiết)

  1. BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 8 (CÓ ĐÁP ÁN) UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES A. PHONETICES I)- Read the following sentences aloud, and put the words with the cluster /br/ or /pr/ into the correct column. 1. Apricot is a small, orange fruit with soft flesh and a stone inside 2. Brian is going to give a presentation on Friday. 3. Is he going to prepare for it? 4. How about a small present for Brian after his presentation? 5. Prevention is better than cure. 6. In order to play this computer game, you have to load this programme into the computer 7. She’ll teach us how to play English pronunciation games. 8. Gold and silver are precious metals. 9. He never talks about his private life with anybody at work. 10. The new television series was an expensive project. 11. Too many cooks spoil the broth. (a saying) 12. The bank has many branches all over the country. 13. I need a new toothbrush. 14. How many brothers and sisters do you have? 15. I spend two hours every day browsing the Web.
  2. /br/ /pr/ II)-Complete the following sentences with the correct words from the table, and then read aloud the sentences. Practise saying the words with the cluster /br/ or /pr/. Prince present principal brick branch breakfast prize bridge bracelet price 1. The ___ is the head of a school or college 2. The clock is a ___ of my birthday from my best friend. 3. They took a photo of the ___ over the Mekong River. 4. It is the house in our neighbourhood built of red ___. 5. Would you like some bread and butter for ___? 6. What is the ___ of petrol now? 7. The little boy climbed the tree and sat on a ___. 8. In Britain, the eldest son of the king or queen has the title ‘___ of Wales”. 9. A ___ is piece of jewelry that you wear around your wrist or arm. 10. She won the first ___ in the competition. B. VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR I)-Leisure activities. Do the following tasks. Task 1: Fill in each blank with the verbs below. play listen to write watch have do 1. read: a newspaper, . 2. go: swimming, 3. ___: football, 4. ___: a letter, .
  3. 5. ___: the radio, . 6. ___: television, 7. go to: school, 8. visit: friends, 9. ___: nothing, 10. ___: a meal, Task 2: Add these words/ phrases from the table to Part A. (There may be more than one possibility.) shopping a magazine the cinema an e-mail the guitar CDs a video computer a restaurant a shower games leisure the library cousins a game show music activities something a quiz show hiking swimming an outdoor interesting activities II)-Match the “NetLingo” or “text speak” in the box with the words and phrases below. n 2moro u wd 4 luv thx ur 2 c u @ abt gr8 btw r xx 1. about = ___ 2. and = ___ 3. are = ___ 4. at = ___ 5. for = ___ 6. great = ___ 7. kisses = ___ 8. by the way = ___ 9. love = ___ 10. you = ___ 11. see you = ___ 12. thanks = ___ 13. to/two = ___ 14. would = ___ 15. your = ___ 16. tomorrow = ___ III)-Read the text message below and put them in the correct order. Write the answer (1-5) in each blank. ___A. Hi, Katy! Thx 4 ur text Yes, wd love 2 meet 2moro. c u @ Roebuck’s abt 5? ___
  4. ___ ___B. Fantastic!!! What is it? r u in luv. ___ ___C. That’s gr8, c u @ 5. btw, I’ve got some important news 4 u ___ ___D. Hi Sue! Joe n I will be in town 2moro. wd u like 2 meet 4 a coffee? Luv Katy ___ ___ ___E. Tell u 2moro Love n xxxxx Katy ___ IV)-Complete the sentences with the verb + -ing. do go play ski swim watch 1. Susan loves ___ judo. 2. They enjoy ___ the Olympics on TV. 3. We really like ___ in the Alps in February. 4. Sam hates ___ boxing but he loves football. 5. I don’t like ___ in the pool at the sports centre. 6. Do you like ___ running in the morning? V)-Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Mai: I (1. not like/ watch) ___ football. I (2. hate/ stand) ___ around and (3. get) ___ cold. Lan: Me, too. I (4. prefer/ be) ___ indoors. I (5. not mind/ play) ___ football – on my computer! Nick: Ha ha! I know your brother’s really good at football, Mai. ___ (6.he/ like/ play) at the back? Mai: Tuan? No, he (7. prefer/ play) ___ centre forward. He (8. like/ soccer) ___ goals!
  5. Lan: Great pass, Tuan! Mai: Lan, do you like football? Nick: No, but she (9. not mind/ watch) ___ Tuan! C. SPEAKING I)-Complete the conversation with the words given in the box, then practice it with your partner. do o’clock likes like and you joke afternoon take Mai: Do you (1) ___ roller skating, Mike? Nick: Yes, I do. I go roller-skating every Saturday! Mai: Oh, really? Where? Nick: Well, I go to the park with my friends after school, at about five (2) ___. We roller-skate for about an hour and then we go home. Mai: I go roller-skating too – but I go on Sunday. I go to the market with my mother in the morning, and then I (3) ___ our dog for a walk. Then in the (4) ___ I go to the park with my mother. Nick: Your mother? Mai: Yes, she (5) ___ roller-skating too, and she’s really good! Nick: And what do you do on Sunday evening? Mai: Oh, I usually go out with my friends. We have a drink together or go to the cinema. (6) ___? Nick: Oh, on Sunday I (7)___ my homework. Mai: What? Is that a (8) ___? Nick: No! It’s true! Mai: Oh, Nick! Get a life! Notes: - roller-skating (n) = môn trượt pa-tanh; roller-skater (v) = trượt pa-tanh - Get a life! = Thôi đi nào!
  6. II)-Complete the conversation, using the words or phrases given. lots to see come back a good why don’t somewhere place different Mai: Do you two still want to go away for the weekend – you know, on the 22nd? Phuc: Yeah, definitely. Nick: Yeah, I want to Mai: Because we talked about going to the countryside, do you remember? Phuc: Oh, yes, I’d love to go there. People say it’s (1) ___ for walking. Nick: Mm, it’s just that I went there last summer and the summer before. I’d like to try (2) ___ a city maybe. Mai: Yeah, I can understand that. Phuc: (3) ___ we go to the suburb for the weekend? There’s something for all of us. Mai: Yeah, there’s (4) ___: the temples, the pagodas, the woods. Nick: It sounds great to me. We all like going out! Phuc: And we can (5) ___ on the same day. Mai: And should we bring some foods and drinks with us? Nick: That’s right. It’s a good idea, Mai. Phuc: Great! D. READING I)-A new report into teenagers’ leisure time has some surprising results. Read it and fill in each blank with the correct figure from the report. In this digital age, many people think that young adults spend all their time on the computer. And a new government survey of how young adults spend their leisure time says that 87 percent of people in the UK between the ages of 13 to 19 use the Internet every day. But it’s still important for young people to go out with friends. And the most popular evening out is going to the cinema: 42 percent say it’s their favourite way to spend an evening.
  7. For people who don’t go out, not surprisingly, television is more popular than radio. 82 percent say that they watch television for more than ten hours a week – mainly for films and news programmes – but only 23 percent listen to the radio. Music is always a favourite topic, but it seems that many people listen to music than can play a music instrument. The survey reveals that 38 percent watch live music, but 30 percent of people between 13 and 19 can play a musical instrument. Only 32 percent of young adults play sports; with football, swimming, and cycling the most popular activities. But that means that more than two-thirds don’t play any sport! Leisure Time Survey of Teenagers In The UK • (1)___ percent of teenagers use the Internet every day. • The most popular leisure activity is going to the cinema: (2)___ percent say it is their favourite evening activity. • (3)___ percent of people say that they watch TV for more than (4) ___ hours a week, but only (5)___ percent listen to the radio. • (6)___ percent of young people watch live music, but only (7)___ percent can play a musical instrument. • Only (8)___ percent of young adults play sports. Football, swimming, and cycling are the most popular sports. II)-Read the passage about Phong’s weekend and answer the questions. On Friday’s afternoon, after school, I usually surf the Net or listen to music. In the evening I often go to the cinema with my friends. On Saturday morning I get up late and have breakfast. Then I play football with my classmates in the park. In the afternoon I watch TV (usually a football match). In the evening I go to my best friend’s place – we sometimes play computer games, or we talk. On Sunday morning I do my homework. Then I listen to music or watch TV. On Sunday evening I surf the Net again, or read a book. 1. Where does Phong often go on Friday evening? ___ 2. When does he play football? ___
  8. 3. What does he watch on Saturday afternoon? ___ 4. What does he do on Sunday morning? ___ 5. When does he surf the Net? ___ III)-Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions below. In the 1970s, skateboarding suddenly became very popular. At first, skateboarders moved slowly on flat, smooth areas. Then they began to ride quickly. This is called ‘freestyle’ skateboarding. Soon they were skateboarding skillfully up ramps and doing tricks in the air. This is called ‘ramp’ skateboarding. Then they started skateboarding and doing tricks on the street. This was ‘street-style’ skateboarding – a combination of freestyle and ramp. For this, the skateboarders needed protective clothing such as knee and elbow pads and helmets. This allowed them to skateboard safely. Today skateboarding is still a very popular sport, and there are lots of competitions. Note: skateboarding (n) = môn trượt ván 1. When did skateboarding become very popular? ___ 2. What are the three styles of skateboarding? ___ 3. What was ‘street-style’ skateboarding? ___ 4. Why do ‘street-style’ skateboarders need protective clothing? ___ 5. Do you think skateboarding is a very popular sport now? Why or why not? ___
  9. IV)- Read the passage about British and American teenagers, and answer the questions. Sport: In the UK, football, rugby, tennis and basketball are the most popular sports for teenagers. In the USA, American football, athletics, basketball and baseball are popular. The Internet and television: Teenagers in both the UK and the USA today watch television less than before but they use the Internet more. They spend over 25 hours a week online. Pocket money and shopping: The average teenager in the UK get about £7 a week pocket money. In the USA it is about $10. They spend their money on clothes and going out, but magazines, presents and snacks are also important. Friends: The average British and American teenager has seven close friends. He or she has sixteen online friends on social network websites. 1. Which sports do British and American teenagers play in their free time? ___ 2. How long do they spend online? ___ 3. How much pocket money do they get? ___ 4. What do they spend it on? ___ 5. How many online friends do they have? ___ V)-Complete the conversation, using the phrases or sentences given. A. are much higher than the positive effects of the games B. opportunities for visual learning C. they aim at a variety of people in different ages D. in my opinion, these games are more active and effective compared to watching TV E. always do anything to reach a higher level of the game Mai: I think computer games are the most popular entertainments in modern societies. Is it right?
