Bài tập trắc nghiệm Lớp 12 - Unit 6: Endangered species

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Nội dung text: Bài tập trắc nghiệm Lớp 12 - Unit 6: Endangered species

  1. Unit 6. ENDANGERED SPECIES - KEY LANGUAGE FOCUS Phonetics Linking vowel to vowel in fast, connected speech: In danger of extinction, after a few years, Grammar - The future perfect The Americans will have built that huge space station by the end of this year. I will have finished painting the living room by the time Dad comes home. - Double comparatives The more money my father makes, the less time he spends with the family. Vocabulary Words and phrases related to endangered animals and plants: evolution, biodiversity, become extinct, natural habitat I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 1. A. survival B. natural C. vulnerable D. agricultural - Phát âm là /ʌ/, những từ còn lại phát âm /∂/ 2. A. endangered B. died C. evolved D. stopped - Phát âm là /t/, những từ còn lại phát âm /d/ 3. A. extinct B. evolutionary C. evolve D. rely - Phát âm là /i:/, những từ còn lại phát âm /i/ 4. A. extinct B. species C. special D. ocean - Phát âm là /k/, những từ còn lại phát âm /ʃ/ 5. A. forest B. extinction C. pollutant D. diversity - Phát âm là /ʃ/, những từ còn lại phát âm /t/ II. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. litter B. protect C. global D. wildlife - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 2. A. botanical B. responsible C. vulnerable D. endangered - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 1, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 2 3. A. naturally B. ecosystem C. fertilizer D. conservation - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 3, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 4. A. organic B. tropical C. habitat D. predator - Trọng âm vào âm tiết 2, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 1 5. A. biodiversity B. evolutionary C. vulnerability D. responsibility - Trọng ảm vào âm tiết 3, những từ còn lại vào âm tiết 4 III. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following sentences. 1. Efforts are done in the hope of preserving all species and maintaining the ecological balance. A B C D - made 2. Sea turtles have lived in the world's oceans for more than 100 millions years. A B C D
  2. - million 3. Many animal species are becoming endangered or even extinction due to habitat destruction. A B C D - extinct 4. Many nations protect endangered species by forbidding hunting, to restrict land development and creating A B C D preserves. - restricting 5. Over forty percents of the world's species are estimated to be at risk of extinction. A B C D - percent Download full contact zalo: 0344.371.627 IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following sentences. 1. People have always depended on wildlife and plants for food, clothing, medicine, shelter and many other ___. A. needs B. demand C. supplies D. provision - Các nhu cầu cơ bản 2. The NatureServe Network empowers people to sustain ___ by making sure everyone has access to the knowledge of our shared lands and waters. A. diverse B. biodiverse C. diversification D. biodiversity - Danh từ làm tân ngữ cho động từ + hợp nghia (giữ gìn sự đa dạng sinh học) 3. By the end of this year, the Wildlife Conservation Network ___ $50 thousand dollars. A. will raise B. will be raised C. will be raising D. will have raised - Tương lai hoàn thành (ngữ giới từ by làm trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian + thời gian hoàn thành) 4. We should focus ___ the conservation of vulnerable species at risk of disappearing. A. on B. in C. about D. with - Phrasal verb: to focus on (tập trung vào) 5. Conservationists have been trying to look for ways to protect ___ areas. A. wild B. wildness C. wilderness D. wildlife - Danh từ làm tân ngữ cho động từ + hợp nghĩa (bảo vệ các khu vực hoang dã) 6. Over the past year and a half, the NatureServe Network ___ amazing things such as discovering precious lost species. A. accomplish B. accomplished C. has accomplished D. will accomplish - Hiện tại hoàn thành nhấn mạnh vào kết quả của hành động, thể chủ động 7. Ecotourism is distinguished by its emphasis on conservation, education, traveler ___ and active community participation. A. responsible B. irresponsible C. responsibility D. irresponsibility - Kết hợp từ (trách nhiệm của du khách) 8. Recycling is a popular way to conserve ___ resources. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. natured - Tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ → tân ngữ (bảo vệ tài nguyên thiên nhiên) 9. The United Nations has recommended that countries ___ all places with more than 20,000 inhabitants living close together as urban. A. regard B. be regarded C. be regarding D. have regarded - Động từ nguyên thể, thể chủ động, trong subjunctive mood (important that + Subject +V_base) 10. It is important that ecotourism ___ the level of education and activism among travelers. A. to help increase B. help increase C. helps increase D. helped increase
  3. - Động từ nguyên thể, thể chủ động, trong subjunctive mood (important that +Subject +V_base) kết hợp cáu trúc to help do something 11. It is recommended that proper actions ___ to protect wildlife and wild places. A. to be taken B. be taken C. to be done D. be done - Động từ nguyên thể, thế bị động, trong subjunctive mood (recommend that + Subject + be + past participle) 12. At least 26 species of cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) ___ as ingesting plastic debris. A. have documented B. had documented C. have been documented D. had been documented - Hiện tại hoàn thành nhấn mạnh vào kết quả của hành động, thể bị động 13. In 2013, a ___ three-month-old tiger cub was brought to a rehabilitation center in the Russian Far East. A. starve B. starving C. starved D. starvation - Present Participle làm tính từ miêu tả (một con hổ ba tháng tuổi ở tình trạng đói lả) 14. Peru's Bahuaja Sonene National Park, a remarkable protected area, is home ___ 174 species of mammals, including rare animals. A. of B. for C. to D. at - Phân biệt giới từ đi với danh từ home (home to: là nơi sinh sống tự nhiên của, home of: nơi bắt nguồn của, home for: nơi sinh sống xã hội được chọn cho) 15. Many endangered species are moving ___ to extinction, and we are losing our precious places. A. close and close B. closely and closely C. closer and closer D. more closely and closely - Double Comparison chỉ sự tăng tiến (càng ngày càng tiến gần tới) 16. The traffic was terrible. By the time I got to the conference, the chairman ___ the opening speech. A. finished delivering B. finished to deliver C. has finished delivering D. had finished delivering - Quá khứ hoàn thành chỉ hành vi đã được hoàn thành trước một hành động khác trong quá khứ. 17. The more carefully humans mind their daily activities, ___ on the environment. A. the less harmful impact have they B. the less harmful impact they have C. the less impact harmful they have D. the less harmful they have impact - Double Comparison chỉ quan hệ phụ thuộc (càng thế này, thì càng thế kia) 18. 'Different' species ___ by 2050, scientists claim. A. will evolve B. have evolved C. will be evolved D. will have evolved - Tương lai hoàn thành nhấn mạnh kết quả trong tương lai 19. Growth is of very immediate environmental concern because ___ the more pollutants we throw out into the atmosphere. A. the more the world economy grows B. the more economy the world grows C. the more grows the world economy D. the more the world grows economy - Double Comparison chỉ quan hệ phụ thuộc (Càng thế này, thì càng thế kia) 20. Wildlife Conservation Society uses science to discover and understand ___ natural world. A. a B. an C. the D. Ø - Mạo từ “the” xác định sự tồn tại của thế giới tự nhiên (khu biệt với các thế giới khác) 21. He is credited for helping numerous endangered species recover ___ certain extinction. A. from B. off C. out of D. away from - Phrasal verb: Recover from (thoát khỏi) 22. Some reptile skins - such as crocodile, python and monitor lizard - are highly prized ___ exotic leathers. A. for B. with C. as D. by - Giới từ “as” được dùng để chỉ giá trị, vị trí chức năng khu biệt (to be prized as được đánh giá là). 23. Ann and Sophia are close friends. They are talking about their study at the start of the semester.
