Bài tập Tiếng Anh 12 thí điểm - Unit 5: Cultural identity

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  1. BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM 16. This is especially important in the age of globalisation, where countries face UNIT 5 ~ CULTURAL IDENTITY a daunting challenge to preserve their own cultural identities. Part I. PHONETICS A. intimidating B. delighting C. encouraging D. urging Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose 17. The Indigenous experience, like with any form of belonging, is highly fluid underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the and context-specific, meaning there are countless examples of what such following questions. cultural pluralities can look like. 1. A. international B. nation C. national D. nationality A. countable B. uncountable 2. A. language B. massage C. marriage D. shortage C. too few to countD. too many be counted 3. A. because B. nurse C. horse D. purpose 18. Steve Kootenay-Jobin, Aboriginal housing coordinator at Mount Royal 4. A. cultures B. customs C. ideasD. migrants University, notes that many Indigenous students who move to the city for 5. A. passed B. realized C. touched D. wished education, encounter culture shock. Exercise 2. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word that differs A. avoidB. confront C. overcome D. wipe out from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the 19. Culture has been described as features that are shared and bind people following questions. together into a community. 6. A. anthem B. appear C. attire D. attend A. divide B. engage C. force D. unite 7. A. unify B. unique C. uniqueness D. unite 20. Once you have been accepted as a pupil or student at the school or college, 8. A. assimilate B. diagnose C. festival D. scenery it's against the law for them to discriminate against you because of your 9. A. diversity B. endanger C. geographyD. opposite religion or belief. 10. A. circumstance B. considerate C. community D. identity A. judge B. neglect C. misinterpret D. expel Part II. VOCABULARY 21. Changes in attitudes, family values, generational status can occur in both the Exercise 3. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST majority and minority cultures as the two interact; however, typically one in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. culture dominates. 11. When it comes to diversity, language can be a bridge for building A. normally B. rarely C. specially D. uncommonly relationships, or a tool for creating and maintaining divisions across differences. 22. Integration and assimilation can help reduce feelings of loss and grief as the A. assimilation B. distinction C . uniformityD. variance migrant starts to incorporate aspects of the majority culture. 12. The situation got out of hand when the festival organisers couldn't foresee A. disadvantage B. disapproval C. discrimination D. sadness that the mob would get angry because they were stopped from taking the Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE offerings. in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. A. hard to complete B. difficult to control 23. They fear that with the enactment event taken off, the festival may fade away C. impossible to find D. unlikely to happen in obscurity. 13. A number of practices at local festivals have come under strong scrutiny in A. darkness B. dimness C. fuzzinessD. sharpness recent years. 24. Launched by the federations and foundations, Group's brands find local A. approval B. attention C. disapprovalD. examination expression through the promotion of social solidarity and culture. 14. Local people believe that the festival is an opportunity to teach younger A. division B. identity C. teamwork D. unity generations about patriotism and bravery. 25. Many ethnic groups find it hard to maintain their own languages. A. heroism B.justiceC. loyalty D. truth A. continue B. discontinue C. preserve D. speak 15. A smiling Princess Anne was attired in an aqua-blue hat and matching 26. The 21st century has witnessed the surprisingly increasing formation of jacket, with white top. multicultural societies where a varying number of ethnic people stay together. A. caught B. grabbed C. revealed D. shown A. continental B. global C. universal D. worldwide Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 27th, 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM ~ UNIT FIVE
