Bài tập Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 - Unit 2: Your body and you - Key
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- Unit 2. YOUR BODY AND YOU - KEY PART 1: VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR REVIEW I. VOCABULARY bone (n.) xương brain (n.) não bộ brain cell (n. phr.) tế bào não lung (n.) lá phổi skin (n.) da, làn da stomach (n.) dạ dày stress (n.) áp lực treatment (n.) sự điều trị prevent (v.) ngăn ngừa, phòng ngừa boost (v.) thúc đẩy head massage (n. phr.) bóp đầu, mát xa đầu health care (n.) dịch vụ y tế, chăm sóc sức khoẻ side effect (n.) tác dụng phụ sleepiness (n.) tình trạng buồn ngủ, thèm ngủ sleeplessness (n.) sự mất ngủ bad breath (n.) chứng hôi miệng calorie need (n. phr.) nhu cầu calo food pyramid (n. phr.) tháp dinh dưỡng allergy (n.) sự dị ứng blood vessel (n.) mạch máu balance between yin and yang (n. phr.) sự cân bằng âm dương harmony (n.) sự hoà hợp sugary drink (n. phr.) nước ngọt whole grains (n. phr.) ngũ cốc nguyên hạt acupuncture (n.) châm cứu alternative treatment (n. phr.) phương pháp chữa trị thay thế bacterium (n.) vi khuẩn disorder (n.) rối loạn nerve (n.) dây thần kinh precaution (n.) khuyến cáo, lưu ý therapy (n.) liệu pháp, trị liệu health practice (n.) cách chữa bệnh, tập tục chữa bệnh health belief (n.) niềm tin về sức khoẻ circulatory system (n. phr.) hệ tuần hoàn digestive system (n. phr.) hệ tiêu hoá immune system (n. phr.) hệ miễn dịch respiratory system (n. phr.) hệ hô hấp skeletal system (n. phr.) hệ xương resistance (n.) sức đề kháng, sức bền pump (v.) bơm skeleton (n.) bộ xương skull (n.) xương sọ, hộp sọ spine (n.) xương sống
- intestine (n.) ruột acupoint (n.) huyệt châm cứu acupressure (n.) bấm huyệt ailment (n.) bệnh nhẹ aromatherapy (n.) liệu pháp chữa bệnh bằng dầu thơm II. GRAMMAR A. TƯƠNG LAI ĐƠN VÀ TƯƠNG LAI GẦN SO SÁNH "WILL" VÀ "BE GOING TO" 1. Dạng thức của động từ Dạng thức của động từ thường với will và be going to Will: S + will + V Be going to: S + am/is/are + going to + V Ex: She will eat less fast food. Cô ấy sẽ hạn chế ăn đồ ăn nhanh. We are going to try aromatherapy. Chúng tôi sẽ thử liệu pháp trị liệu bằng tinh dầu thơm. 2. Cách dùng Khác biệt 1 Wil: diễn tả quyết định tức thời đưa ra ngay tại thời điểm nói về sự việc trong tương lai. Be going to: diễn tả dự định, quyết định có sẵn trước thời điểm nói về sự việc trong tương lai. Ex: Someone's calling. - OK. I'll answer it. Có ai đang gọi kìa. - Được rồi. Em sẽ đi trả lời. It's Andy's birthday tomorrow. - I know. I'm going to bring some cakes. Ngày mai là sinh nhật Andy đấy. - Tớ biết mà. Tớ sẽ mang một ít bánh đến. Khác biệt 2 Will Be going to Chức năng diễn đạt: Dự đoán về tương lai Chức năng diễn đạt: Dự đoán về tương lai dựa trên quan điểm cá nhân của người nói dựa trên cơ sở, dấu hiệu thực tế ở thời điểm