  4. Ann: "Then, I'm taking history this semester. How about you?" Sophia:"___. I'm still wondering whether to take history or geography." A. I've made up my mind. B. I'm in two minds about this. C. It doesn't matter. D. It's out of my reach. - Mình vẫn đang lưỡng tự (trả lời cho câu hỏi câu đình thế nào?) 24. Peter is talking to his teacher about the upcoming exams. Teacher: "Peter, how have you prepared for the final exams?" Peter: "I've studied for math and English, teacher. I've got literature and history to go. ___.” A. I'm halfway through B. I'm finished C. You're right D. You're telling me - Em đi được một nửa rồi. (Giải thích cho thông tin phía trước, học được 1 trong 2 môn ôn thi rồi) 25. Paula and Paul are husband and wife. They are talking about their daughter, a school girl. Paula: "Our daughter is not doing well at school. She's not very good at math." Paul: "___ that I'm going to help her with this." A. I have it in mind B. Mind your own business C. I'm not sure D. It's your turn - Anh đang nghĩ sẽ giúp con học toán đây (đáp lại sự lo lắng của người vợ về sự việc có con gái học toán chưa tốt) V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following sentences. 1. Wildlife conservation is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats. A. habit B. exercise C. action D. custom - Action: hành động bảo vệ các loài động thực vật hoang dã 2. Every day there are fewer places left that wildlife can call home. A. habitat B. accommodation C. residence D. house - Habitat: nơi sinh sống tự nhiên của các loài hoang dã 3. Aquatic species' habitat has been seriously broken by dams and changes in direction of water currents. A. growing watery B. drinking water C. happening in water D. relating to water - Relating to water: Các loài sống trong môi trường nước (thủy sinh) 4. Wildlife is under threat from many different kinds of human activities, from directly destroying habitat to spreading invasive disease. A. difficult to stop B. easy to transmit C. easy to stop D. difficult to transmit - Difficult to stop: khó ngăn cản (bệnh lan tràn) 5. Today, illegal hunting still threatens many species, especially large ammals such as tigers, rhinoceros, bears and even primates. A. allowed by law B. forbidden by law C. introducing a law D. imposing a law - Forbidden by law: bất hợp pháp nên bị cấm VI. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following sentences. 1. Some animals go extinct because the climate where they live changes. A. Some animals go extinct due to changes in climate where they live. B. Climate changes make some animals go extinct where they live. C. The climate changes where some animals there go extinct. D. That some animals go extinct causes the climate where they live to change. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu dùng ngữ giới từ due to thay cho liên từ because 2. Some biologists believe the best way to save endangered animals is to save their habitats. A. Some biologists believe that saving endangered animals' best habitats can save them. B. It is believed by some biologists that saving their habitats is saving endangered animals. C. Some biologists believe that to save endangered animals' habitats is the best way to save them. D. It is believed that there is no better way of saving endangered animals than saving their habitats.