  2. 27. The custom of worshiping ancestors is a beautiful, rich, and colorful and 40. It is our duty to (A) critically examine the elements, (B) which we must joyful tradition in Vietnamese culture. preserve, (C) which will be maintained as our specific cultural identities, (D) A. blaming B. praying C. honoring D. respecting which we can be proud. 28. He said he was only joking, but his comments were so close to the bone. 41. Even today, Breton (A) as well as several other (B) minority language in A. annoying B. offensive C. personalD. respectful France, and (C) the rest of the world, are not (D) legally protected. 29. Hispanics are expected to abandon their heritage to live in the US. 42. Besides (A) visiting ancient monuments and tombs, (B) coming to Hue, you A. adopt B. discard C. drop out D. withdraw can also have a chance to bathe and (C) lying under the sun on the (D) most 30. For this reason, many immigrants flock to this country in search for new wildly beautiful beaches in Vietnam. beginnings and better lives. 43. Sometimes people learn the outsiders' language (B) in addition to their own; A. crowd B. gather C. groupD. spread this (A) has happened in Greenland, (C) when Kalaallisut (D) is learned 31. Nothing valuable could come of a revival of the German martial spirit, better alongside Danish. to leave it behind or bury it. 44. By (A) some estimates, 80 (B) per cents of the world's languages may (C) A. awakening B. destruction C. improvement D. population vanish within the next (D) centuries. 32. Kootenay-Jobin says the cultural integration experience can be exacerbated 45. (A) Many signed languages, (B) including American Sign Language, (C) by challenges such as racism and housing. have born within (D) the last few centuries. A. increased B. improved C. provoked D. worsen 46. Minority communities, (A) for instance, Aboriginal peoples, over 80% (B) 33. Cultural changes in identity can be stressful and result in problems with whose native languages (C) will die with the current generation, (D) account for self-esteem and mental health. most of the world's languages. A. anxiety B. confidence C. dissatisfaction D. modesty 47. (A) According to linguists, children can learn (B) several languages well, (C) 34. Post-migration stresses include culture shock and conflict, both of which as good as they know (D) when to speak each one. may lead to a sense of cultural confusion, feelings of alienation and isolation, 48. (A) According to me, I think if one is from the country with strong and old and depression. traditions, it (B) will be rather difficult for him (C) to adapt to the new customs A. disconnection B. loneliness C. Sympathy D. unfriendliness and (D) moreover to reject his own. Exercise 5. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that 49. (A) Individuals define themselves by (B) nationality, (C) ethnic, language, needs correction in each of the following questions. (D) clothing and food. 35. (A) On a flip side, the world wide adoption of (B) a couple of languages that 50. In (A) forest worshiping, people (B) worship the gods of trees and villagers have (C) a large number of speakers has led to the death of (D) several less (C) sacrificed their lives (D) to protect the village. popular languages. Part III. GRAMMAR 36. (A) For conclusion, (B) the death (C) of local languages is (D) an alarming Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to development. each of the following questions. 37. (A) Over fifty (B) thousand English words (C) have been deriving from (D) 51. How long Gerry? the Greek language. A. has you been knowing B. has you know 38. It is important to understand the (A) culture religion of the (B) country that C. have you been knowingD. have you known you are travelling to and (C) a little research before you leave will (D) help 52. How many times New York? tremendous. A. has Charles been visitingB. has Charles visited 39. Linguists (A) aware that a language (B) becoming extinct does not (C) C. have Charles been visiting D. have Charles visited necessarily mean that the people who spoke it (D) have all died. 53. She French words for hours, but she still doesn't remember all of them. A. has been learning B. has been learnt C. has learnt D. have been learning Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 27th, 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM ~ UNIT FIVE
  3. 54. My father 67. She's getting over her operation. She feels A. has never smokedB. have never smoked A. gooder and gooderB. better and better C. has never been smoking D. have never been smoking C. more better and better D. more and more better 55. Oh dear, the light all night. 68. The market for tablets is becoming all the time. A. has been burning B. has burnt C. has burned D. have burning A. competitiver and competitiverB. more and more competitive 56. We Lisa recently. C. more competitiver and competitiver D. more competitive and A. hasn't seenB. haven't seen competitive C. haven't been seeing D. haven't been seen 69. My dad's eyesight is getting He can hardly see anything these days. 57. I fifteen phone calls this morning. A. more worser and worser B. more and more worse A. has been making B. have been making C. worse and worse D. worser and worser C. have been madeD. have made 70. It's time you tidied your room. It's getting 58 anything so strange in your life? A. messier and messier B. more Messier and messier A. Have you ever been hearing B. Have ever you been hearing C. more messy and messy D. more and more messy C. Have you ever heard D. Have you ever heared 71. Visitors can various types of “ao dai” costumes for free at the Hanoi 59. You're red in the face Global Cultural Centre. A. Has you ran? B. Have you been runned? A. dress up B. put onC. try on D. wear out C. Have you ran?D. Have you been running? 72. Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, Hampshire in 1812, but relocated 60. The sun since this morning. to and in Camden Town in London. A. has shining B. has shined A. came back B. called away C. grew up D. left out C. has shoneD. has been shining 73. It's easy to your parents for granted. 61. How long the drums? A. get B. have C. makeD. take A. have you been playing B. you have played 74. Every year several languages Some people think that this is not important C. have you playing D. have you played because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world. 62. The phone bill is enormous. You your boyfriend in Australia, ? A. die away B. die out C. die off D. die down A. have been called - have you B. have called - haven't you 75. In all social systems, there is a minority group which is looked by others in C. have been calling - haven't you D. has called - hasn't you 63. He that culture and kept of mainstream society. 63. He on his essay all day, but he yet. A. back on – up B. down on - out A. has been writing - has not finished B. has writing - has not been finishing C. out of – down D. through - back C. have been written - have not finished D. has written - has not been finishing 76. Xoan singing is a vocal art of villages in the ancestral land of Phu Tho. It has 64. John for the government since he graduated from Harvard University. been for generations and the oral tradition is still very much alive today. Until recently, he his work, but now he is talking about retiring. A. handed down B. landed on C. passed by D. taken over A. has been working - has not enjoyed B. has writing - has been finishing 77. Geographical position has given India a chance to develop a culture and C. has worked - has been enjoying D. has worked - have enjoyed this cultural is a big "pull" factor for travelers from different countries. 65. Lately, I about changing my career because I dissatisfied with the A. unique – uniqueB. unique - uniqueness conditions at my company. C. uniqueness – unique D. uniqueness - uniqueness A. have been thinking - have become B. have been thinking - have been become 78. Most companies show against the obese. C. have thought - have become D. have thought - have been becoming A. prejudice B. prejudicing C. prejudge D. prejudging 66. My job gets every year. 79. Greek and Latin are the sources of the international scientific vocabulary. A. harder and harder B. harder and more harder A. predominant B. predominance C. predominated D. predominating C. more harder and harder D. more and more harder Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 27th, 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM ~ UNIT FIVE
  4. 80. Viet Nam's Hung Kings worshiping in Phu Tho Province has become part C. Pretty busy, I think. D. No, I'll not be busy. of the world's intangible cultural heritage. 93. Jenny: “Thanks for the nice gift you bought to us!” A. ritual B. ritualism C. ritualistic D. ritualizing Peter: “ ” 81 , but would you mind helping us on our essay? A. All right. Do you know how much it costs? B. Not at all, don't mention it. A. Sorry to bother you B. Sorry for bothering C. Actually speaking, I myself don't like it. D. Welcome! it's very nice of you. C. Sorry for such a bother D. Sorry for having bothered you 94. Jenny: “You must have found reading my essay very tiring.” 82. Many parents afraid that their children are becoming less familiar their Peter: “ I enjoyed it." traditions. A. Not in the least. B. Just in case. C. At all costs. D. You are welcome. A. to B. from C. for D. against 95. Jenny: “You are so patient with us.” 83. Since moving to another country, some people decide to follow the customs Mrs. Green: “ ” of the new country, while prefer to keep their own customs. A. I'm fine, thanks. B. Thanks, that's nice of you to say so. A. another B. otherC. others D. the other C. Thanks. Have a nice trip. D. I know. I have trouble controlling my temper. 84. The best way to preserve your culture is to keep it 96. Tom: “Can I have another cup of tea?” A. alive B. living C. life D. lively Mrs. Green: “ ” 85. Culture helps people to the world around them. A. Be yourself. B. Do it yourself. C. Help yourself. D. Allow yourself. A. adapt B. change C. alter D. fit 97. Ken: “Where is your studying group going to meet next weekend?” 86. A broad definition of is when two separate items, each with different Mark: “ ” characteristics, come together and blend. A. We are too busy on weekdays. B. The library could be best. A. assimilation B. diversity C. preservation D. urbanization C. Why don't you look at the atlas? D. Studying in a group is great fun! 87. Many new immigrants have not yet assimilated fully the new culture. 98. John: "Do you think that people should protect their cultural identities in the A. into B. with C. in D. by age of globalization?” 88. Some people feel a strong to keep their cultural identities. Jane: “ ” A. craving B. pressure C. urge D. wish A. Of course not, you bet! B. Well, that's very surprising. 