hiện tại Dấu hiệu nhận biết: think , hope, guess, I'm Dấu hiệu nhận biết: afraid, probably, perhaps, maybe Look at thegrey clouds! (Hãy nhìn những đám mây đen kìa!) We only have five minutes left. (Chúng mình chỉ còn có 5 phút nữa thôi.) Ví dụ: I think he'll go to the gym. Ví dụ: We only have five minutes left. We (Tớ nghĩ anh ấy sẽ đến phòng tập.) are going to be late for the meeting. (Chúng Can you guess who will be the winner? ta chỉ còn 5 phút nữa thôi. Chúng ta sẽ bị (Cậu có đoán được ai sẽ là người chiến muộn họp.) thắng không?) Look at the long queue. We are going to I’m afraid he won't come. wait for hours. (Nhìn hàng dài kìa. Chúng (Tôi e rằng anh ấy sẽ không đến.) mình sẽ phải đợi nhiều giờ đồng hồ rồi.) 3. Một số cách sử dụng khác của "Will"
- a. Diễn đạt yêu cầu ai đó làm gì (Request) Will được dùng để diễn đạt lời yêu cầu của chúng ta khi muốn ai đó làm gì. Ta sử dụng "Will you + V?" Ex: Will you show me how to use a computer? Cháu chỉ cho bác cách sử dụng máy tính được không? Will you help me move this table? Cậu giúp tớ di chuyển cái bàn này được không? b. Diễn đạt lời đề nghị được giúp ai đó (Offers) Will còn được dùng để diễn đạt sự đề nghị được giúp đỡ ai đó. Ex: The bags look heavy. I will carry them for you. Những cái túi đó nhìn có vẻ nặng đấy. Mình sẽ xách cho cậu. The stadium is far from here. I will drive you there. Sân vận động khá xa đó. Tớ sẽ chở cậu đến đó. c. Diễn đạt lời hứa (Promise) Will dùng để diễn đạt lời hứa. Ex: I promise I will buy you ice-creams if you get an A. Chị hứa sẽ mua kem cho em nếu em đạt điểm A. I promise I will not tell anyone. Tớ hứa sẽ không nói với ai đâu. d. Diễn đạt lời mời (Invitation) Will cũng được dùng khi chúng ta muốn mời ai đó. Ta sử dụng "Will you + V?" Ex: Will you have some cakes? Cậu ăn một ít bánh nhé? Will you come over and have lunch today? Nay cậu qua nhà tớ và ăn trưa nhé? e. Diễn đạt sự từ chối hay thái độ không sẵn lòng (Refusal) Chúng ta sử dụng thể phủ định của thì tương lai đơn (won't) để diễn đạt ý từ chối, hay không hợp tác làm một việc gì đó. Ex: The computer won't start although I've done everything I can. Cái máy tính không chịu khởi động dù tớ đã làm mọi cách có thể. The baby won't stop crying. Em bé không chịu nín khóc. f. Diễn đạt sự đe doạ (Threat) Will còn được dùng để diễn đạt sự đe doạ hay cảnh cáo. Ex: Study hard or you will fail the exam. Học hành chăm chỉ vào nếu không con sẽ bị trượt đấy. Don't tell this to anyone or I'll never see you. Đừng có nói chuyện này với ai không thì tớ sẽ không bao giờ nhìn mặt cậu nữa. B. THỂ BỊ ĐỘNG CỦA MỘT SỐ THÌ CƠ BẢN PASSIVE VOICE IN SOME TENSES 1. Cách sử dụng và dạng thức của câu bị động a. Cách sử dụng - Câu bị động được dùng để nhấn mạnh vào hành động hơn là người thực hiện hành động đó. Ex: Daniel will be picked up at the airport by his cousin.