  5. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách đổi vị trí chủ ngữ và bổ tố của động từ nối “be” 3. The more polluted the environment gets, the more animals will have their habitats lost. A. Animal habitat loss is increased with how polluted the environment gets. B. When the environment gets more polluted, more animals will lose their habitats. C. Because the environment gets more polluted, more animals will lose their habitats. D. Increasing environmental pollution have resulted in more animal habitat loss. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách dùng động từ increase thay thế double comparison để diễn đạt cà ý nghĩa tăng tiến và phụ thuộc 4. Governments should take measures to protect wildlife, or more and more animals will become endangered. A. The sooner governments take measures to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered. B. Because more governments take measures to protect wildlife, fewer animals will become endangered. C. The more measures governments take to protect wildlife, the fewer animals will become endangered. D. Governments take measures to protect wildlife, so that fewer animals will become endangered. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách sử dụng double comparison diễn đạt sự phụ thuộc 5. Wildlife conservation network saves endangered species in 37 countries around the world. A. Endangered species in 37 countries around the world are saved by wildlife conservation network. B. In 37 countries, endangered species are saved by wildlife conservation network around the world. C. Wildlife conservation network around the world saves 37 countries of endangered species. D. 37 countries of endangered species around the world are saved by wildlife conservation network. - Thay đổi cấu trúc câu bằng cách chuyển đổi từ cấu trúc động từ từ thể chủ động sáng thể bị động VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences given. 1. Fossil fuels come from dead plants and animals. These plants and animals died millions of years ago. A. Plants and animals that died millions of years ago become fossil fuels. B. Fossil fuels come from plants and animals that died millions of years ago. C. Fossil fuels were made from plants and animals that died millions of years ago. D. Plants and animals died millions of years ago to become fossil fuels today. - Kết hợp câu bằng mệnh đề quan hệ. Câu C không phù hợp thì. 2. So many animals are now in danger of extinction. Then, a list of them is kept in a Red Book. A. To keep many animals from danger of extinction, a list has been made in a Red Book. B. So many animals are now in danger of extinction that a list of them is kept in a Red Book. C. Many animals are now in danger of extinction, so a list of them is kept in a Red Book. D. So many animals are now in danger of extinction as to keep a list of them in a Red Book. - Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng liên từ tương liên chỉ kết quả (so that) 3. Tourism is one of Australia's fastest growing industries. It is a major source of foreign exchange. A. As Australia's fastest growing industry, tourism serves as a major source of foreign exchange. B. Being one of Australia's fastest growing industries, tourism is a major source of foreign exchange. C. Tourism is one of Australia's fastest growing industries, so it is a major source of foreign exchange. D. Tourism is a major source of foreign exchange to be one of Australia's fastest growing industries. - Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng mệnh để phân từ 1 chỉ mối quan hệ nguyên nhân kết quả 4. Plastic debris can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth. This has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat. A. Plastic debris which can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat. B. Plastic debris which has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat can now be found in every marine habitat on Earth. C. Plastic debris can now be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth, which has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat.
  6. D. What has resulted in lots of marine species' serious loss of habitat is the debris that can be found in almost every marine habitat on Earth. - Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng đại từ quan hệ “which” trong xây dựng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định (non-restrictive relative clause) 5. "My goal is to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation," said Armiger. A. Armiger taught her students that they should have a goal in conserving wildlife. B. Armiger taught her students how to set themselves a goal in wildlife conservation. C. Armiger said that to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation is her goal. D. Armiger said that her goal was to educate students about the need for wildlife conservation. - Kết hợp câu bằng sử dụng nguyên tắc chuyển phát ngôn từ trực tiếp sang gián tiếp VIII. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks. According to Vietnamese legend, (1) ___ giant turtle in Hanoi's Hoan Kiem Lake reclaimed a magic sword given to King Le Loi in the 15th century that he used to win independence (2) ___ China's Ming Dynasty. The lake was thereafter named 'Ho Hoan Kiem', or 'Lake of the Returned Sword', and Hanoi has been built up (3) ___ it. Margie Mason of Associated Press wrote: "(4) ___ once was a magic golden turtle that lived in Hanoi's most enchanted lake. The giant turtle was believed so powerful, it snatched a divine sword from a warrior king and returned it to the gods of the depths nearly six centuries (5) ___. That tale has long been a (6) ___ among young and old Vietnamese living in the capital city, but folklorists soon may have to rewrite the story to (7) ___ a very sad ending. In real life, the last giant soft-shell turtle (8) ___ in Hoan Kiem Lake probably will die alone, and at least one biologist says the species (9) ___ then be extinct. The elusive creature - with a shell as big as a desk - occasionally pokes its wrinkled head out of the murky waters of the downtown lake to (10) ___ a breath, but few Vietnamese are lucky enough to glimpse it. And certainly no one knows its age." 1. A. a B. the C. that D. where - Mạo từ bất định đồng thời chỉ số lượng cá thể 2. A. of B. from C. away D. against - independence from: độc lập khỏi. 3. A. above B. over C. around D. along - built up around it: xây dựng quanh hồ. 4. A. What B. That C. It D. There - There + be: chỉ sự tồn tại 5. A. ago B. earlier C. formerly D. previously - Ago trạng từ chỉ quá khứ (trước đây) 6. A. favoring B. favorable C. favored D. favorite - Danh từ chỉ sự yêu thích/ được chú ý/ quan tâm nhất như một sở thích 7. A. inscribe B. create C. include D. develop - To-infinitive làm trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích (to include: để thêm vào đó) 8. A. live B. lives C. living D. lived - Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ (which lives) 9. A. will B. would C. can D. could - Phỏng đoán chắc chắn (certainty with will) 10. A. hold B. take C. make D. catch - Cụm từ cố định take a breath (thở) IX. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. You have learned about dinosaurs in school. Maybe you have seen them in museum. But how much do you really know about these animals?