  10. Phuc: Yes, that’s right. And (1)___ Mai: And they cause addiction among teenagers Nick: That’s it. Because we (2)___ Mai: I think one of the reasons that computer games are very popular is that they provide (3)___ Phuc: Yeah, (4)___ Nick: But the negative effects they bring (5)___ Mai: I think so, and students who prefer computer games to other entertainments have more behavioral problem than other students. E. WRITING I)-Rearrange the sentences to make a suitable text about the research finding, “Teens who use social media too much have lower grades and how to solve it” by writing the correct number (1-10) in each blank. ___A. One 2010 study showed that only 37% of “heavy” media users had grades lower than the average, while 35% of “light” social users were lower in average grades. ___B. Other studies have found a negative relationship between social media usage and overall Grade Point Average (GPA). ___C. But does too much time social networking harm students’ schoolwork? ___D. One small girl said that checking text messages and Facebook on her smartphone was the biggest obstacle to her homework. ___E. Several studies have showed opposite results. ___F. Some students are turning on software such as “Block Facebook” to block certain website on their computers, and allow them to have only certain amounts of time on Facebook so that they can focus on homework. ___G. Social networking can help connect people with friends, give people the chance to share pictures online, and help people communicate easily. ___H. One study stated that “sending text message and using Facebook while doing homework were bad for overall GPA”.
  11. ___I. According to Facebook in 2016, there are over 618 million active users per day, and over a billion active users per month. ___J. In this study, there was no relation between an excess of social media and a below average grades. II)-Write a paragraph about the topic: “Whether parents help their children with social network”, using the cues given. 1. There/ both/ many good things/ many potential dangers/ social network. ___ ___ 2. It/ important for parents/ teach/ their children/ how/ use/ social media wisely. ___ ___ 3. Social network/ be/ start of bad things/ like cyberbullying. ___ ___ 4. Recent reports/ say/ many teenagers/ have/ online contact/ strangers/ and/ it/ make/ them/ feel scared or uncomfortable. ___ ___ 5. Other/ receive/ online advertising/ that/ be/ inappropriate for their age. ___ ___ 6. It/ be/ important/ parents/ be/ aware of/ what/ children/ doing online. ___ ___ 7. Parents/ make/ children/ understand that/ they/ respect/ children’s privacy. ___ ___ 8. However/ parents/ want/ make sure/ children/ be safe. ___ TEST (UNIT 1)
  12. I)-Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. 1. A. leisure B. eight C. celebrate D. penalty 2. A. fun B. sun C. surf D. cut 3. A. bracelet B. cake C. cake D. hat 4. A. although B. laugh C. paragraph D. enough 5. A. comedy B. novel C. princess D. cinema II)-Fill in each blank with the correct words with the cluster /br/ or /pr/. 6. Both their parents have dark ___ hair. 7. They worked all day without a ___. 8. Would you like some ___ and butter? 9. Watch out! There’s ___ glass on the floor. 10. We will be out all day so ___ some sandwiches with us. 11. Mai looks really ___ in that dress, doesn’t she? 12. He was awarded second ___ for his painting. 13. ___ is a plant with green flower-heads eaten as a vegetable. 14. You need plenty of ___ when you want to play a musical instrument. 15. ‘In’, ‘for’, ‘to’, ‘out of’ are all ___. III)-Jay and Tina talk about their leisure activities. Complete what they say with the correct verbs. Jay: My computer is very important for me. I’m a student at Manchester University, so I (16) ___ the Internet a lot for my studies and my friends and I (17) ___ a lot of computer games. I don’t (18)___ any sports. I (19)___ to evening classes twice a week; it’s a course on Computer Skills. On other nights, I (20) ___ with friends – we usually (21)___ to the cinema. Tina: I’m an amateur musician, so music is my life! I (22)___ the radio nearly all day – mainly classical or jazz. When I (23)___ TV, it’s always a music channel. I even (24)___ music when I (25)___ to the gym! I (26)___ the piano and the saxophone. And I (27)___ a lot of live music in my free time.
  13. IV)-Rewrite the messages in “NetLingo” 28. Hi, Alex. Are you free tomorrow? Would you like to go to see a film? Love Ed ___ 29. OK. What would you like to see? ___ 30. How about “The Queen and I”? It’s at the Odeon Cinema at 7.30 pm. ___ 31. Great What time? ___ 32. About 7.15? ___ 33. See you there. By the way, I haven’t got any money Can you pay for my ticket? ___ 34. I’ll lend you the money. ___ 35. Thanks for that! See you tomorrow. ___ Love and kisses, Alex. V)-Complete the sentences in Mai’s e-mail with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Hi Susan! Well. I’m here in Ha Noi, now. I see quite a lot of my cousin Hoa because we (36. enjoy/ do) ___ the same things. I have some new friends called David and John. David is very good at computers and he (37. not mind/ help) ___ me so that’s good. John is really nice too. He (38. play) ___ basketball and he (39. go/ skateboard) ___ quite a lot. His brother Toby is 18 and he’s really cool but he (40. prefer/ play) ___ football. I (41. do) ___ gymnastics once a week and Hoa (42. do) ___ karate. She prefers indoor sports because she (43. not like/ get) ___ cold! Write soon!
  14. Love, Mai VI)-Read the conversation and put the sentences (A-F) in the correct places (44-48). There is one extra question. A. Who’s she? B. Not just a name on a computer screen. C. Does she live near here? D. Do you fancy coming with us? E. Are you there? F. How do you know her? Mai: Hi, Susan. I’m going out with Hoa and Lan this evening. (44) ___ We’re going to have something to eat and then go to the cinema. Susan: I can’t. I’m going to chat with Linda. Mai: (45) ___ Susan: She’s my best friend. You don’t know her. Mai: (46) ___ Susan: We chat online. She’s great. Mai: (47) ___ Susan: No. She’s from Scotland. I really like her, we chat all the time. Mai: Come on, Susan. She’s not your real friend. Let’s go and have a drink and a cake. Susan: I’m not hungry. Anyway, I want to go to the Internet café. Linda might be online. Mai: Well, I’m going to meet Hoa and Lan in the canteen. You know, real people you can talk to. (48) ___ VII)-Read the review of a video game. Put the comments in the correct order (A-F). 49. ___ A. What happens in the game 50. ___ B. The kind of game 51. ___ C. The name of game 52. ___ D. What features it has 53. ___ E. The price 54. ___ F. Problems with the game
  15. By SimsFan I love “The Sims”! It’s a strategy game and you control the lives of cartoon characters – the “Sims”. You help them work, play, shop and do things in their houses. I bought the first Sims when I was thirteen and I played it every day. This new version is much better – it has got amazing graphics, lots of new and fun characters and incredible music. But it does crash sometimes. It’s not a cheap game (£19.99), but it is great fun! VIII)-Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). So strange! People have strange hobbies Mr. and Mrs. Ball live in Oxford. They collect garden gnomes. They have 225 in their garden! The gnomes are all different colours and come from different countries. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Ball are preparing a big garden party for their gnomes. They are putting lanterns on the trees and decorating the garden with colourful ballons. “We’re writing 225 invitations and we are putting up little tables and chairs for the gnomes,” Mrs. Ball says. “It’s a lot of work, but it’s fun.” Note: - (garden) gnome (n) = tượng thần lùn giữ của TF 55. Mr. and Mrs. Ball come from England.  56. They collect garden plants.  57. There are a lot of gnomes in Mr. and Mrs. Ball’s garden. 58. The gnomes are all from the UK.  59. The gnomes are not very colourful  60. Mr. and Mrs. Ball have had a party  61. Mr. and Mrs. Ball will invite all their gnomes to the party.  62. Mr. and Mrs. Ball hope that the party will be enjoyable. IX)-Read the passage carefully, and do the tasks that follow. Task 1: Match the heading (A-E) to the paragraphs (63-67). A. No computers for two days. B. Never again! C. Homework wasn’t as easy. D. I used my phone more.
  16. E. I didn’t want to listen to them talking! No computer day! How did you survive? 63. Ben, Luton, UK It was very difficult. I had quite a lot of homework to do. Usually, I use the computer to find information and I write my essay on it. My dad has lots of books, atlases and reference books, but most all of them are out of date! It wasn’t difficult to find information, but it took more time. 64. Jenny, Des Moines, USA I didn’t have email contact with my friends. I hate it! I sent a lot of texts. A few of my friends also turned off their computers, but most of them didn’t. On Sunday, there were lots of emails to read. 65. David, Los Angeles, USA I usually listen to sports on the Internet on Saturdays. I can listen to baseball from anywhere in the USA or football from Europe. I listened to my mum’s small kitchen radio. It was awful. There was no football at all. I won’t join in the next “no computer” day! 66. Sara, Richmond, UK My main problem was music. The batteries in my MP3 player were flat. I don’t have a DVD player – only on my computer – so I listened to the radio. It wasn’t very good. A few DJs are OK, but most of them talk too much. 67. Lisa, Swansea, Wales I read a lot. My mum has some good books. It was very relaxing. Usually, my eyes hurt in the evening. Last Saturday, they were fine. I went to bed earlier, too. The next day, I didn’t turn on my computer at all. I wanted to finish my book. Task 2: Match the words/ phrases (68-72) with their meanings (F-J). Write the answer in each blank. ___68. survive (v) F. a device giving electricity ___69. atlas (n) G. continue to live ___70. out of date (adj) H. a book of maps ___71. battery (n) I. not working ___72. flat (adj) J. no longer used
  17. X)-Fill the gaps with the words/ phrases in the box to give your opinion about the best leisure activities. More than one word can be suitable for some gaps. In my opinion In short Finally Second In addition First Besides also I choose reading as my favourite leisure activity for a number of reasons. (73)___. I read everywhere I can and whenever I am free. (74) ___. I read many kinds of books, such as: short stories, novels, science books, etc. Books help me to have more knowledge and experience of society, science, and our world. Have you read the book “The Art of Happiness” by the Dalai Lama? It teaches us how not only to get over sadness, but also to be always cheerful. (75)___, it (76)___ reminds us to live because everybody and real happiness only comes when helping other people. (77)___ that, I read a lot of detective stories, like “The Godfather”, “Sherlock Holmes”, etc. (78)___, a number of comic books and magazines for teenagers make me feel relaxed in my free time. (79)___, reading makes my mind rich, my life more pleasant, and I learn a lot from it. (80)___, reading brings me many benefits.