- Daniel sẽ được đón ở sân bay bởi người anh họ của cậu ấy. - Ngoài ra câu bị động còn được dùng khi chúng ta không biết rõ ai/cái gì đã thực hiện hành động. Ex: The painting was stolen. Bức tranh đã bị lấy cắp. b. Dạng thức của câu bị động Câu chủ động: S + V + O Câu bị động: S + to be + V.p.p. + (by O). LƯU Ý: Chủ ngữ trong câu chủ động trở thành tân ngữ được giới thiệu sau giới từ "by", còn tân ngữ trong câu chủ động trở thành chủ ngữ trong câu bị động. V.p.p là động từ ở dạng phân từ hai. Ex: Susan will look after the children. Susan sẽ chăm sóc lũ trẻ. → The children will be looked after by Susan. Lũ trẻ sẽ được chăm sóc bởi Susan. LƯU Ý: Các chủ ngữ people, they, we, someone khi chuyển sang câu bị động trở thành by people, by them, by us, by someone. Các thành phần này thường được bỏ đi. Ex: They don't speak English in this country. Họ không nói tiếng Anh ở đất nước này. English is not spoken in this country. Tiếng Anh không được nói ở đất nước này. 2. Câu bị động ở một số thì cơ bản a. Câu bị động ở thì hiện tại đơn Câu chủ động: S + V/V(s, es) + O. Câu bị động: S+ am/is/are + V.p.p. + (by O). Ex: I do my homework every day. Tôi làm bài tập về nhà hàng ngày. → My homework is done every day. Bài tập về nhà của tôi được làm hàng ngày. People use acupressure and massage to treat certain ailments. Người ta sử dụng thuật bấm huyệt và mát-xa để chữa một số bệnh nhất định. → Acupressure and massage are used to treat certain ailments. Thuật bấm huyệt và mát-xa được sử dụng để chữa một số bệnh nhất định. b. Câu bị động ở thì hiện tại tiếp diễn Câu chủ động: S + am/is/are + V-ing + O. Câu bị động: S + am/is/are + being + V.p.p. + (by O).
- Ex: My mother is preparing dinner. Mẹ tớ đang nấu bữa tối. → Dinner is being prepared by my mother. Bữa tối đang được nấu bởi mẹ tớ. I am making cakes. Tớ đang làm bánh. → Cakes are being made by me. Bánh đang được làm bởi tớ. C. Câu bị động ở thì quá khứ đơn Câu chủ động: S+ V.(past tense) + O. Câu bị động: S+ was/were + V.p.p. + (by O). Ex: Someone broke into my house last Saturday. Có người đã đột nhập vào nhà tớ hôm thứ Bảy vừa rồi. → My house was broken into last Saturday. Nhà tớ bị đột nhập vào hôm thứ Bảy vừa rồi. The teacher told them a funny story. Cô giáo đã kể cho họ nghe một câu chuyện hài hước.) → They were told a funny story by the teacher. Họ đã được kể cho nghe một câu chuyện hài hước bởi cô giáo. d. Câu bị động ở thì tương lai đơn Câu chủ động: S + will V + O. Câu bị động: S + will be + V.p.p. + (by O). Ex: His mother will look after him. Mẹ cậu ấy sẽ chăm sóc cậu ấy. → He will be looked after by his mother. Cậu ấy sẽ được chăm sóc bởi mẹ cậu ấy. They will try aromatherapy. Họ sẽ thử phương pháp chữa bệnh bằng tinh dầu thơm. → Aromatherapy will be tried. Phương pháp chữa bệnh bằng tinh dầu thơm sẽ được thử. e. Câu bị động với "be going to” Câu chủ động: S + am/is/are + going to V + O. Câu bị động: S + am/is/are + going to be + V.p.p. + (by O). Ex: They are going to improve the health care system. Họ sẽ nâng cao hệ thống chăm sóc sức khoẻ. → The health care system is going to be improved. Hệ thống chăm sóc sức khoẻ sẽ được nâng cao. She is going to write a letter. Cô ấy sẽ viết một bức thư.
- → A letter is going to be written by her. Một lá thư sẽ được viết bởi cô ấy. f. Câu bị động ở thì hiện tại hoàn thành Câu chủ động: S + has/have + V.p.p. + O. Câu bị động: S + has/have + been + V.p.p. + (by O). Ex: They have taken the child to the zoo. Họ vừa mới đưa đứa trẻ tới tham quan sở thú. → The child has been taken to the zoo. Đứa trẻ vừa được đưa tới tham quan sở thú. They have just sold out the tickets. Họ vừa bán hết vé. → Tickets have just been sold out. Vé vừa mới được bán hết. PART 2: EXERCISES A. PHONETICS I. Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. stomach B. chest C. chord D. psychology 2. A. digestive B. suggest C. massage D. allergy 3. A. skull B. study C. lung D. circulatory 4. A. resistance B. respiratory C. vessel D. system 5. A. sugary B. acupressure C. intestine D. sure B. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1. Choose the right words to the pictures. bone - lung - blood vessel - skin - stomach - brain 1. ___brain___ 2. ___skin___ 3. ___ blood vessel ___ 4. ___lung___ 5. __stomach___ 6. ___bone___ II. Match the two columns to make meaningful sentences. 1. Stress a. can be effective reduced by doing yoga. a 2. Treatment for this type of b. can prevent many common diseases. disease c 3. A healthy lifestyle c. can take a long time. b
- 4. Remember d. is not just about embarrassment, it may be a sign of f other health problems. 5. Read the following e. to learn about what a food allergy is. information e 6. Bad breath f. to include these five foods in your diet to boost your d health. III. Choose the best options to fill in the blanks. 1. In some countries, a ___ is usually done along with a haircut. A. bone B. blood vessel C. head massage D. allergy 2. Be careful. The ___ of this medicine can be very dangerous. A. price B. place C. date D. side effects 3. People are waiting for a ___ system with better doctors and facilities in this country. A. health care B. educational C. entertainment D. transportation 4. Stress is the number 1 cause of ___, in other words, unhealthy sleep patterns. A. stomach ache B. flu C. cold D. sleeplessness 5. If you feel sleepy all the time, you are having ___. A. sleeplessness B. sleepiness C. a toothache D. a headache IV. Complete the following sentences using the given phrases. There are two phrases that you don't need. allergy - sugary drinks - calorie need - whole grains harmony - treatment - food pyramid - balance between yin and yang 1. The ___ food pyramid ___ is to help you make better food choices. 2. Your daily ___ calorie need ___ is certainly very different from your grandmother's. 3. It is believed that ___ harmony ___ between people and their environment is very important to human health. 4. Besides tooth decay, ___ sugary drinks ___ can cause many other serious health problems. 5. It is suggested that you eat three or more foods of ___ whole grains ___ every day. 6. It is traditionally believed that you are healthy when there is a ___ balance between yin and yang ___. V. Choose the best options to fill in the blanks. 1. Asian people have a lot of traditional health beliefs and ___. A. activities B. practices C. actions 2. In ___, special thin needles are put in different pressure points all over the body. A. acupuncture B. aromatherapy C. acupoint 3. A woman's heart beats faster than that of a man because it has to ___ the same amount of blood although it's smaller. A. change B. pump C. sell 4. Don't worry. It's just a ___ and will naturally disappear after a few days. A. serious disease B. unusual illness C. common ailment 5. Remember to read the safety ___. If you have any questions, please check with your doctor. A. precautions B. use C. treatment
- VI. Complete the following sentences using the given words/phrases. There are three words/phrases that you don't need. disorder therapy nerve bacterium intestine skull skeleton spine immune system 1. The role of the ___ immune system ___ is to protect our body against various diseases. 2. Have you tried any ___ therapy ___ for your sleeplessness? 3. Her disease was caused by a strange ___ bacterium ___ type. 4. She has experienced a sleeping ___ disorder ___ since her husband's death. 5. Food passes from the stomach to the small ___ intestine ___ and from there to the large one. 6. The ___ skeleton ___ is the structure of bones which supports your body. VII. Choose the options that best fit the blanks. 1. What terrible traffic! Just look at the long queue. We ___ miss our flight. A. will B. are going to C. Both A & B. 2. I ___ send Alex your letter when I see her tomorrow. A. will B. are going to C. Both A & B. 3. The board of directors have reached the final decision. Harrison ___ lead the marketing team from next month. A. will B. are going to C. Both A & B. 4. I hope you ___ visit my new house in Charlington some time. A. will B. are going to C. Both A & B. 5. In the future, many young people ___ start up their own businesses. A. will B. are going to C. Both A & B. VIII. Decide whether the following sentences are Correct or Incorrect. 1. We are so excited about our trip next month to Austria. We will visit Vienna before travelling Incorrect to Salzburg. 2. Just a moment. I will help you carry these heavy bags. Correct 3. Thanks. I think my mother is going to like this cookbook. Incorrect 4. In the future, electric bikes will replace bicycles. Correct 5. As planned, Elizabeth will visit our franchise company in southern Turkey. Incorrect 6. Linh is so nervous! She will have a baby. Incorrect IX. Decide whether the following sentences are intention or prediction. Intention Prediction 1. This hometown will change a lot more when we grow √ older. 2. In a few years to come, our country is going to join √ many other multinational organizations. 3. What are they going to do with such a huge sum of √ money they inherit from their grandmother?