  7. Not all dinosaurs were just big reptiles. For years, scientists thought dinosaurs were big, dumb, and cold blooded - in other words, just giant reptiles. Some dinosaurs were huge. But many were about the size of modern-day birds or dogs. Were dinosaurs warm- or cold blooded? Paleontologists are not sure. But they believe some were intelligent. Of course, no dinosaur was as smart as a human or even a monkey. However, some smaller dinosaurs - like the two-meter (six-foot) Troodon - had fairly large brains. Was Tyrannosaurus rex a powerful predator? Some scientists think the opposite is true. In the movies, T.rex is often a speedy giant, but in fact, this dinosaur could not run very fast. Physically, it was too large. In reality, T.rex probably moved as fast as an elephant. Also, T. rex had very small arms. Without strong legs or arms, this dinosaur probably wasn't a powerful hunter. It may have been a scavenger instead, only eating animals that were already dead. Did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs? An asteroid hit Mexico's Yucantan Peninsula about 65 million years ago. It created a 180-kilometer (110-mile) wide crater called Chicxulub. Many believe this asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. But even before this, dinosaurs were already dying out around the world, for many reasons. At the end of the Cretaceous period, for example, the global climate was changing uc Earth's temperature was getting colder. Dinosaurs completely disappeared about 65 million years ago. However, scientists believe modern-day birds are descendants of certain dinosaurs. If this true, then dinosaurs' relatives are still walking - and flying - among us! 1. The best title for this reading could be ___. A. What Really killed the Dinosaurs C. Dinosaurs Discovered in Mexico B. The Facts and Fiction about Dinosaurs D. Our Favorite Dinosaurs - Suy ra từ toàn bài: bài đọc đưa ra những thông tin về đặc điểm sinh học đã được xác thực về khủng long như về loài, về tập tính, về môi sinh, đồng thời cũng đưa ra một số các giả thuyết, các lý do dẫn đến sự tuyệt chủng của loài bò sát khổng lồ này. 2. Which statement about the Troodon is probably true according to the passage? A. It was as smarter as a monkey. C. It was warm-blooded. B. It was a huge animal. D. It was quite intelligent. - Hai câu cuối của đoạn 2: Paleontologists are not sure. But they believe some were intelligent. Of course, no dinosaur was as smart as a human or even a monkey. However, some smaller dinosaurs - like the two- meter (six foot) Troodon-had fairly large brains. 3. Some paleontologists think T.rex was scavenger (paragraph 3). What does this mean? A. It had small arms. B. It was similar to an elephant. C. It was a powerful killer. D. It ate animals that were already dead. - Câu cuối cùng đoạn 3, mệnh đề hai chính là giải thích tương đương, kết hợp với các thông tin từ hai câu kề trước: It may have been a scavenger instead, only eating animals that were already dead. 4. According to the passage, at the end of the Cretaceous period ___. A. some dinosaurs started to fly B. the Earth's temperature was changing C. humans appeared on Earth D. dinosaur numbers were increasing in Mexico - Đoạn 4, câu cuối: At the end of the Cretaceous period, for example, the global climate was changing: the Earth's temperature was getting colder. 5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A. Dinosaurs were giant reptile and powerful predators. B. Dinosaurs were probably intelligent but less smart than monkey. C. Dinosaurs may have become extinct due to global climate changes. D. Dinosaurs may have become extinct after an asteroid collided with the earth - Suy từ thông tin toàn bài (B: Of course, no dinosaur was as smart as a human or even a monkey.; C: But even before this, dinosaurs were already dying out around the world, for many reasons. At the end of the Cretaceous period, for example, the global climate was changing: the Earth's temperature was getting colder.; D: Did an asteroid kill the dinosaurs? An asteroid hit Mexico's Yucantan Peninsula about 65