  18. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE A. PHONETICES Read the following sentences aloud, and put the words in the cluster /bl/ or /kl/ into the correct column. 1. My father usually has a cup of black coffee for breakfast. 2. His eyes were bright blue. 3. Take a deep breath and blow out the candles on the birthday cake. 4. Today she is wearing a white silk blouse. 5. I went for a walk around the block. 6. The teacher blamed me for the accident. 7. If you can’t answer the question, leave a blank. 8. The apple tree is covered in blossom. 9. He became completely blind after the car accident. 10. “Oh, dear! You blinked just as I took the photograph!” 11. I went to the table tennis club yesterday. 12. Mai and Phong are in the same class. 13. Do you like classical music? 14. Cats are very clean animals. 15. The water was so clear that we could see the bottom of the lake. 16. She’s so clever with her hands. 17. It is a humid, tropical climate. 18. He was climbing up the wall. 19. She works as a clerk in an office. 20. Is our hotel close to the beach? /bl/ /kl/ B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
  19. I)-Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases matching with the verbs. Maybe some verbs can be used more than once. grapes food buffaloes a camel data dolls a tent water cattle a flag strawberry a bike a fence tea buds a car goats information an ostrich blackberry sheep a motorbike a notice postcards a memorial a donkey 1. ride: ___ 2. collect: ___ 3. pick: ___ 4. herd: ___ 5. put up: ___ Note: -ostrich (n) = đà điểu II)-Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank. Answer A B ___ 1. cattle A. food made from milk, such as butter, cheese, etc. ___ 2. a nomad B. tasks such as cleaning, washing, ironing that have to be done regularly at home ___ 3. pasture C. a field planted with rice growing in water ___ 4. home-made D. an area with mountains or hills
  20. ___ 5. a paddy field E. a person moving from a place to another for earning a living all the time ___ 6. household F. male and female cows on a farm chores ___ 7. countryside G. the way that you live ___ 8. lifestyle H. made at home ___ 9. dairy products I. a field or land covered with grass, where cattle can feed ___ 10. highland J. land which is away from towns and cities III)-Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. ride grassland cattle loaded kites beehive vast harvest convenient dry 1. Several people were flying ___ on the field. 2. Russia is a ___ country with a lot of natural resources. 3. My brother is learning to ___ a horse at the moment. 4. Farmers often leave the rice in the sun to ___. 5. They ___ the buffalo-drawn cart with hay. 6. Farmers always need extra help with the ___. 7. Local people are turning ___ into farmland. 8. A ___ is a type of box that people use for keeping bees in. 9. Is it ___ to meet you at the moment? 10. My uncle raises a herd of ___ on his farm. IV)-Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. 1. Iceland is considered the most ___ country in the word. (peace) 2. A ___ lifestyle has its advantages and disadvantages. (nomad) 3. My brother has been ___ a stamp for several years. 4. It is a/an ___ place to hold a picnic because it is too far from the road. (convenience) 5. Drinking water in some areas may be ___. (safe)
  21. 6. During my stay in the village, I was ___ with several local farmers. (friend) 7. Encouraging children to eat and drink ___ is very important. (health) 8. Local people in the village often wear their ___ costumes during the festivals. (tradition) 9. Please give ___ to that charity to help the homeless after the flood. (generous) 10. The baby slept very ___ because the bed was really comfortable. (sound) V)-Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adjectives in the box. cheap expensive good small hot intelligent bad big hard important 1. An elephant is ___ a mouse. 2. The weather today is ___ it was yesterday. 3. A diamond costs a lot of money. A diamond is ___ a ruby. 4. A lake is ___ an ocean. 5. A person can think logically. A person is ___ an animal. 6. Good health is ___ money. 7. I can buy a bicycle, but not a motorbike. A bicycle is ___ a motorbike. 8. The last question is ___ the others. 9. I think my second essay is ___ the first. There were many mistakes in the first essay. 10. The food in a street market is ___ than in a supermarket. VI)-Use the adjectives in brackets in their correct forms of comparison to complete the sentences. 1. Tea is ___ coffee. (cheap) 2. The new harvest machine is ___ than the old one. (effective) 3. The countryside is ___ the town. (beautiful) 4. A tractor is ___ a buffalo. (powerful) 5. My sister is ___ me. (tall) 6. Blue whales are ___ elephants. (heavy)
  22. 7. The Mekong River is ___ the Red River. (long) 8. Do you think English is ___ French in grammar? (easy) 9. My new bed is ___ my old bed. (comfortable) 10. The film about my village town is ___ than the book. (interesting) VII)-Complete the sentences with suitable forms of the adverbs given in the brackets. 1. I am faster worker than Tom is. (fast) I work ___. 2. Mai’s singing is more beautiful than Mi’s. (beautifully) Mai sings ___. 3. We were earlier at the party than the Smiths last night. (early) We arrived ___. 4. Phong’s voice is louder than Nick’s. (loudly) Phong speaks ___. 5. My English is more fluent than my sister’s. (fluently) I speak English___. C. SPEAKING Decide whether the statement is an advantage (A) or a disadvantage (D) of the nomadic life, and write the answer in the blank. Then practice the conversation about what you like or dislike about it. A/D 1. A nomad constantly changes locations, switching from one place ___ to another. 2. It is hard to maintain a relationship. ___ 3. This constant process of change is a great learning experience, ___ and when you learn, you become smarter. 4. Nomads don’t take life very seriously, and they think about life ___ very optimistically. 5. You can learn to ride a horse from the early age, and travel ___ everywhere by horse or camel. 6. Nomads think and adjust fast. ___
  23. 7. The basic understanding for nomads is that “everything is ___ temporary and nothing is yours”. 8. Being a nomad, you never really have a feeling of real home. ___ A. What do you like about the nomadic life? B. Well, . A. And what don’t you like about it? B. . D. READING I)-Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage. Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First, you can enjoy peace and quietness. Moreover, people tend t be friendlier. A further advantage is that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children. However, there are certain disadvantages or drawbacks to life outside the city. First, because there are fewer people, you are likely to have few friends. In addition, entertainment is difficult to find, particularly in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services means that it is hard to find jobs. In short, it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some people than others. On the whole, it is often the best for those who are retired or who have young children. In contrast, young people who have a career are better provided in the city. 1. According to the passage, living in the country has ___. A. only good points B. only bad points C. both good and bad points D. no disadvantages 2. How many advantages does living in the country have? A. Two B. Three C. Four D. No 3. Living in the country is safer for young children because___.
  24. A. there is less traffic B. there are few shops C. there are fewer people D. there are few services 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. People in the country tend to be friendlier than people in the city. B. It’s hard to find entertainment in the country. C. There are fewer shops and services in the country. D. The country is only suitable for retired people. 5. Having few friends is ___. A. one of drawbacks to life in the country B. the only disadvantage to living in the country C. one of certain drawbacks to life outside the city D. one of certain advantages to life outside the city II)-Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. The country is (1)___ beautiful than a town and pleasant to live in. Many people think so, and go to the country (2)___ the summer holiday although they can’t live (3)___ all the year round. Some have a cottage built in a village (4)___ that they can go there whenever they (5)___ find the time. English villages are not all alike, but (6)___ some ways they are not very different from (7)___ other. Almost every village (8) ___ a church, the round or square tower of which can (9)___ seen from many miles around. Surrounding the church is the church yard, (10)___ people are buried. E. WRITING I)-Complete the sentences about what Linda thinks about the country life, using the cues given. Name: Linda Home: a farm/ the country/ Colorado/ USA. Likes: summer – hiking/ mountains; winter – snowboarding. Reasons: relaxing/ quiet
  25. Dislikes: city life/ not safe enough/ walk around alone/ too dangerous/ cycle/ street/ heavy traffic 1. Linda lives ___ 2. In summer, she ___ 3. In winter, she ___ . 4. She really likes it because ___ . 5. She thinks city life is not ___ 6. She also thinks it is too ___ II)-Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences. 1. Soc Trang province/ follow/ new rural development programme/ 22 poor villages/ since 2000. ___ ___ 2. Local people/ rice, vegetables/ and/ animals. ___ ___ 3. Agricultural work/ become/ less difficult/ thank/ machinery. ___ ___ 4. Electricity/ help/ children/ study better/ and/ paved roads/ make/ transportation/ easier. ___ ___ 5. Public works/ help/ local people especially Khmer people/ develop production/ reduce poverty/ create better lives. ___ ___ TEST (UNIT 2)
  26. I)-Choose the words/ phrases that do not go with the verb. 1. ride A. a donkey B. a car C. a horse D. an elephant 2. collect A. tomatoes B. entertainment C. honey D. tea leaves 3. pick A. blackberries B. roses C. wild flowers D. passengers 4. herd A. cattle B. cows C. carts D. camels 5. put up A. tents B. a new fence C. umbrellas D. nomadic life II)-Complete the following sentences with the correct words with the cluster /bl/ or /kl/ from the table, and then read aloud the sentences. blame close black clock click club clothes blood blue block 6. She often dressed in ___. 7. Her hands were ___ with cold. 8. ___ on the mouse to choose the correct answers. 9. Some people ___ the changes in the climate on pollution. 10. The heart pumps ___ around the body. 11. We are working in an office ___. 12. Are you a member of the football ___? 13. The ___ is five minutes fast. 14. They invited only friends to the party. 15. She was wearing new ___. III)-Fill in each blank with the correct adjective from the box. slow vast quiet peaceful nomadic inconvenient colourful safe hard brave 16. Nick looks very funny – today he is wearing a ___ shirt. 17. It will be very ___ for me to have no bicycle. 18. Last Sunday our class visited a ___ village near our school.
  27. 19. The dentist asked me to try to be ___ because it might hurt me a little. 20. People have cut down trees in a/an ___ area of forest this year. 21. On the Gobi Highland we can find several ___ tribes living on raising cattle. 22. The life is usually ___ and quiet in the countryside. 23. Is it ___ to drink water from this river? 24. After he retired, he leads a ___ life in his home village. 25. Many years ago my village was very poor and the living conditions were so ___. IV)-Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. 26. There is a ___ of books on the shelf. (collect) 27. It is very ___ for people in remote areas to get to hospitals. (convenience) 28. He is very ___ with his hands. (skill) 29. It is said that water collected from the local stream is ___ to drink. (safe) 30. We want ___ relations with all countries. (friend) 31. I like to eat ___, so I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables every day. (health) V)-Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adverbs from the correspondent adjectives in the brackets. 32. It usually rains ___ in Central Viet Nam than in other regions. (heavy) 33. I will have to try a bit ___ than this. (hard) 34. The hall was lighted ___ than the corridors. (bright) 35. Times goes by ___ when we are busy. (quick) 36. Our family has lived ___ in the country than in the town since last year. (happy) 37. The boys were playing the game ___ than the girls. (noisy) 38. This task can be completed ___ than that one. (easy) 39. A tractor can plough ___ than a buffalo or a horse. (good)
  28. VI)-Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adverbs from the correspondent adjectives in the box. generous bad optimistic healthy traditional quick sound good 40. A baby can sleep ___ than an adult. 41. People in the country eat ___ than people in the city. 42. Our grandparents got dressed ___ than we do nowadays. 43. Nick speaks English ___ than I do. 44. That old lady donates ___ than her family members. 45. City people seem to apply modern techniques ___ than country people. 46. The scientist talked ___ about the future of young people in the country than local people. 47. The paddy fields in my village were ___ affected by the floods than the next village. VII)-Complete the sentences with suitable forms of the adverbs given in the brackets. 48. Nick is a careful writer than Phuc. (carefully) Nick writes essays ___. 49. A snail is slower than a crab. (slowly) A snail moves ___. 50. My father’s explanation about the subject was clearer than my brother’s. (clearly) My father explained the subject ___. 51. My cousin is a better singer than I am. (well) My cousin sings ___. 52. Phong is a faster swimmer than Phuc. (fast) Phong swims ___. VIII)-Complete the conversation, using the phrases/ sentences (A-H) given. A. It’s a real life, I think. B. You don’t worry about delay or being late any more. C. I see. D. the fresh air and the open space E. to make you fit and happy
  29. F. It’s really interesting. G. We can’t enjoy social activities there, especially in the evening. H. the traffic systems in the city Nick: Hi, Mai. Have you just comeback from your stay in the countryside? Mai: Yeah, I stayed on my uncle’s farm for the weekend. (53)___ Nick: Do you really like the life in the countryside? Why? Mai: First, you can enjoy (54)___. Nick: What do you mean, Mai? Mai: In the countryside, we have the yard or the garden to play in. You can run around, kick a ball or chase butterflies. (55)___ Nick: In my opinion, the countryside it’s only nice if people are retired or they get old. (56)___. Mai: But in the country, you are not in a hungry. (57)___. We can say “no” to traffic jams there. Nick: Well, (58)___ are becoming much better. Anyway, we can ride a bicycle around (59)___. Mai: (60)___. Maybe we can live in the town and go to the countryside at the weekend or during the summer holiday. IX)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blanks space in the following passage. The country and the city have advantages and (61)___. People in the country live in more beautiful surroundings. They enjoy (62)___ and quietness, and can do their work at their (63)___ pace because no one is in a (64)___. They live in larger, more comfortable houses, and their neighbors are more friendly, and ready to help them (65)___ they need it. Their life, however, can be (66)___ and they may be isolated, which is serious problem (67)___ they are ill or want to take children to school. The city has all the services that the country lacks, but it (68)___ has a lot of disadvantages. Cities are often polluted. They not (69)___ have polluted air but also have noisy streets. Everyone is always in hurry and this
  30. (70)___ that people have no time to get to know each other and make friends. 61. A. joy B. enjoyment C. happiness D. disadvantages 62. A. quiet B. quietly C. peace D. peaceful 63. A. less B. own C. just D. only 64. A. hurry B. hurried C. hurriedly D. hurrying 65. A. when B. which C. what D. that 66. A. bore B. bored C. boring D. bores 67 A. unless B. because C. although D. if 68. A. also B. yet C. already D. so 69. A. never B. ever C. hardly D. only 70. A. aims B. means C. asks D. said X)-Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage. The country is more beautiful than a town and more pleasant to live in. Many people think so, and go to the country for the summer holidays though they cannot live there all the year round. Some have a cottage built in a village so that they can go there whenever they can find the time. English villages are not all alike, but in some ways they are not very different from one another. Almost every village has a church, the round or square tower of which can be seen from many miles around. Surrounding the church is the church yard, where people are buried. The village green is a wide stretch of grass, and houses or cottages are built round it. Country life is now fairly comfortable and many villages have running water brought through pipes into each house. Most villages are so close to some small towns that people can go there to buy what they can’t find in the village shops. 71. When do city people often go to the country? A. At the weekends. B. All the year round. C. At Christmas. D. The summer holidays. 72. What is the advantage of city people when they have a cottage built in the village?
  31. A. They can have their houses rented. B. They can go to the country at weekends. C. They can go to the country whenever they can find the time. D. All are correct. 73. What is the common feature of English villages? A. They have a church. B. They have a church with a tall tower, and a village green. C. They have a village green. D. They have running water. 74. What is NOT mentioned in the life of English villages? A. The village B. The church C. Running D. The green water Internet 75. What can villagers do when their villages are close to small towns? A. They can go there to buy whatever they want. B. They can go there to buy cheaper things. C. They can go there to buy what is not found in the village shops. D. They can go there to buy luxury goods. XI)-Use the words or phrases given to write meaningful sentences. 76. Villagers/ usually earn/ living/ farming/ raising animals/ making handicrafts. ___ ___ 77. They/ live/ a small community/ a temple/ where great events/ such as/ festivals/ organized. ___ ___ 78. Villagers/ the Southern/ usually live/ houses/ built on stilts/ keep above flood waters. ___ ___ 79. Along/ coastal lines/ fishermen/ depend/ sea/ live on. ___ ___
  32. 80. People/ Central Highlands/ and/ northern regions/ live/ growing rice/ rubber trees/ coffee/ tea. ___ ___
  33. UNIT 3: PEOPLE IN VIETNAM A. PHONETICES Read the following sentences aloud, and put the words in the cluster /sk/, /sp/ or /st/ into the correct column. 1. How do you spell your surname? 2. He is going to make a speech to city businessmen. 3. How much does your family spend on food each week? 4. If you don’t pay the bill, our company will disconnect the Internet connectivity. 5. Don’t let these little problems discourage you. 6. John did a lot of sport when he was at school. 7. Could you speak more slowly? 8. My brother is a stamp collector. 9. The house was built of grey stone. 10. You have ten minutes to complete the three tasks. 11. Potato crisps are my favourite snack. 12. They are building a new school in our area. 13. What is the best way to get to the museum from here? 14. I ask the shopkeeper how much the jacket is. 15. Indonesian food is rather spicy. 16. Scientists are hoping to discover the cause of that illness. 17. He’s very skillful with his hands. 18. I’ll send you the text as soon as I have any news. 19. The castle stands on a hill. 20. She always reads the children a bedtime story. /sk/ /sp/ /st/ B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR
  34. I)-Fill in each blank of the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box. a tour ethnic groups little bridges information research cultural heritage stilt house display area Vietnam Museum of Ethnology in Ha Noi offers an insight into 54 different ethnic groups of Viet Nam in an effort to preserve (1)___. The museum is full of (2)___ about traditional Vietnamese ways of life of all the Vietnamese (3)___. The display hall shows everyday objects representing each ethnic group, a (4)___ center, a library and an auditorium. Its indoor exhibition area provides you (5)___ which includes the Viet, Muong, Tay, Thai, H’Mong, Yao, Khmer, Cham, and Hoa ethnic groups. The outdoor (6)___ presents a variety of Vietnamese homes including a Tay (7)___ and a Viet house, each separated by a small stream and reached via (8)___. The museum is suitable for children, and all documents and signs are translated into English and French. II)-Complete the passage with the words given in the box. ethnic for villages dress valleys home at with provide their The villages surrounding Sa Pa are (1)___ to several of Vietnam’s 54 ethnic minority groups, each with their own distinctive (2)___, customs and dialects. These tribes can all be seen (3)___ the weekend market in Sa Pa town to trade (4)___ one another. Apart from its fascinating (5)___ diversity, Sa Pa is also famous (6)___ its trekking. With Vietnam’s highest peak, Mt. Fansipan (3,143m) only 9km away the (7)___ and mountains (8)___ the perfect backdrop for some great treks. Some of the (9)___ now have local stays where you can stay overnight with a family in (10)___ traditional home. III)-Fill in each blank with a, an, or the to complete the following passage. Ethnic Groups
  35. Vietnam is (1)___ multi-nationality country with 54 ethnic groups. The Viet (Kinh) people account for 87% of (2)___ country’s population and mainly inhabit (3)___ Red River Delta, (4)___ central coastal delta, (5)___ Mekong Delta and major cities. (6)___ other 53 ethnic minority groups, totaling over 8 million people, are scattered over mountain areas spreading from the North to the South. (7)___ number of ethnic minorities had mastered some farming techniques. They grew rice plants in swamped paddy fields and carried out irrigation. Others went hunting, fishing, collecting and lived (8)___ semi-nomadic life. Each group has its own culture, diverse and special. However, (9)___ evident gap in the material and moral life has indeed still existed between peoples living in the deltas and those living in mountain areas as well as among ethnic minorities themselves. (10)___ Vietnamese government has worked out specific policies and special treatments in order to help mountainous people catching up with lowland people, and made great efforts to develop and preserve traditional cultural identities of each ethnic minority group. IV)-Fill each blank with a, an, or the to complete the following passage. (1)___ Lo Lo ethnic group can be divided into Flower Lo Lo and Black Lo Lo. Living in Lung Cu since ancient time, the Lo Lo people have made many efforts in making (2)___ homeland suitable for farming. (3)___ Lo Lo folkloric culture is very rich and unique, demonstrated with dances, songs, legends. (4)___ Lo Lo calendar divides a year into 11 months, each corresponding to (5)___ animal’s name. Decorations on their turbans, shirts, skirts and trousers are particularly colourful. (6)___ ancient bronze drums are very important. (7)___ head of each family is entitled to keep the drums which are used only during funerals or festivals to maintain rhythms for dances. The Lo Lo people are among (8)___ few ethnic groups in Vietnam who still use bronze drums, (9)___ traditional musical instrument closely associated with (10)___ legend about the Flood. V)-Read the passage, make questions for the underlined words of the following answers. In 2006, the house of a local family in Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province was chosen for the background of the film “The Story of Pao”. From distance, the house looks
  36. beautiful as a painting. Bushes of wild but beautiful flowers in blossom in the right and an old learning cherry blossom tree at the gate create a romantic scene for the house. The film is about the life of a Hmong girl named Pao. She was raised by her stepmother because her real mother left her when she was a little. One day, her stepmother died in an accident, and she began to look for her birth mother. 1. ? The house was chosen for the background of the film in 2006. 2. ? The house is in Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province. 3. ? The film is about the life of a Hmong girl named Pao. 4. ? She was raised by her stepmother because her real mother left her when she was little. 5. ? She began to look for her birth mother when her stepmother died in an accident. VI)-Make a questions for the underlined words of these answers. 1. ? The Ha Nhi ethnic group has about 12,500 inhabitants. 2. ___? They live in the provinces of Lai Chau and Lao Cai. 3. ___? The Ha Nhi mainly worship their ancestors. 4. ___? They live on rice cultivation of burnt-over land or terraced fields. 5. ___? They use ploughs and harrows pulled by oxen and buffaloes to work in the fields. 6. ___? The gardens are often close to their houses. C. SPEAKING Talk with a partner. One plays the role of a reporter asking the questions, and the other answers with the questions below.
  37. A: (1) ___ B: The Hmong speak a language that belongs to the Hmong-Dao language family. A: (2) ___ B: They grow mainly corn, rice, and wheat. A: (3) ___ B: They also plant lotus, potatoes, vegetable, peanut, sesame, beans, etc. A: (4) ___ B: The Hmong raise water buffaloes, cows, pigs, chickens, and horses. A: (5) ___ B: The horse is the most effective source of transportation in these mountainous areas. A: (6) ___ B: The Hmong handicraft is famous for embroidery, blacksmithing, and the making of horse saddles, wooden furniture, and silver jewelry. A: (7) ___ B: The Hmong’s New Year is in December, about one month earlier than Vietnamese Tet. A: (8) ___ B: During the New Year’s Festival, villagers play shuttlecock, swing, flute and sing and dance at public areas around the villages. D. READING I)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. Communal House (Rong House) The Rong House can only be (1)___ in villages to the north of the Central Highlands, especially in Gia Lai and Kon Tum provinces. It is a large, imposing, beautifully decorated stilt house built (2)___ the middle of the village. It is where community activities (3)___, meetings, wedding ceremonies, or praying ceremonies. It is also the place for reception of guests. The Rong House of each ethnic group has its own architectural style, design, and décor. Yet there are shared
  38. (4)___. In the village, it is often (5)___ house roofed with yellow-dried thatch leaves and having 8 big wood columns. The rafters are decorated with patterns of bright colours, depicting religious scenes, legendary stories about ancient heroes, stylized animals, and other familiar things of the village life. The most distinction of the décor of the Rong House is the (6)___ of the brilliant God of Sun. The Rong House is a (7)___ of the culture of Central Highlanders, an age-old and stable culture. The bigger the house, the wealthier the village is. It is a (8)___ of the whole village. 1. A. find B. found C. to find D. finding 2 A. on B. at C. in D. under 3 A. take place B. take on C. happens D. occurs 4 A. designs B. cultures C. customs D. features 5. A. a big B. a bigger C. the biggest D. biggest 6. A. painting B. photo C. image D. portrait 7 A. signal B. symbol C. sign D. scene 8. A. design B. respect C. proud D. pride II)-Read the following passage, and answer the questions below. Duong Lam: An ancient Vietnamese village Duong Lam Village is located in Duong Lam Commune at a 45 km distance from Ha Noi. It is the birthplace of two kings in the history of Vietnam, Phung Hung (or Bo Cai Dai Vuong) and Ngo Quyen, who opened up the long-term self-control and independence period of Vietnam after Bach Dang Victory in the year 938. All houses, gates, village gates and wells are built of laterite creating an architectural complex, a unique village that is typical for villages in the midlands in the North of Vietnam. At present, there are still nearly old 200 houses and many other historical monuments such as Phung Hung Temple, Ngo Quyen Royal Tomb, Mong Phu Communal House, Ho Gam Hill at which Phung Hung killed tigers to secure villagers and the temple at which the diplomat Giang Van Minh is worshiped. 1. Where is Duong Lam Village? ___ 2. Who were the two kings whose birthplace is Duong Lam Village?
  39. ___ 3. What is Duong Lam typical for? ___ 4. How many old houses are there in Duong Lam? ___ 5. What are the famous historical monuments there? ___ E. WRITING Write full sentences about the Cham ethnic group, using the words and phrases given. 1. The Cham ethnic group/ a population/ about 100,000. ___ ___ 2. They/ live mostly/ the coast/ between Ninh Thuan/ Binh Thuan Provinces/ or/ the Cambodian border/ around Chau Doc. ___ ___ ___ 3. The Cham/ a tradition/ wet rice cultivation. ___ 4. Handicrafts/ fairly well-developed/ especially silkworm textiles/ handmade pottery wares. ___ ___ 5. Both men/ women/ wear/ long one-piece sarongs/ cloth wrappers. ___ ___ 6. Main colour/ their daily dress/ cotton white. ___ 7. Chief means/ transporting goods/ farm produce/ back-basket. ___ 8. Most important festival/ called Bon Kate/ held/ near the Cham towers/ the tenth month/ the Lunar year.
  40. ___ ___ TEST (UNIT 3) I)-Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. The Gong Festival is held ___ in the Central Highlands. A. year B. yearly C. annual D. annually 2. ___ does Hoa Ban Festival take place? – In Lai Chau. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 3. It is typical of the cultural life of ___ Thai people A. some B. a C. the D. Ø 4. ___ do the cattle provide for the nomads? – Dairy products, meat, and clothing. A. What B. Where C. Why D. How 5. The crops ___ on the weather. A. depend B. depend C. affect heavy D. affect heavily heavy heavily 6. Mai studies Maths a little bit ___. A. bad B. badly C. good D. smartly 7. During the festival, they fly many ___ kites in different shapes and sizes A. colour B. colourless C. colourful D. colouring 8. An old woman was ___ the goats up the mountainside. A. riding B. taking C. herding D. running 9. ___ is the festival celebrated? – Every year. A. When B. How often C. How D. What 10. There are no high building to block ___ in our village. A. view B. a view C. some view D. the view II)-Complete the following sentences with the correct words with the cluster /sk/, /sp/ or /st/ from the table, and then read aloud the sentences. disk sports stone ask best speech
  41. spelling school speak stamps spend skill 11. The child lost the power of ___ from birth. 12. I am going to ___ the weekend at the grandparents’ house. 13. I got lost and I had to ___ somebody the way. 14. Which ___ do you like playing? 15. The boy picked up a ___ and threw it into the river. 16. The course will help you to develop your reading ___. 17. Nam is very poor at___. 18. Does anyone here ___ French? 19. A ___ is a device for storing information on a computer. 20. Do you have to wear a ___ uniform? 21. Who in the class is ___ at maths? 22. He has been collecting ___ from many countries since he was eight. III)-Use the correct form of the words in brackets to finish the sentences. 23. Terraced rice fields in Sa Pa are slopes claimed for cultivation in hilly or ___ areas. (mountain) 24. For the Muong, rice is also the main ___ crop. (agriculture) 25. The Muong call their ___ calendar “sach doi”, which is made from 12 bamboo sticks that represent the 12 months. (tradition) 26. Viet Nam is a country of tremendous ___ with 54 ethnic groups. (diverse) 27. The ethnic minority groups in Viet Nam have been living in ___ co- existence. (peace) IV)-Read the following facts about the Khmer ethnic people, and talk about them with a partner. • Population: over one million • Inhabitation areas: Soc Trang, Tra Vinh, Can Tho, Kien Giang, and An Giang provinces • Customs: young Khmer people often go to pagodas to study and improve their virtues and knowledge. • Production activities: wet rice cultivation. animal husbandry, weaving, pottery and sugar making from the “Thot Not”tree
  42. • Festivals: “Chon Cho Nam Tho May”(New Year Festival), Buddha’s Birthday, “Don Ta”(Forgive the Crimes of the Dead), and “Ooc Om Bok”(Moon worship) A: What/ population/ Khmer ethnic group? (28) ___ B: (29) ___ A: Where/ the Khmer/ live? (30) ___ B: (31)___ A: What/ their customs? (32) ___ B: (33) ___ A: What/ they/ do/ live on? (34) ___ B: (35) ___ A: What/ their main festivals? (36)___ B: (37) ___ V)-Complete each blank in the following passage with the correct word/ phrase from the box. marriage share a funeral house branch stilt house ethnic minorities ceremonies musical instruments Jarai (or Giarai) The largest (38)___ group on the Central Highlands is the Jarai, with a population of about 250,000. It is thought that Jarai people left the coastal plains around 2000 years ago, settling on the fertile plateau around Pleiku, and in Kon Tum Province. Some ethnologists think that Cham people are in fact a (39)___ of the Jarai, and they certainly (40)___ common linguistic traits.
  43. Villagers are often named for a nearby river, stream or tribal chief. In the centre of each can be found a large (41)___, which acts as a kind of community centre where the council of elders and their elected chief meet. House are traditionally built on stilt, facing north. Jarai women typically propose (42)___ to men through a matchmaker, who delivers the prospective groom a cooper bracelet. Perhaps more than any of Vietnam’s other hill tribes, the Jarai are famous for their (43)___, from stringed “gongs” to bamboo tubes, which act as wind flutes and percussion. Animist beliefs are still strong and the Jarai world is filled with spirits, the most famous of which are the kings of Water, Fire and Wind, represented by shamans who are involved in rain-making (44)___ and other rituals. Funeral rites are particularly complex and expensive: after the burial, (45)___ is built over the grave and evocative sculptures of people, birds and objects from everyday life are placed inside. Note: evocative (adj) = making you remember or imagine something pleasant. VI)-Fill in each blank with a, an, or the to complete the following passage. (46)___ history of Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture started in 1891 when (47)___ French scientist began to collect Cham sculptures that had been discovered in scattered areas of Quang Nam Province and brought them to Da Nang. (48)___ first museum building was designed by French architects, and construction began in 1915 and was finished by May 1916. (49)___ Museum has played (50)___ important role in preserving sculpture items featuring the cultural, spiritual and ritual lives of the Cham people. They arranged (51)___ displays in order of (52)___ areas where (53)___ objects were found. VII)-Make questions for the underlined words in the following answers. 54. Ethnic groups in Central Highlands have the custom of making funeral houses and statues for the dead. ___?
  44. 55. People in the Central Highlands believe that man after death will move to another world. ___? 56. If the dead were not buried in beautiful graves, they would return and harass the living. ___? 57. Making funeral houses and cutting wooden statues are the way of building palaces and supply slaves to the dead in the other world. ___? 58. People in the Central Highlands use three tools to make statues. ___? 59. The topics for funeral statues are taken from modern life. ___? VIII)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage. The Muong (60)___ ethnic roots with the Vietnamese people and their language is classified in the Vietnamese-Muong language branch. The Muong live in (61)___ areas which have abundant land for (62)___ wet rice. In a Muong hamlet, stilt houses are located in the shade of big trees, huddle against the mountain, and (63)___ out on vast rice fields. A Muong house is designed to maximize convenient use and air ventilation to counter the warm, humid mountain climate. The Muong’s (64)___ is special. Men often wear a round-neck shirt which opens in the front and has two pockets. Their pants have large trouser legs. The Muong women wear a long, black dress and a white or brown shirt with a line of buttons in the front and long sleeves. They wind a white or indigo headscarf (65)___ their head. The Muong have (66)___ folk arts including folk songs and poems, sorcerer’s worshiping songs, tales, and riddle songs. The gong is (67)___ popular musical instrument (68)___ the flute, the (69)___ violin, the drum, and the panpipe. 60. A. have B. share C. divide D. cut
  45. 61. A. mountain B. mount C. mountainous D. hill 62. A. growing B. harvesting C. putting D. raising 63. A. watch B. see C. stare D. look 64. A. cloth B. material C. costume D. costumes 65. A. out B. around C. at D. above 66. A. diverse B. diversity C. variety D. range 67. A. most B. the most C. more D. the more 68. A. together B. as well C. along D. along with 69. A. two strings B. two-string C. two string D. second-string IX)-Read the passage, and then choose the best answer. The Space of Gong Culture in Central Highlands The space of gong culture in Central Highlands of Viet Nam covers 5 provinces of Kon Tum, Gia Lai, Dak Lak, Dak Nong and Lam Dong. The masters of gong culture are the ethnic groups of Ba Na, Xo Dang, M’Nong, Co Ho, Ro Mam, E De, Giarai The gong performances are always closely tied to community cultural rituals and ceremonies of the ethnic groups in Central Highlands. Many researchers have classified gongs as ceremonial musical instrument and the gong sounds as a means to communicate with deities and gods. The gongs are made of bronze. Their diameter is from 20 cm to 60cm or from 90cm to 120cm. A set of gongs consists of 2 to 12 or 13 units and even to 18 or 20 units in some places. In most of the ethnic groups, namely Giarai, Ede Kpah, Ba Na, Xo Dang, Brau, Co Ho, etc., only males are allowed to play gongs. However, in others such as Ma and M’Nong groups, both males and females can play gongs. Few ethnic groups (for example, E de Bih), gongs are performed by women only. As for the majority of ethnic groups in Central Highlands, gongs are musical instruments of sacred power. It is believed that every gong is the settlement of a god who gets more powerful as the gong is older. Therefore, gongs are associated to all events in one’s life, such as the inauguration of new houses, funerals, buffalo sacrifice, new harvest, ceremony to pray for people’s and cattle’s health, ceremony to see off soldiers to the front, and the victory celebration.
  46. 70. Gong culture can be found in ___. E. Kon Tum F. Kon Tum and Gia Lai G. Central Highlands H. highlands in Viet Nam 71. It is though that the gong sounds can help us ___. A. have a relation with the gods B. enjoy ourselves C. communicate with nature D. harvest crops 72. All of the following statements are true except that ___. A. the matter whether males or females play gongs depends on the ethnic groups B. the diameter of gongs can be varied C. a set of gongs is not more than 10 units D. the gongs are made of bronze 73. Gongs are believed to have a sacred power because ___. A. the gong is older than a god B. a god will make gongs more powerful C. the statement was made D. they are associated to all events in one’s life 74. The word “inauguration” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___. A. building B. finding C. sale D. opening X)-Write full sentences to show the way how to cook “Thang Co”. How to cook “Thang Co” – a speciality of Hmong 75. It/ quite simple/ cook Thang Co. ___ 76. The horse meat and organs/ washed/ and/ mixed/ 12 traditional spices: cardamom, anise flower, cinnamon, ginger and some secret species
  47. ___ ___ 77. Then/ all meat and organs/ put/ a large pan/ fried. ___ 78. Wait until/ meat/ become/ dry/ and/ pour water/ pan/ and swimmer within more than an hour. ___ ___ 79. The organs/ such as/ heart, liver, blood, bowel, meat, bone/ added later/ then/ simmered and put more vegetables. ___ ___ 80. The pans/ Thang Co/ highland market fairs/ usually enough/ a few dozen/ people. ___ TEST YOURSELF 1 I)-Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. 1. A. harmful B. slowly C. cloudy D. unique 2. A. worship B. belong C. enjoy D. behave 3. A. alternate B. entertain C. symbolize D. cultivate 4. A. heritage B. museum C. decorate D. blackberry 5. A. minorities B. populated C. activity D. experience II)-Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 6. Yoga helps us learn ___ to co-ordinate breathing and movement. A. what B. when C. why D. how 7. Teenagers enjoy ___ to music and ___ out with friends. A. listen – hang B. to listen – to C. listening – D. listening – hang hang hanging 8. ___ should children do yoga too? A. Why B. When C. What D. How 9. Don’t worry. It is ___ to travel to that village event at night.
  48. A. safe B. unsafe C. difficult D. inconvenient 10. Life in a small town is ___ than that in a big city. A. peaceful B. much C. less peaceful D. much more peaceful peaceful 11. The boys often help their parents to ___ water from the village well. A. gather B. collect C. give D. find 12. In the Central Highlands, the biggest and tallest house in the village is the ___ house. A. communicati B. community C. communal D. commune on 13. The Viet people have many ___ customs and crafts. A. tradition B. traditional C. culture D. customary 14. ___ month is the Hoa Ban Festival of the Thai people held in? A. When B. Which C. How many D. How often 15. The ___ on display in Da Nang Museum of Cham Sculpture are vert interesting. A. items B. goods C. products D. shows III)-Complete the following sentences with the correct words from the table, and then read aloud the sentences. Practise saying the words with the cluster /bl/ or /kl/. classical blouse cleaning blanket blackberry clerk blank block clearly blind 16. Fill in each ___ in the following exercise. 17. “It’s cold tonight – can I have another ___?” 18. She has been ___ since her birth. 19. A ___ is a piece of clothing that women wear. 20. My shoes need ___. 21. It was so dark that we couldn’t see the road ___. 22. I prefer ___ pie for desserts. 23. He plays ___ music, as well as pop and jazz. 24. Some new buildings ___ the view from the window. 25. The ___ gave us the key to the laboratory.
  49. IV)-Circle the correct answers in the text. Back in 2006, 79-year-old Peter Oakley made a film of himself talking about his life experiences and 26uploaded/ downloaded it onto the web. He used a new 27online community/ video-sharing site, YouTube (which was then only one year old). He called the film “First Try”, and the 28blog/ online community loved it. Within a week, Peter was the number one use on YouTube, making him an Internet celebrity. The film has now had nearly three million 29hits/ websites. Peter 30posted/ searched more films online about himself and his life, and called the series “Telling it All”. He also has his own 31hits/ website (askgeriatric.com), where you can read his 32blog/ video sharing site. Oh, yes, and you can 33download/ post Peter’s song from it – he’s also in a rock band! Note: hit (n) = a request to use a web page, and we can know the number looking at that page. V)-Fill in each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. 34. Some regions in Central Highlands in Viet Nam are not ___. (populate) 35. He spoke ___ about the life in the countryside in Viet Nam. (optimistic) 36. All of us can realize the ___ atmosphere in the countryside life. (peace) 37. Some of the ___ have lived here all their lives. (village) 38. Having to wait for ten minutes was a minor ___. (convenient) VI)-Complete the conversations, using the words or phrases given. love don’t mind hate don’t really like quite like A Nick: Jenny, please help me with the washing up. Jenny: Why? There’s not much. Nick: I know, but I (39)___ doing it. It’s awful. B Mum: Let me help you. Sarah: No, that’s OK. I (40)___ doing the cooking. It’s one of my favourite hobbies. C Phong: What are you doing? Phuc: I’m tidying my room.
  50. Phong: What? Still? Phuc: Yeah, I (41)___ doing it. It’s a bit boring. D John: And we also need lots of drinks. Shall I come with you? Mai: No, I’m fine. I really (42)___ shopping. E Mum: Ok, give me the next shirt. I (43)___ doing another one. Mai: You really don’t mind? How sweet of you. VII)-Read the advertisements, and do the task that follows. Choosing a holiday activity Are you always bored in the holidays? Choose one of our fantastic holiday courses – have fun, learn something new and make friends! All our courses are five days. Course 1: Join a band Do you love playing music, but you haven’t got anyone to play with? This course is for you! Bring a musical instrument your guitar, your violin or just your voice! Meet other musicians and start a band. Learn to make music together. Course 2: Picture perfect This course teaches you how to take fantastic photographs using modern digital cameras. But it’s not just photography we also help you with your painting skills. Use your photos to paint personal pictures of people and scenery. Course 3: Plain sailing All you need to know about sailing. Don’t bring equipment: we have everything you need. We take you to a beautiful area – only 30-minute drive – and we sail in every type of weather. You learn to sail in groups of five so you make friends, too! Course 4: A taste of Italy Do you like Italian food? Do you want to learn how to prepare it? This course shows you how to make three simple tasty dishes. We have all the ingredients for delicious traditional Italian food. Have an amazing dinner party for your friends at the end of the course! Which course is good for people who: 44. want to meet new people? ___
  51. 45. like singing? ___ 46. love cooking? ___ 47. like art? ___ 48. like to be in the open air? ___ 49. love the sea? ___ 50. like eating with friends? ___ 51. play a musical instrument? ___ (Some questions may have more than one answer.) VIII)-Complete each blank in the following passage with the correct word/ phrase from the box. use designs colors slope stream tribe takes image Cat Cat Village – Sa Pa Cat Cat Village is located on the Muong Hoa Valley, this is the village of Hmong hill (52)___. It’s not far from Sa Pa Town, about 3 km and it (53)___ you 45 minutes to walk here. The village is on the (54)___ of the hill and easy walking, rice and corn are grown here. Visiting Cat Cat Village, we can have a chance to visit a big waterfall on the (55)___ and the old Hydro-electric Power Station built by the French here. We can also see the (56)___ of young women sitting by looms with colourful pieces of brocade decorated with designs of flowers and birds. When these pieces of brocade are finished, they are dyed and embroidered with beautiful (57)___. It is interesting that Hmong women (58)___ plants and leaves to dye these brocade fabrics. And then they roll a round and smooth section of wood covered with wax on fabrics to polish them, making their (59)___ durable. IX)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank in the following passage. My village is about 50 kilometers from the city center. It is a very (60)___ place where people (61)___ flowers and vegetables only. It is very famous of its pretty roses and picturesque scenes. The air is quite fresh, however, the smell of the roses make people (62)___ cool. In spring, my village looks (63)___
  52. a carpet with plenty of colors. Tourists come to visit it so often. Nowadays, with electricity, it doesn’t take the villagers much time (64)___ the roses. 60. A. beauty B. beautiful C. beautify D. beautifully 61. A. plant B. plants C. grow up D. grows up 62. A. feel B. feeling C. felt D. to feel 63. A. as B. like C. alike D. same 64. A. water B. watering C. to water D. watered X)-Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank in the following passage. I live in a small village called Northville. There are about 2000 people here. I love the village (65)___ it is very quiet and life is slowly and easy. The village is always clean; people look (66)___ it with great care. The air is always clean, too. People are much more friendly here than in city because everyone (67)___ the others, and if someone has a problem, there are always people who can help. There are only a few things that I don’t like about Northville. One thing is that we have not got many things to do in the evening; we haven’t got (68)___ cinemas or theaters. The other thing is that people always talk about (69)___, and everyone knows what everyone is doing. But I still prefer village life to life in a big city. 65. A. so B. although C. because D. but 66. A. for B. at C. up D. after 67. A. knows B. know C. is knowing D. knew 68. A. little B. some C. any D. few 69. A. others B. other C. another D. one another XI)-Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answer the question about the passage. The thing I liked most when I was small was the change of seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter – I could see them all come and go and each one was completely different. Now in the city, you can buy summer flowers in winter ad eat the same vegetables all the year round. Whereas, in the country, I could only eat things at certain times of the year, for example, strawberries in June and turnips in winter. I lived my childhood with the seasons.
  53. We also made most of our food and would never eat frozen or tinned food. Everything was fresh, so it must be better than the type of food I am taking now in the city. City people may think people in the country miss a lot of things about modern life. In fact, in my opinion they miss a lot more than people in the country, they miss real life. 70. What did the writer like most about living in the country? A. Flowers in spring B. Leaves in autumn. C. The wild animals and plants. D. The change of seasons. 71. What does the word “them” in line 2 refer to? A. Four season B. Winter and autumn C. Countryside people D. Plants 72. In the countryside which season can we buy strawberries? A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter 73. Why did the writer never eat tinned food when living in the country? A. Because it was frozen B. Because it was contaminated C. Because it was very fat D. Because it wasn’t very fresh 74. Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A. People in the city can grow vegetables all year round. B. In the countryside turnips are grown in winter C. The writer often eat frozen and tinned food now. D. Many city people think they live better than those in the country. XII)-Fill the gaps with the words/ phrases in the box to give your opinion about the best leisure activity. More than one word can be suitable for some gaps. In addition also As I have noted In my opinion Besides I think
  54. My favourite leisure activity is listening to music. (75)___, listening to music not only helps me relax but also provides me with musical knowledge. I (76)___ like the time that I can lie lazily in bed, put on the small earphone with my iPod and enjoy any favourite songs of many kinds of music: pop music, hip-hop, rock or jazz I like pop music very much because I think it is gentle and suitable for teenagers. I listen to rock music when I am sad and after that I feel cheerful and happy. (77)___ music from other countries is also good for teenagers to understand other cultures. (78)___ that, the lyrics are easy to understand and interesting. (79)___, it can improve my English and listening skills. (80)___, music is an important part of my life and it helps me love my life more.
  55. UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS A. PHONETICES I)-Read the following sentences aloud, and put the words in the cluster /spr/, /str/ into the correct column. 1. Spray is liquid in a special container that is forced out under pressure when you push a button 2. Keep your back straight. 3. Spread out the map on the table so we can see it. 4. My mother told me not to talk to strange men. 5. The seeds will sprout out in a few days. 6. I had to ask a stranger to help me with my suitcase. 7. I met Nick in the street this morning. 8. Spring roll is my favourite dish. 9. She is a women of great physical strength. 10. He was under a lot of stress before the final exams. 11. There is a feeling of spring in the air. 12. My parents are not very strict with us. 13. A spreadsheet is a computer program for working with rows of numbers. 14. Chris Ronaldo is a famous striker from Real Madrid. 15. I need some strings to tie round this parcel. 16. Zebras have black and white stripes. 17. Read the instructions carefully before you use the digital camera. 18. Pedestrian crossing is a special place where traffic must stop to allow people to walk across. 19. We would like strawberries and cream after dinner. 20. The elderly folk artists would like their offspring to join the club to practice the old style of singing /spr/ /str/
  56. II)-Underline the words with /spr/ and circle the words with /str/. Read the sentences aloud. 1. Dirty drinking water encourages the spread of disease. 2. A very strange thing happened to me on the way home. 3. The doctor told her that she was suffering from stress. 4. Nobody knew why he was doing the strange things. 5. What a nice spring day! 6. Khau Vai Commune is located in Meo Vac District. 7. Be sure to look both ways when you cross the street. 8. Yuri Gagarin was the first astronaut. 9. Newsprint is the cheap paper that newspapers are printed on. 10. We felt very frustrated at the sight of people’s wearing shorts when going to the pagoda. 11. The bird spreads its wings. 12. It takes about three days for the beans to sprout. B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR I)-Complete the sentences with the words/phrases from the box. a tradition provider death gift according to clocks cultural a temple unlucky take off the custom of break with tradition 1. Always take you shoes off before you enter___ in India. 2. Feet are considered dirty in India, so ___ your shoes before you step into someone’s house. 3. In India, when the mother works in the fields or a factory, a grandmother commonly is the chief___ of daytime care for a small child. 4. (4a)___ tradition, the arranged marriage is a traditional feature of every community in India, but now in big cities young couples (4b)___ by following “love marriages”. 5. There is ___ that Indian people never eat with their left hands, and never pass on anything to an Indian with your left hand.
  57. 6. The lion dance is one of the famous Chinese ___ traditions. 7. When greeting, the Chinese have ___ bowling, folding their hands on chest. 8. When the Chinese come on a visit, they usually give a small___, such as some wine, tea or candy. 9. If you happen to visit a Chinese family, you should bear in mind not to give an odd number of presents, because odd numbers are considered ___ in China. 10. You should not give presents in number of 4 or in black-and-white color, which are considered as symbols of ___ in China. 11. The Chinese should not be presented with ___ because they also symbolize death and funerals. II)-Rewrite the sentences given about the Thai traditions and customs, using the following expressions. You can add some words or make changes. there’s a tradition that according to the tradition follow the tradition of break with tradition by have the custom of 1. Visitors should dress neatly in all religious shrines and temples, and never enter in shorts or sleeveless shirts. ___ ___ 2. Never climb onto a Buddha image to take a photograph or do anything that may indicate a lack of respect. ___ ___ 3. A monk is not allowed to touch money, so if a man wishes to give money to a monk, he must place it in the bowl. ___ ___ 4. The “wai” – a slight bowl with the palms together and the fingertips touching the face – is a way of showing respects or thanks, but you can smile or nod.
  58. ___ ___ 5. Shoes should be removed when entering a private Thai home as a sign of respect. ___ ___ 6. You should never point your feet at someone or an object as this a considered disrespectful. ___ ___ 7. It is considered very rude to touch people on the head, but now you can touch young children on their heads. ___ ___ 8. You can use the word “Khun” as the best way to address someone and it is used in front of the name, usually the first name. ___ ___ III)-Give advice with “should” or shouldn’t, using the cues about table manners in Japan. 1. Don’t drink at a dinner party until everyone is served ___ 2. Raise your drink and say “kampai!” (cheers) before you drink ___ 3. Use a small wet cloth at most Japanese restaurant to wash your hands before eating ___ 4. Don’t use it as a napkin or to touch any part of your face. ___ 5. Use chopsticks during the meal ___ 6. Don’t tip any situation in Japan ___
  59. IV)-Complete the sentences, using “have to” and the verbs from the box in the correct form either positive or negative. open talk stop take decide get up send explain 1. We ___ early at the weekends. (negative) 2. I ___ which job I want before the end of the week. (positive) 3. We ___ the bus into the city center. We can walk. (negative) 4. She ___ the shop at 9 o’clock every morning. (positive) 5. You ___ quietly in the library. (positive) 6. You ___ the letter to him by post. I will see him tomorrow and I will give it to him then. (negative) 7. You ___ it to me. I understand the problem. (negative) 8. We ___ talking when the lesson starts. (positive) V)-Complete the tips about Vietnamese table manners by filling in each blank with “should” or “shouldn’t”. 1. When having a meal, you ___ pass all dishes using both hands. 2. You ___ place your chopsticks on the designated chopsticks holder when taking a break to drink or speak. 3. You ___ stick your chopsticks vertically in the middle of the rice bowl. 4. You ___ eat directly from the serving dish. 5. You ___ try every dish that is served before obtaining more of your favourite ones. 6. You ___ consume only meat, as it is the most expensive ingredient of the meal. 7. You ___ finish the food put on your plate because this shows respect for the cook and is not wasteful. 8. You ___ refuse any food offerings despite being full. 9. You ___ inform the host that you are full prior to being offered another dish. 10. When you finish a meal, you ___ place your chopsticks on top of your rice bowl.
  60. VI)-What kinds of behavior are acceptable in Viet Nam? Fill in the blanks with “You should” or “You shouldn’t”. 1. ___introduce yourself to newcomers in your class. 2. ___arrive on time when you’re invited to someone’s house. 3. ___blow your nose in public. 4. ___chew gum while talking to someone. 5. ___call a teacher by his or her first name. 6. ___stand up when the teacher enters the classroom. 7. ___place the chopsticks on your bowl when you finish the meal. 8. ___visit your classmates without calling first. C. SPEAKING I)-Rearrange the sentences to make a conversation by writing the correct number (2- 8) in each blank. The conversation starts with number 1. 1 A. Nick: Guess what! I just got invited to my English teacher’s house for dinner! ___ B. Mai: Well, it’s also the custom in Viet Nam to bring a small gift. ___ C. Nick: And is it alright to bring a friend along? ___ D. Nick: Yes, but what do you do when you’re invited to someone’s here? ___ E. Mai: Well, if you want to bring someone along, you should call first and ask if it’s OK. ___ D. Mai: Oh, how nice! ___ G. Nick: Really? Like what? ___ H. Mai: Oh, maybe some fruit or a box of candy or biscuits. II)-Read the interview between the reporter (R) and Tobey Maguire (TM), the actor who plays Spiderman, and complete it with the correct past form of “have to”. Practise the conversation with your partner. R: Was Spiderman is a difficult part to play? TM: Yes, I (1. be)___ fit so I (2. train)___ for six months before the film started. R: What time ___ (3. you/ be) at the film studio in the morning? TM: I (4. start) ___ at six o’clock. Too early!
  61. R: ___ (5. you/ wear) the Spiderman costume all day? TM: Almost all day! But I (6. not wear)___ it when I was playing Peter Parker, of course. Then I had normal clothes. R: Was it scary to climb all those buildings? TM: Well, I (7. not climb)___ the really tall building. They use computer effects for that. R: Have you ever seen the film at the cinema yet? TM: Yes, I took my daughter to see it. It was cool because the cashier recognized me and we (8. not pay)___! III)-Complete the conversation between Nick and Mai about Vietnamese family traditions and customs with the sentences given (A-H). Practise the conversation with your partner. A. In the Vietnamese culture, strong members in a family have to help me the weaker and less fortunate members of the family. B. I think the woman follows her career and she also supports the family. C. The man, or husband, serves as the head of the family. He takes care of money matters and is responsible for providing for the family. D. The same in Viet Nam, Nick. We try to get every achievement for our family. E. The husband and children share the housework, and they have a happy relationship in their home, I think. F. It is an extended family, including three generations living in the same house, typically including parents, children, grandparents, and sometimes, unmarried uncles and aunts. G. From a very young age, children are taught to take care of their parents when they become old. H. The woman is in charge of the home and raising the children. Nick: Can you tell me about the typical kind of family in Viet Nam? A nuclear family or an extended one, Mai? Mai: (1) ___ Nick: Yeah, I see. What is the role of the man or the father in the family? Mai: (2) ___
  62. Nick: How about the role of the woman? Mai: (3) ___ Nick: I think the society in Vietnam has changed a lot. Is there any change in family life? Mai: (4) ___ Nick: How to deal with the housework? Mai: (5) ___ Nick: Yeah, the same situation in England now, Mai. Are there any family traditions in Viet Nam? Mai: (6) ___ Nick: In other Asian countries, every member of family tries to do good actions so that their family will have good fame, and the parents feel happier. Mai: (7) ___ Nick: Are there any traditions or customs for children in Viet Nam? Mai: (8) ___ Nick: They are lucky, because in England many parents have to go to a nursing home when they get very old. Mai: We think we owe our parents so much. One of the most well-known Vietnamese proverbs is, “The debt we owe our father is as great as Mount Thai Son; the debt we owe our mother is as inexhaustible as water flowing from its source.” D. READING I)-Read the information about customs in some countries, and then give the answers to the questions. Different Customs Canada and the US: Don’t arrive early if you’re invited to someone’s home. Indonesia: Never point to anything with your foot. Korea: Don’t pass something to an older person or supervisor with only one hand. Muslim countries: Don’t eat with your left hand. Samoa: Don’t eat while you’re walking in public.
  63. Thailand: Never touch anyone except a child on the head. 1. In which country is foot considered a dirty part of the body? ___ 2. In which country should we pay attention to eating in public? ___ 3. In which country/ countries should we eat with the right hand? ___ 4. In which country/ countries shouldn’t we arriving early at a party? ___ 5. In which country should you show high respect to older people or supervisor? ___ II)-Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). In Japan, take off your shoes at the entrance to all homes, and most businesses and hotels. Usually a rack will be provided to store your shoes, and pair of guest slippers will be put nearby; many Japanese bring a pair of indoor slippers just in case, though. Never wear slippers when you need to step onto a tatami mat (used in most Japanese homes and hotels), and be careful to remove the toilet slippers waiting for you in the bathroom. It is extremely bad form, for example, to reenter the main room of a house wearing slippers that have been running that have been running across a dirty area. Unlike in western cultures, the Japanese bath is used after you have washes and rinsed, and feel like soaking in extra-hot water for 10, 20, 30 minutes. If you happen to be invited into a Japanese household, you will be given the honor of using the bath first, usually before dinner. Be extra careful so as not to dirty the water in any way because of its importance. T F 1. Only take off your shoes when you enter a Japanese house.   2. Be careful with your slippers when you come back to the   main room. 3. You mustn’t wear slippers stepping onto a tatami mat.  
  64. 4. The Japanese bath is also used for washing rinsing.   5. The bath plays an important part in the Japanese life.   III)-Read the passage about family traditions in Viet Nam, and do the tasks that follow. Marriage and family are very important in Viet Nam. In the countryside, parents often arrange marriages; divorce remains uncommon, though is more frequent in cities. In traditional Vietnamese families, roles are rigid. The man of the house is primarily responsible for the family’s economic well-being. Older children help to look after younger siblings. Discipline is viewed as a parental duty. The woman of the house looks after her parents, husband and children. In rural areas, women also do much agriculture work. Vietnamese women live by the “four virtues”: hard work, beauty, refined speech and excellent conduct. The Vietnamese attach great importance to two traditional family obligations: to care for their parents in their old age and to worship them after death. In each Vietnamese family, there is at least one altar on which there are the pictures of their ancestors. Family members worship their ancestors because they think parents after death will go to live in another world and this altar is the place where the ancestor’ souls live in. As a result, every day Vietnamese people lay flowers or sometimes fruits on the altar for the belief that those ancestors will enjoy them. Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank. Answer A B ___ 1. sibling (n) A. the part of a person that is believed to continue exist after the body is dead. ___ 2. virtues (n) B. to pray to or to show respect for someone like a god ___ 3. worship C. behavior which shows high moral standards (v) ___ 4. altar (n) D. the table used in ceremonies in a church, temple or family ___ 5. soul (n) E. a brother or a sister
  65. Task 2: Read the passage again, and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). T F 6. In traditional Vietnamese families, the man has to support the   family 7. Children have to share housework with their parents.   8. Women in the countryside only looks after their families.   9. Children have to take care of their parents in their old age and   to worship them after death. 10. Everyday Vietnamese people lay flowers or sometimes fruits   on the altar because they believe those ancestors will eat the offerings. IV)-Read the passage and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Culturally, in Thailand there are many practices and beliefs that are very different to those from other countries. The Royal Family of Thailand is held in very high respect. Making impolite remarks about any of the royal family is against the law. The traditional greeting is with two hands prayer-like palms together known as a “wai”. If a local gives a “wai” to you, to be polite, it is nice to “wai” back. A “wai”, however, is always appreciated. Thai culture places certain spiritual importance to certain parts of the body. You should not point your feet at people, touch people with your feet, prop your feet up on seats or tables or step over people sitting on the ground. The head, in contrast, has a much higher importance. Avoid touching people on the head as this is considered very rude. You should also avoid sitting on pillows meant for head rests. In some rural areas, food is often served while seated on the ground. Stepping over food on the ground is another extremely rude gesture and will surely embarrass your Thai host. Throughout all of Thailand, if you notice a pile of shoes at or near an entrance to a home, shop or guesthouse, you should remove your shoes before entry; it is considered rude not to do so.
  66. T F 1. All people in Thailand respect the Royal Family highly   2. A local person gives a “wai” to you, and you respond by   saying “hello” if you are foreigner. 3. The feet maybe considered to be dirtiest part of the body.   4. Never touch people on the head because the head is   considered to rest on the pillow. 5. Remember to remove your shoes before entering a building.   V)-Read the passage about ancestor worship, and do the tasks that follow. Ancestor worship is a religious practice based on belief that one’s ancestors process supernatural powers, such as gods, angels, saints, or demons. Ancestor worship in some cultures honors the deeds, memories, and sacrifice of the dead. Much of the worship includes visiting the ancestors at their graves, making offerings to them to provide for their welfare in the afterlife. Spirit money (also called Hell Notes) is sometimes burned as an offering to ancestors as well for the afterlife. The living may regard the ancestors as “guardian angels” to them, perhaps in protecting them from serious accidents, or guiding their path in life. Families burned incense every day on the domestic ancestral altar. In China, the family altar houses the family spirit tablets. On the outer surface of the spirit tablet is engraved the year of the death, his full name, and the name of the son who erects the tablet. Anniversary rites take place on the death date of each major deceased member of the family every year. Sacrificial food is offered, and living members of the family participate in the ceremony in ritual based on age and generation. Task 1: Match a word in column A with its definition in column B, writing the answer in each blank. Answer A B
  67. ___ 1. practice A. the life which some people believe begins after death ___ 2. deed B. a substance that produces a sweet smell when burned, especially in religious ceremonies ___ 3. afterlife C. an action ___ 4. incense D. a ceremony, often for religious purposes ___ 5. rite E. doing something many times Task 2: Read the passage again, and then answer the following questions. 6. Why does ancestor worship become a religious practice? ___ 7. What are the activities of the worship? ___ 8. Why do people burn spirit money for their dead ancestors? ___ 9. What can we see on the spirit tablet? ___ 10. When does anniversary rite for the major deceased member of the family take place? ___ E. WRITING Make sentences about the xoe dance, using the words and phrases given. You can add some words and make changes. 1. The xoe dance/ already/ considered/ a cultural and folklore activity/ Thai ethnic people/ Hoa Binh Province. ___ ___ 2. Ten centuries ago/ xoe/ performed/ the occasion/ the establishment/ the hamlets and villages/ or during the festivals/ the Thai ethnic people. ___ ___ ___
  68. 3. Now/ it/ develop/ into 36 dances/ and/ become/ the symbol/ solidarity/ among the ethnic groups/ the northwest. ___ ___ 4. The xoe dance/ performed/ the boys and girls / the hamlets. ___ ___ 5. They/ hold hands/ form/ a circle/ and/ dance together. ___ ___ 6. Musical instruments/ the dance/ include/ lutes/ drums/ two-chord fiddles/ gongs/ and cymbals. ___ ___ 7. For the Thai natives/ they/ not need/ learn the xoe dance/ because/ they/ dance automatically/ when they grow up. ___ ___ 8. Without/ xoe dance/ Thai boys and girls/ not become/ lovely couples. ___ ___ ___ TEST (UNIT 4) I)-Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences. 1. The wai is the traditional ___ of people in Thailand. A. goodbye B. hello C. greeting D. greetings 2. When two Maori people meet, they ___ each other’s noses. A. touch B. feel C. take D. kiss 3. Do you know the ___ way to welcome people in Tibet? A. custom B. customer C. customary D. tradition 4. The xoe dance is a sprititual ___ of Thai ethnic people. A. customs B. tradition C. habit D. dance
  69. 5. In Vietnam you shouldn’t use only the first name to ___ people older than you. A. speak B. talk C. say D. address 6. We are going to prepare ___ sticky rice served with grilled chicken for the celebration. A. five colours B. five-colours C. five-colour D. five-coloured 7. A tradition is something special that is ___ through the generations. A. passed B. passed to C. passed down D. passed out 8. According to the ___ in England, we have to use a knife and fork at dinner. A. table ways B. table C. behaviours D. differences manners 9. We have to ___ our shoes when we go inside a pagoda. A. take off B. give off C. turn off D. put on 10. In Australia, you shouldn’t ___ on a person’s accent. A. comment B. criticize C. hate D. dislike II)-Fill in each blank of the passage with the correct word from the box. activities presentation water-throwing tradition celebrations festival enjoyment heat wishes fortune Thai New Year (Songkran Festival) The traditional Thai New Year is celebrated in April each year. Thailand adopted this (11)___ with the belief that the sun re-entered Aries and finished its orbit round the earth on April 13. In Thailand, this (12)___ is celebrated for three days from April 13 to April 15. Before the (13)___, people will clean their houses in the hope of casting away of any bad luck of the old year, so that good (14)___ will enter their new lives instead. Food and sweets will be prepared in advance for merit making and for treating guests. The Songkran celebrations will begin with food (15)___ to the monks who will walk along the street in the early morning to receive food and other offerings. One of the most popular (16)___ for young people is to convey their best
  70. (17)___ to their elders by pouring water onto them or their palms. After this, it is time for children and young people to have full (18)___ with water-throwing, dancing and folk games. Do not expect to escape the (19)___ activities, these take place on every street in Thailand. They can be a welcome break to the (20)___ of the dry season, but if you wish to stay dry it is best to stay indoors! III)-Give advice with “should” or “shouldn’t”, using the words given in brackets. Example: You look very pale and terrible. (see a doctor) You should see a doctor 21. You work until 11 every night (not work so hard) ___ 22. It’s Mai’s birthday on Saturday. I think we should do something. (buy her a nice birthday present) ___ 23. The car did not start this morning. (take it to the garage) ___ 24. Our train leaves at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. (go to bed early tonight) ___ 25. He always gives you the wrong advice. (not listen to him) ___ 26. Everything will be all right. (not worry so much) ___ 27. He doesn’t like this job because it’s too boring. (look for another one) ___ 28. It’s too late to play music so loudly, we’ll wake up the neighbours. (turn it off) ___ 29. Your hair is so long. (have a haircut) ___ 30. He doesn’t understand the lesson. (meet the teacher after class) ___