- 4. Susan isn't going to teach in Vietnam. She wants to √ settle down in her hometown in Georgia. 5. Marian is going to throw a party next week. √ 6. Hurry up. We only have ten minutes left. We are going √ to be late for class. 7. Jack and his friends are going to run a restaurant in √ South Street. 8. People will rely more and more on technology than √ ever. 9. What do you think will happen if Albeit Landon is √ appointed to the Sales Manager position 10. Do you think he will be the President? √ X. Provide the correct verbs in the form of "will" or "be going to" to fill in the blanks. 1. Kate ___is not going to join___ (not join) us next Friday; she will be taking exams that day. 2. A: What are your plans for the holiday? B: I ___am going to visit___ (visit) my grandparents and then go trekking in Sapa. 3. A: I can't fix the problem in my computer, Jason. B: Alright. I ___will take___ (take) a look at it. 4. What are you doing? The car engine has just broken. It ___will not work___ (not work). 5. I ___will take___ (take) you out for ice-cream as long as you get an At on your Math test. 6. Do you think they ___will win___ (win) the championship? 7. A: Do you want to have the pork or the beef? B: I think we ___will have___ (have) the beef, please. 8. According to schedule, rice and clothes ___are going to be___ (be) distributed to nine poorest communes in the next project. XI. Provide the correct verbs in the form of "will" or "be going to" to fill in the blanks. 1. A: Did you buy chicken? B: Oh, no! I forgot to buy it. I ___will remember___ to buy some tomorrow. (remember) 2. A: Why are you putting on your coat? B: I ___am going to take___ my dog out for a walk. (take) 3. I bought a new book this morning. I _am going to stay_ at home and start reading my favorite chapter. (stay) 4. What ___will happen___ to Daniel's family if he still doesn't find a job? (happen) 5. A: Why are you waking up at 2 a.m.? B: I ___am going to watch___ the match between Liverpool and Manchester United. (watch) 6. A: I can't hear the television! B: I ___will turn___ it up so that you can hear it. (turn) 7. A: Aw. I'm about to fall asleep. I had very little sleep last night. B: Oh, dear? I ___will get___ you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up. (get) 8. They are going to deliver the sofas to my flat this afternoon. I just can't handle them on my own. ___Will__ you ___come___ to give a hand? (come)
- 9. As soon as the weather's fine again, we ___will walk___ down to the beach and you can take a lot of photos there. (walk) 10. A: What do you want to study after graduation? B: I ___am going to study___ Environmental Economics. I've always been interested since I read a book about it. (study) 11. Her husband found a new job in Tottemham last month. They ___are going to move__ to the city next week. (move) XII. Choose from the given verbs to fill in each blank ("will" or "be going to"): put, leave, pick, give (x2), visit, get, turn 1. The Brooklyns made a final decision yesterday evening. They ___are going to leave___ Edinburg for Nice. 2. Don't worry, I ___will give___ you a ring when I arrive at the airport. 3. Sorry, I can't meet you this afternoon. I ___am going to visit___ a friend of mine in hospital. 4. I forgot my course book home this morning. Can I borrow yours? I __will give__ it back to you after using it. 5. Jane has decided that she __is going to put__ up with her flatmate. She doesn't want to move to another flat. 6. I'm having a class meeting this afternoon. ___Will___ you ___pick___ up the children at 5? 7. I hope you and Glenn ___will get___ along well with each other sharing this room from now on. 8. Last night, I phoned to ask Susan to come; she __is going to turn__ up at Mary's birthday party next Sunday. XIII. Give the correct forms in Passive Voice of the verbs. Use the tenses in the brackets. 1. Late submission of the assignment ___will not be accepted___ (not accept). (Future Simple) 2. His articles ___are read___ (read) by many people. (Present Simple) 3. Waste paper ___is recycled___ (recycle) in this factory. (Present Simple) 4. It ___is thought___ (think) that Jack stole the painting last night. (Present Simple) 5. A lot of presents ___are going to be given___ (give) to the children at Christmas. (Future – be going to) 6. Little John ___was punished___ (punish) by his parents yesterday. (Past Simple) 7. We ___have been taught___ (teach) by Mrs. Joanna since April. (Present Perfect) XIV. Decide whether the following sentences are Correct or Incorrect. Correct Incorrect 1. She was apologized to me for her insensitive behavior at the √ party. 2. The problem is not paid enough attention to at the √ conference last month. 3. Artificial flowers are not given on special occasions in √ Russia. 4. This fund was found in 2002 to help students born to poor √ families and orphans.
- 5. He was received her letter this morning. √ 6. I hope the campaign will be taken place successfully. √ 7. The job was offered to Yoko but she turned it down. √ 8. How was he reacted to their final decision? √ 9. Jack and Helen will be punished if they continue to play √ truant in Ms. Katherine's class. 10. Will be newspapers delivered to our house during the √ holiday? XV. Choose the correct sentence among the given ones. 1. A. She was given a new dictionary on her last birthday. B. A new dictionary is given to her on her last birthday. C. She was gave a new dictionary on her last birthday. 2. A. Traditional medicine is believed to be safer than drugs. B. It believes that traditional medicine is safer than drugs. C. Traditional medicine believes to be safer than drugs. 3. A. Where all the assignments are kept? B. Where are all the assignments kept? C. Where are all the assignments keep? 4. A. We were not tell the good news. B. The good news was not told to us. C. The good news were not told to us. 5. A. Our house will be took care of during our holiday. B. Our house will take care of during our holiday. C. Our house will be taken care of during our holiday 6. A. When will Johny be picked up? B. When Johny will be picked up? C. When will be Johny picked up? 7. A. Tickets are going to be sold from Saturday. B. Tickets are going to sell from Saturday. C. Tickets are going to be sell from Saturday. 8. A. The girl has brought up by her aunt since 2010. B. The girl has been brought up by her aunt since 2010. C. The girl has been bringing up by her aunt since 2010. XVI. Give the correct forms in Passive voice of the verbs given in the brackets. 1. Homework ___is assigned___ (assign) twice a week. 2. Why ___was___ the car ___stolen___ (steal) yesterday? 3. French and English ___are spoken___ (speak) in Canada. 4. How ___is___ information ___stored___ (store) in our brain? 5. I promise that the money ___will be paid___ (pay) back to you soon. 6. Yesterday, applicants for this position ___were examined___ (examine) thoroughly. 7. He ___was punished___ (punish) by his father yesterday. 8. Linh ___was offered___ (offer) the job last month but she turned it down. 9. I think an alternative therapy ___will be recommended___ (recommend) if medical therapy doesn't work.
- 10. The car ___is being repaired___ (repair) at the moment. It broke up in an accident last Sunday. XVII. Find a wrong/ redundant word in each sentence. 1. The restaurant we went to yesterday was not beautifully decorated, but the food is well cooked. ___was___ ___ 2. The city hall was painted and tidy up by a group of people. ___tidied___ ___ 3. Toxic gases are exhaled by factories and inhale by people living in surrounding areas. ___inhaled___ ___ 4. We were all frightening by the loud noise at midnight last night. ___frightened___ ___ 5. What will be make about the future development of rural areas to slow down urban sprawl? ___made___ ___ 6. What song is that song writer best knew for? ___known___ ___ 7. They will be discourage to know their test results. ___ discouraged___ ___ 8. Alex and Wong won't be hang out any more as they are moving to different places. ___bỏ “be”___ 9. The complex was started to be built last month. ___bỏ “was”___ _ 10. Are natural oils extract from some parts of plants to treat certain ailments? ___extracted___ ___ XVIII. Choose the options that best fit the blanks. 1. I'm not sure about it. Maybe your car ___ until tomorrow afternoon. A. will not be repaired B. is not going to be repaired C. was not repaired 2. The campaign against HIV/AIDS ___ in 2009. A. has been launched B. was launched C. was being launched 3. Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum ___ weekly on Fridays, so we cannot visit there today.
- A. was maintained B. is maintained C. will be maintained 4. The school ___ in 1962. A. has been found B. was founded C. was found 5. The football match ___ because of the heavy rain yesterday afternoon. A. is postponed B. would be postponed C. was postponed 6. As planned, the Christmas party ___ at Mandison's next year. A. is going to be held B. will be held C. is held C. READING I. Read the passage and do the tasks bellow. Most people relate stress to physical symptoms like an upset stomach or headaches. Research has suggested that negative emotions and thoughts may also have close links to our brain. Researchers have started finding out why we tend to remember negative things more strongly and in more detail than good ones. “The hrain handles positive and negative information in different parts. Negative emotions involve more thinking, and the information is processed more thoroughly. Thus, we tend to ruminate more about unpleasant events and use stronger words to describe them than happy ones," said Clifford Nass, a professor at Stanford University. Rick Hanson also shares the idea that our minds naturally focus on the bad and discard the good. He stated, "negative stimuli produce more neural activity than do equally intense positive ones. They are also perceived more easily and quickly." This was obtained from his little experiment in which twenty people were asked to look at pictures showing anger or happiness. The participants could identify angry faces faster than happy ones even if it was so quickly. In a journal article Baumeister co-authored in 2001, "Bad is Stronger Than Good", he concluded, "bad emotions, bad parents and bad feedback have more impact than good ones." This is "a basic and wide-ranging principle of psychology". Thus, Baumeister and his colleagues noted that bad incidents, such as losing your dreamy job and breaking up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, may have a greater impact than landing a job or receiving a marriage proposal. Part 1. Choose the best answers to complete the following sentences. 1. People have generally related stress to ___. A. physical symptoms B. brain damage C. ruined relationships with other people 2. Positive events ___ to perceive than/as negative ones. A. less time B. more time C. the same amount of time 3. Positive things ___. A. do not produce neural activity B. produce more neural activity than negative ones C. produce less neural activity than negative ones 4. The best title for the above text is ___. A. Stress makes us tired B. People try to forget bad events. C. Bad events have stronger impacts than good ones Part 2. Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F) or Not Given (NG).
- T F NG 1. Positive emotions are easier to be forgotten than negative √ ones. 2. All information is processed in the same part of the brain. √ 3. The more we try to forget a bad event, the more we think √ about it. 4. Positive thoughts protect us from stress. √ 5. It's a wide-ranging rule that bad events have more influence √ on us than good ones. Part 3. Choose A, B or C to answer the following questions. Which person ? 1. ___ did an experiment with a small group of people. A. Clifford Nass B. Rick Hanson C. Baumeister 2. ___ mentions that we use stronger words to speak about unpleasant events. A. Clifford Nass B. Rick Hanson C. Baumeister 3. ___ gives specific examples of unhappy events. A. Clifford Nass B. Rick Hanson C. Baumeister 4. ___ co-authored to publish a journal article A. Clifford Nass B. Rick Hanson C. Baumeister II. Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. A lot of people like to play their records as loudly as possible. The (1) ___ is that the rest of the family and the neighbors often complain (2) ___ don't like the music. One (3) ___ to this problem is to wear headphones, but headphones are usually uncomfortable. An arm-chair which has a record-player built into it has just been(4) ___ by a British engineer, Stephen Court. The armchair looks like an ordinary armchair with high back. However, each of the two sides of the chair has three loudspeakers inside to reproduce middle and high sounds. Low sounds are reproduced by a pair of loudspeakers in a hollow (5) ___ under the seat. Anyone who sits in the chair hears sounds coming from all around his/her head. Because we cannot tell the exact (6) ___ from which low sounds come, it doesn't (7) ___ that they come from underneath or behind. It is the higher sounds coming from the sides of the chair that create a stereo effect. These sounds travel only a few inches to reach the listener's ears. (8) ___, it takes only a little power to make the music sound very loud. Only a small amount of sound leaks out from behind the chair into the room to (9) ___ others. Most of the sound is (10) ___ by the listeners. 1. A. conclusion B. impact C. sequence D. result 2. A. if B. for C. lest D. since 3. A. way B. answer C. conclusion D. settlement 4. A. drawn B. discovered C. imagined D. designed 5. A. hole B. set C. location D. space 6. A. destination B. reason C. source D. departure 7. A. care B. make sense C. matter D. mean 8. A. Surprisingly B. Strangely C. Consequently D. Eventually 9. A. disappoint B. dismiss C. deter D. disturb 10. A. integrated B. absorbed C. admitted D. accommodated III. Choose the sentence which is closest in meaning with the given one.
- 1. The room was so full that we couldn't get in. A. The room was too full for us to get in. B. The room was too full so that we can't get in. C. The room was too full that we can't get in. D. The room was too full that we couldn't get in. 2. I wish I had chosen English to study at school. A. The speaker studied English and now regrets doing so. B. The speaker is not studying English. C. The speaker regrets not choosing English at school. D. The speaker regrets having chosen English to study. 3. Leather gloves last longer than plastic ones. A. Plastic gloves last not as long as leather ones. B. Plastic gloves last shorter than leather ones. C. Plastic gloves don't last as much as leather ones. D. Plastic gloves don't last as long as leather ones. 4. The book interested me more than the film. A. I thought the book was more interesting than the film. B. I thought the book was more interested than the film. C. I thought the book was as interesting as the film. D. I thought the book was not as interesting as the film. 5. The teacher did not allow the class to leave before 4:30. A. The teacher made the class to stay until after 4:30. B. The teacher made the class not leave until after 4:30. C. The teacher made the class stay until after 4:30. D. The teacher made the class leave after 4:30. 6. If I were you, I'd look for another job. A. I suggest that you looked for another job. B. I suggest looking for another job. C. I suggest you to look for another job. D. I suggest that you look for another job. 7. I only remembered the appointment when it was too late. A. It was only when it was too late that I remembered the appointment. B. Not until it was too late that I remembered the appointment. C. Only when it was too late that I remembered the appointment. D. It was not until it was too late did I remember the appointment. 8. She finds it difficult to get up early. A. She used to get up early. B. She didn't use to get up early. C. She isn't used to getting up early. D. She is used to getting up early. 9. I met her when I was staying in Paris last summer. A. I had met her before I went to Paris last summer. B. I met her during my stay in Paris last summer. C. I met her after I went to Paris last summer. D. I met her during I was staying in Paris last summer. 10. Do shops usually stay open so late in this country? A. Are shops usually opened so late in this country? B. Do you usually open shops so late in this country?
- C. Is it usual for shops to be opened so late in this country? D. Is it usual for shops to stay open so late in this country? D. WRITING I. Write and reply to an inquiry letter for health advice Dear Dr. Glenn, I am coming to an important interview next Friday, but I have no ideas about what to eat before the interview. Could you give me some suggestions on what foods to eat and avoid? I am looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Jack II. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning, using the given words. 1. It's a pity I didn't go on holiday with my class last week. I wish ___I had gone on holiday with my class last week___ 2. My friends and I got lost in the woods because we didn't bring a compass. My friends and I wouldn't ___have got lost in the woods if we had brought a compass___ 3. My sister enjoys coke more than lemonade. My sister prefers ___coke to lemonade___ 4. Jenny has the same number of shirts as Jack. Jack has as ___many shirts as Jenny___ 5. It is possible that Linh will go to the party with her boyfriend tonight. Linh may ___go to the party with her boyfriend tonight___ 6. Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of successful films. A lot of successful films ___have been directed by Steven Spielberg___ 7. Her hair needs cutting. She needs ___to have her hair cut___ 8. The robber made the bank clerk give him all the money. The robber forced ___the bank clerk to give him all the money___ 9. "I'll help you to repair your motorbike tomorrow," my father said to me. My father told me ___he would help me to repair my motorbike the following day___ 10. Jimmy has a cold. He still wants to take part in the football match. Despite having ___a cold, Jimmy still wants to take part in the football match___. Thầy cô cần bài tập file word các khối lớp liên hệ Zalo 0933455268.