  8. million years ago. It created a 180-kilometer (110-mile) wide crater called Chicxulub. Many believe this asteroid caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.) X. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions. Together, the thousands of scientists and conservation organizations that contribute to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and other systems of assessment provide the world's largest knowledge base on the global status of species. The aim of these systems is to provide the general public, conservationists, nongovernmental organizations, the media, decision makers, and policy makers with comprehensive and scientifically rigorous information on the conservation status of the world's species and the threats that drive the observed patterns of population decline. Scientists in conservation and protected area management agencies use data on species status in the development of conservation planning and prioritization, the identification of important sites and species for dedicated conservation action and recovery planning, and educational programs. Although the IUCN Red List and other similar species-assessment tools do not prescribe the action to be taken, the data within the list are often used to inform legislation and policy and to determine conservation priorities at regional, national, and international levels. In contrast, the listing criteria of other categorization systems (such as the United States Endangered Species Act, the CITES) are prescriptive; they often require that landowners and various governmental agencies take specific mandatory steps to protect species falling within particular categories of threat It is likely that many undescribed or unassessed species of plants, animals, and other organisms have become or are in the process of becoming extinct. To maintain healthy populations of both known and unknown species, assessments and reassessments are valuable tools. Such monitoring work must continue so that the most current knowledge can be applied to effective environmental monitoring and management efforts. For many threatened species, large well-protected conservation areas (biological reserves) often play major roles in curbing population declines. Such reserves are often cited by conservation biologists and other authorities as the best way to protect individual species as well as the ecosystems they inhabit. In addition, large biological reserves may harbor several undescribed and unassessed species. Despite the creation of several large reserves around the world, poaching and illegal trafficking plague many areas. Consequently, even species in those areas require continued monitored and periodic assessment. 1. Which could be the best title for the passage? A. Species Assessment and Management B. Species Assessments and Reassessments C. Conservation Status of the World's Species D. Environmental Monitoring and Management Efforts - Suy ra từ toàn bài (Đoạn 1 giới thiệu về IUCN Red List và sự tồn tại của các hệ thống đánh giá và kiểm soát các loài: Together, the thousands of scientists and conservation organizations that contribute to the international Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and other systems of assessment provide the world's largest knowledge base on the global status of species. Sau đó, trong đoạn 1 còn nếu chi tiết về hoạt động của các hệ thống này, điểm giống và khác nhau giữa chúng: Although the IUCN Red List and other similar species-assessment tools do not prescribe the action to be taken, the data within the list are often used to inform legislation and policy and to determine conservation priorities at regional, national, and international levels. In contrast, the listing criteria of other categorization systems (such as the United States Endangered Species Act, the CITES) are prescriptive; they often require that landowners and various governmental agencies take specific mandatory steps to protect species falling within particular categories of threat. 2. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE about the IUCN Red List? A. It is the best way to protect individual species. B. It prescribes species conservation actions. C. It helps to determine conservation priorities. D. It requires landowners to take mandatory actions.
