Câu hỏi ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7

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Nội dung text: Câu hỏi ôn tập môn Tiếng Anh Khối 7

  1. Execise I. Complete the sentences with an adjective from the box angry boring free funny ill pleased sad special 1.My friend’s at the moment – she’s in bed with flu 2. Your birthday is very day 3. Are you tonight? Do you want to go out? 4.the film was anf I fell asleep 5. I’m really to see you again! 6. don’t look so - it isn’t a true story 7. why Is Jone ? Did you do something wrong? 8. do you think this cartoon’s ? it doesn’t make me laugh. II. which one (A-H) says this ( 1-5). For questions 1-5. Choose the correct letter A-H. 1.This’s good idea to telephone first before you arrive 2. pay less than usual at this restaurant 3.you can get a meal here at any time 4.you do not need to cook there 5. you must pay for your meal in cash 6. you can get a job here
  2. III. Read about New Year in Japan. Fill each space with one of the verbs from the box in the correct form. Two of the verbs are negative. stay begin Eat (x2) Go ( x3) Come clean send Watch Listen drink ring enjoy make receive do Akiko Imai (1) . From Japan. Many young Japanese people often (2) . Away with their friend at New Year but Akiki (3) . Usually .away. she stay at home with her family. In japan, New Year . On 31 st December. On that day, Akiko TV and a special kind of pasta called soba. At midnight, she to the sound of the temple bell ringing. It 108 times. On new year’s day. 1 st January, Akiko and her family . sake, a cake of rice wine. After, they all popular foods like rice cake and soup. It is a special day for children because they .some money in special envelopes from theie ralatives. Before new year’s day, Japanese people usually their houses, a lot of food and a lot of shopping. Akiko often greetings cards to her friends. New year is one of the most important day in Japan and Akiko always .it because she to school on that day. IV. choose the correct. 1/ Her new school is different . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . her old school. A. of B. with C. from D. at 2/ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is it from your house to the market? A. How old B. How C. How far D. How long 3/ Is there a picture on the wall? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Yes, there be. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there is not. 4/ He works . . . . . . . . . a hospital. He takes care . . . . . . . . . . . . . patients. A. in / for B. in / of C. at / for D. for / of 5/ What does your father do? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. He’s farmer. B. He does a farmer. C. He’s a farmer. 6/ His car is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the shop. A. front of B. behind C. next D. near to 7/ Do you work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hours than Hoa? A. few B. less C. lesser D. fewer 8/ She works six days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . week. A. in B. for C. a D. the
  3. V. Fine 11 more adjective in this word square. look across and collum. Then using adj to complete the meaning. 1. The world describes something or someone important 2. Something that makes you laugh is 3.The word is the opposite of the word happy 4.if s.th is’n a lie, it’s true 5.when you don’t feel well, you are sad 6. the word describes s.th that is not interesting 7. if you say a film is very . You really like it. VI. What are the past simple forms of these irregular verbs? 0.begin 4.fly 8.pay 12.think 1.catch 5.grow 9.say 13.wear 2.choose 6.make 10.speak 14.write 3.drink 7.meet 11.stand 15.do VII. Put the verbs into brackets to complete the sentences. 1. I (see) a car accident on this corner yesterday 2. Mr. John (be) principal of our school since last year. 3. My father (not watch) TV every night. 4. I (meet) Arthur three weeks ago. 5. Yesterday the police (report) that they (capture) the thief. 6. Someone (steal) my handbag on the bus. 7. Last month I (be) in the hospital for ten days. 8. Don’t call me in the afternoon. I usually (be) away in the afternoon. 9. People (speak) English in almost Canada. 10. The dog (wag) his tail whenever he (see) me. VIII. VIII. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to fill each blank in the following passage.
  4. I have a very interesting and (61) hobby. I make short video clips with my digital camera. It was my birthday present from my parents last year. Since then, I have (62) three short films. It’s great fun! I started asking my friends and relatives to take (63) in the films. I have tried to write the story for my video clips. When I have finished the script, 1 make copies for the “actors”. Each scene is small and they can look at the words just (64) we start filming. We film at the weekend in my neighbourhood, (65) no one has to travel far. When the video clip is finished, I invite all the “actors” and we watch the film at my house. 61.A. enjoyB. enjoyedC. enjoyingD. enjoyable 62.A. doneB. playedC. madeD. watched 63.A. partB. roleC. sceneD. film 64.A. beforeB. afterC. onlyD. until 65.A. althoughB. becauseC. butD. so IX. Do the test about time.