89. The latest heritage at risk register revealed that 5,831 listed buildings, C. There is no doubt about it. D. Yes, it's an absorb idea. monuments, archaeological sites, and landscapes in England are at of being 99. Kay: "I don't do that if I were you." lost. Amy: " ” A. danger B. edge C. easeD. risk A. I'd rather you didn't. B. It's out of question. 90. The objective is to promote the role of inhabitants and communities in the C. Wouldn't you? Why? D. Would you, really? development of a modern architecture imbued national identity. 100. Jenny: “I think that some languages will no longer be spoken." A. against B. by C. for D. with Anna: “ ” Part IV. SPEAKING A. Don't you think so?B. I'm afraid so. Exercise 7. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct response to C. I agree. It sounds nice. D. Let's speak up. each of the following exchanges. 101. Mark: "It was very kind of you to help me out, Paul?” 91. Alex: “Thank you for taking the time to come here in person.” Paul: “ ” Amy: “ ” A. I'm glad you like it. B. Thanks a million. A. It's my pleasure. B. I don't know what time that person comes. C. That was the least I could do. D. You can say that again. C. I'd love to come. What time? D. Do you have time for some gossip? 102. Amy: "Would you mind sending those flowers to Mrs. Brown?"" 92. Alex: “How have you been recently?” Mark: “ ” Amy: “ ” A. He wouldn't mind. B. I would if I were you. A. By bus, I think. B. It's too late. C. No, I can handle it myself. D. Sure, I'll do it now. Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 27th, 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM ~ UNIT FIVE
  5. 103. Mary: "I'll never do that again”. Exercise 9. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to Linda: "Me ” indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. A. do so B. too C. neither D. either Modern life is characterized not only by the conveniences made possible by 104. Jackson: "I get impatient when the teacher doesn't tell us the answer.” technological advances but also by greater mobility in search of still greater Rose: “ ” opportunities. These major life changes, however, expose individuals to many A. Yes, it's hard to think of the answer. B. Yes, I wish she'd hurry up. novelties in a new culture, which are the causes of culture shock. Culture shock C. Yes, she would know the answer. D. Yes, she speaks too quickly. is a process through which most people who enter a new culture pass through 105. Jane: "Don't fail to send your parents my regards." before they adjust to life in their new environment. Ben: “ ” Culture shock begins with the honeymoon stage”. This is the period of time A. You are welcome. B. Good idea, thanks. when we first arrive in which everything about the new culture is strange and C. Thanks, I'll. D. It's my pleasure. exciting. Unfortunately, the second stage "rejection stage" can be quite Part V. READING dangerous because the visitor may develop unhealthy habits (smoking and Exercise 8. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to drinking). This can lead to the person getting sick or developing skin infections indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered or rashes, which then makes the person feel even more scared and confused and blanks. helpless. This stage is considered a crisis in the process of cultural adjustment Why is culture important and how does it answer the question "(106) is and many people choose to go back to their homeland or spend all their time cultural identity?"? Culture is the underlying (107) of traditions and beliefs with people from their own culture speaking their native language. The third that help a person (108) to the world around them. It is the basis (109) any stage of culture shock is called the "adjustment stage”. This is when you begin to superstitions they may have. It is the aversion to (110) types of meat, or which realize that things are not so bad in the host culture. You are becoming stronger days you can work on. Culture gives us a definite starting point when beginning by learning to take care of yourself in the new place. The fourth stage can be to (111) for our roots. Knowing (112) a person comes from will help to called “at ease at last”. Now you feel quite comfortable in your new define how they look at their family obligations as (113) as how they celebrate surroundings. You can cope with most problems that occur. You may still have important milestones in life. problems with the language, but you know you are strong enough to deal with As a person has given up their cultural identity, they (114) can identify them. The last stage of culture shock, which many people don't know about, is themselves with the things that were (115) the most important things in their called "reverse culture shock”. Surprisingly, this occurs when you go back to lives. They lose direction. As time (116) by and they continue to forget about your native culture and find that you have changed and that things there have their past and their natural traditions, their identity becomes less and less changed while you have been away. Now you feel a little uncomfortable back (117) home. Life is a struggle! 106. A. How B. Which C. Why D. What 118. Which sentence best explains the main idea of paragraph 1? 107. A. institution B. foundation C. organization D. principle A. Culture shock, experienced by people living in a new culture, consists of five 108. A. relate B. relating C. related D. to relate basic stages. 109. A. in B. for C. of D. to B. People immigrate to other countries in search of better opportunities. 110. A. especial B. special C. specific D. typical C. Modern life is characterized by many technological advances and greater 111. A. find B. look C. search D. seek mobility. 112. A. by which B. how C. whenD. where D. These major life changes are the causes of culture shock. 113. A. long B. much C. soon D. well 119. It is stated that the "honeymoon stage” 114. A. any longer B. any more C. no longer D. no more A. is involved in developing healthy habits 115. A. at once B. once C. one time D. for once B. is exciting with the new sights, sounds, language and foods 116. A. goes B. flies C. passes D. walks C. is the initial period of culture shock 117. A. pronouncing B. pronounce C. pronounced D. been pronouncing D. got its name because everything is new and exciting for the newcomer Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 27th, 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM ~ UNIT FIVE
  6. 120. In paragraph 1, the word novelties probably means reaches their teens, they might not want to be induced into the old tradition.” A. things which are new or unusual The change is not always voluntary. Quite often, governments try to kill off a B. things which are difficult to deal with minority language by banning its use in public or discouraging its use in school, C. things which have to do with novels all to promote national unity. The former US policy of running Indian D. things which are very young or recent in age reservation in English, for example, effectively put languages such as Navajo on 121. In paragraph 2, the word host probably means the danger list. But Salikoko Mufwene, who chairs the Linguistics Department at A. the dominant country B. the largest country the University of Chicago, argues that the deadliest weapon is not government C. the newcomer's native country D. the receiving country policy but economic globalisation. "Native Americans have not lost pride in 122. Which of the following is NOT true according the passage? their language, but they have had to adapt to socio-economic pressures" he says. A. At forth stage, newcomers have overcome all problems in the new culture. “They cannot refuse to speak English if most commercial activity is in English." B. Immigrants may suffer from "reverse culture shock” when going back to However, a growing interest in cultural identity may prevent the direct native culture. predictions from coming true. ‘The key to fostering diversity is for people to C. New arrivals in the second stage, "reject” the new culture by returning to their learn their ancestral tongue, as well as the dominant language' says Doug country or binding even more with other people from their culture. Whalen, founder and president of the Endangered Language Fund in New D. The "rejection stage” is the most difficult stage in the process of cultural Haven, Connecticut. “Most of these will ive without a large degree of adjustment. bilingualism” he says. Exercise 10. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to 123. It is stated in the passage that the number of endangered languages is indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. A. about 3,200 B. about 6,800 C. at least 3,000 D. fewer than 2,500 In the Native American Navajo nation which sprawls across four states in the 124. The word peppered in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to American south-west, the native language is dying. Most of its speakers are A. randomly separated B. slowly attacked middle-age or elderly. Although many students take classes in Navajo, the C. sparsely distributed D. unintentionally controlled schools are run in English. Street sign, supermarket goods and even their own 125. According to the passage, endangered languages cannot be saved unless newspaper are all in English. Not surprisingly, linguists doubt that any native people speakers of Navajo will remain in a hundred years' time. A. avoid speaking their dominant language C. know more than one language Navajo is far from alone. Half the world's 6,800 languages are likely to vanish B. grow interest in cultural identities D. write in their mother tongue within two generations - that's one language lost every ten days. Never before 126. Who thinks that a change of language may mean a loss of traditional has the planet's linguistic diversity shrunk at such a pace. Isolation breeds culture? linguistic diversity as a result, the world is peppered with languages spoken by A. Doug Whalen B. Michael Krauss only a few people. Only 250 languages have more than a million speakers, and C. Nicholas OstlerD. Salikoko Mufwene at least 3,000 have fewer than 2,500. It is not necessarily these small languages 127. The word these in paragraph 5 refers to that are about to disappear. Navajo is considered endangered despite having A. ancestral tongue B. dominant language 150,000 speakers. C. growing interest in cultural identity D. the key to fostering diversity What makes a language endangered is not that the number of speakers, but how 128. Navajo language is considered being endangered language because old they are. If it is spoken by children it is relatively safe. The critically A. it currently has too few speakers endangered languages are those that are only spoken by the elderly, according to B. it is spoken by too many elderly and middle-aged speakers Michael Krauss, director of the Alaska Native Language Center, in Fairbanks. C. it was banned in publicity by the former US policy Why do people reject the language of their parent? It begins with a crisis of D. many young people refuse to learn to speak it confidence, when a small community finds itself alongside a larger, wealthier 129. Which statement is NOT supported by the information in the passage? society, says Nicholas Ostler of Britain's Foundation for Endangered Languages, A. A large number of native speakers fail to guarantee the survival of a in Bath. “People lose faith in their culture” he says. "When the next generation language. Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 27th, 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM ~ UNIT FIVE
  7. B. National governments could do more to protect endangered languages. C. My opinion is that we can learn languages well only in our childhood. C. The loss of linguistic diversity is inevitable. D. To me, there is no time that is as good as childhood to learn languages well. D. Young people often reject the established way of life in their community. 135. People often mistakenly think that children can learn to speak only one 130. What is the main idea of this passage? language well. A. To describe how diverse languages are in the past. A. Children are often believed to be able to speak only one language well and it's B. To explain the importance of persevering endangered languages. true. C. To explain why more and more languages disappear. B. It is often believed that children cannot learn to speak several languages. D. To point out that many languages being in danger of extinction. C. It is not true that children can learn to speak only one language well. Part VI. WRITING D. It is normal to believe that children can learn to speak only one language Exercise 11 Mark the letter A, B, C. or D to indicate the sentence that is well. closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 136. There are over fifty ethnic groups but we all use Vietnamese as the official 131. It is hard for linguists to draw the line between languages and dialects. language. A. Linguists find hard to draw the line between languages and dialects. A. Although there are over fifty ethnic groups, we all use Vietnamese as the B. Linguists find it hard drawing the line between languages and dialects. official language. C. Linguists find it hard to draw the line between languages and dialects. B. Despite there are over fifty ethnic groups, we all use Vietnamese as the D. Linguists find it is hard to draw the line between languages and dialects. official language. 132. Cultural changes have never been as accelerated as they are now during C. However, there are over fifty ethnic groups, we all use Vietnamese as the the globalization. official language. A. Never before cultural changes have been as accelerated as they are now D. In spite of using Vietnamese as the official language, there are over fifty during the globalization. ethnic groups. B. Never before cultural have changes been as accelerated as they are now 137. There's no point in preventing people from shifting to a different language. during the globalization. A. It is possible to prevent people from shifting to a different language. C. Never before have been cultural changes as accelerated as they are now B. It's useless to prevent people from shifting to a different language. during the globalization. C. People will be prevented from shifting to a different language though it's D. Never before have cultural changes been as accelerated as they are now hard. during the globalization. D. No one wants to prevent people from shifting to a different language. 133. Many immigrants do not want their children to suffer from not speaking 138. Languages allow people to experience and share their cultures. dominant language well, as they did. A. People are able to experience and share their cultures through languages. A. Many immigrants do not want their children to speak dominant language as B. People are not allowed to experience and share their cultures without worse as they did. languages. B. Many immigrants want their children to speak dominant language better than C. People must experience and share their cultures by languages. they did. D. People cannot experience and share their cultures without languages. C. Many immigrants want their children to speak dominant language as well as 139. Preserving cultural identities in international world is a matter of great they did. dispute. D. Many immigrants want to speak dominant language as well as their children A. It is a great dispute as cultural identities should be preserved in international. can. B. No matter how great dispute is, cultural identities should be preserved in 134. I think childhood is the best time to learn languages well. international. A. According to my opinion, children are the best to learn languages well. C. That the dispute of preserving cultural identities in international world is a B. In my opinion, there is no time that is better than childhood to learn languages great matter. well. Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 27th, 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM ~ UNIT FIVE
  8. D. The fact that cultural identities should be preserved in international world is a D. It hardly deny that global communications will become even more powerful matter of great dispute. in potentially influencing our cultural identity. Exercise 12. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the sentence that best 143. We accept that changes are unavoidable. We will not allow everything to be combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. wiped out, destroyed or forgotten. 140. Sacred texts and ceremonies can seem confusing with no one there to guide. A. Accepting that changes are unavoidable does not mean that we will allow Young people find an expert willing to explain their significance. everything to be wiped out, destroyed or forgotten. A. Although sacred texts and ceremonies can seem confusing with no one there B. Despite accepting that changes are unavoidable, but we will not allow to guide, young people are forced to find an expert willing to explain their everything to be wiped out, destroyed or forgotten. significance. C. Rather than accepting that changes are unavoidable we will allow everything B. Because sacred texts and ceremonies can seem confusing with no one there to to be wiped out, destroyed or forgotten. guide, so young people are willing to find an expert to explain their significance. D. We accept that changes are unavoidable, as we will not allow everything to C. For sacred texts and ceremonies can seem confusing with no one there to be wiped out, destroyed or forgotten. guide, young people might find an expert willing to explain their significance. 144. People have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs and other aspects of D. Since sacred texts and ceremonies can seem confusing with no one there to their native culture. They begin to lose their sense of self. guide, young people are supposed to find an expert willing to explain their A. If people have not given up their heritage, traditional beliefs and other aspects significance. of their native culture, they will not lose their sense of self. 141. Culture, language, facilities or economy level of the family are different. B. Giving up their heritage, traditional beliefs and other aspects of their native Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life experience culture means that people totally lose their sense of self. knowledge transfer. C. Once people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs and other aspects A. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life of their native culture, they are about to lose their sense of self. experience knowledge transfer despite of different culture, language, facilities or D. Whenever people have given up their heritage, traditional beliefs and other economy level of the family. aspects of their native culture, they are supposed to lose their sense of self. B. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life 145. Thousands of languages are at risk of extinction. You know one of them, experience powledge transfer regardless of different culture, language, facilities then teach it to others. or economy level of the family. A. As long as you know one of thousands of languages that are at risk of C. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life extinction, then teach it to others. experience knowledge transfer due to different culture, language, facilities or B. If you know one of thousands of languages that are at risk of extinction, teach economy level of the family. it to others. D. Vocal guidelines and acting in daily activities are the ways of the life C. For you know one of thousands of languages that are at risk of extinction, experience knowledge transfer although different culture, language, facilities or teach it to others. economy level of the family. D. Whenever you know one of thousands of languages that are at risk of 142. We can't deny the potential influences of global communications on our extinction, then teach it to others. cultural identity, as it will become even more powerful. A. It can be undeniable that global communications will become even more The End powerful in potentially influencing our cultural identity. B. It cannot deny that global communications will become even more powerful in potentially influencing our cultural identity. C. It cannot be denied that global communications will become even more powerful in potentially influencing our cultural identity. Thẩm Tâm Vy, August 27th, 2020 BÀI TẬP TIẾNG ANH 12 THÍ ĐIỂM ~ UNIT FIVE