  9. - Đoạn 1 (key words: system of assessment, species-assessment tools, to determine conservation priorities: the IUCN Red List and other similar species-assessment tools do not prescribe the action to be taken, the data within the list are often used to inform legislation and policy and to determine conservation priorities at regional, national, and international levels) 3. According to the passage, scientists do NOT use data on species status in ___. A. developing conservation prioritization B. identifying areas for recovery planning C. designing educational programs D. determining dedicated conservation action - Đoạn 1 (key words: data, species status: Scientists in conservation and protected area management agencies use data on species status in (1) the development of conservation planning and prioritization, (2) the identification of important sites and species for dedicated conservation action and (3) recovery planning, and educational programs.) 4. The word 'they' in paragraph 1 refers to ___. A. categorization systems B. the listing criteria C. conservation priorities D. species-assessment tools - Hồi chỉ: Đại từ they thay thế cho một danh từ số nhiều đứng trước (hồi chỉ) hoặc sau nó (khứ chỉ). Tuy nhiên trong trường hợp này “they” xét theo logic mệnh để thì “they” thay thế cho chủ ngữ (đồng vị trí chức năng với “they” ở mệnh đề trước là “the listing criteria” vì chỉ có criteria mới có nghĩa cùng trường với động từ “require” 5. The acronym CITES in paragraph 1 best stands for ___. A. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species B. The Conference on International Trade in Endangered Species C. The Confession of International Trade in Endangered Species D. The Conservation of International Trade in Endangered Species - Dựa vào nội dung của toàn bài đọc: bài đọc nói về các hệ thống đánh giá và kiểm soát các loài nói chung và đặc biệt các loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng. Thêm nữa, thông tin trong ngoặc đơn chính là đưa thêm thông tin cụ thể về ví dụ các hệ thống sàng lọc - phân loại các loài, đứng trước CITES là một đạo luật thì the CITES phải tương đương như vậy. Chỉ có A chứa Convention (hiệp ước) đáp ứng được yêu cầu. 6. The word "mandatory" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ___. A. comprehensive B. important C. reasonable D. compulsory - Dựa vào nội dung bài đọc và ý của câu: the listing criteria of other categorization systems (such as the United States Endangered Species Act, the CITES) are prescriptive; they often require that landowners and various governmental agencies take specific mandatory steps to protect species falling within particular categories of threat. 7. The word "curbing" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___. A. stopping B. affecting C. avoiding D. controlling - Dựa vào nội dung bài đọc và ý của câu, hạn chế việc suy giảm số cá thể (For many threatened species, large well-protected conservation areas biological reserves) often play major roles in curbing population declines. Such reserves are often cited by conservation biologists and other authorities as the best way to protect individual species as well as the ecosystems they inhabit.) Các khu vực bảo tồn rộng lớn sẽ tăng khả năng các loài được bảo vệ. 8. The word "cited" in paragraph 2 mostly means ___. A. quoted B. mentioned C. described D. defined - Dựa vào nội dung bài đọc và ý của câu: được nhắc đến thường xuyên (Such reserves are often cited by conservation biologists and other authorities as the best way to protect individual species as well as the ecosystems they inhabit) 9. It is understood from the passage that ___. A. many animals became extinct before being assessed B. governmental agencies best protect threatened species.
  10. C. every species living in biological reserves is described. D. there is steady decline in species population in biological reserves. - Suy ra từ câu thứ nhất đoạn 2: It is likely that many undescribed or unassessed species of plants, animals, and other organisms have become or are in the process of becoming extinct. (Chưa kịp đánh giá hay mô tả thì đã hoặc đang tuyệt chủng rồi) 10. In general, the passage is ___. A. argumentative B. informative C. inventive D. predictive - Văn bản mang tính chất cung cấp thông tin: Văn bản cung cấp thông tin về sự tồn tại và hoạt động của một số tổ chức, hệ thống, cơ chế bảo vệ các loài nói chung, đặc biệt là các loài đang có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng.