Idiomatic American English - Lesson 33+34 - Thấm Tâm Vy

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  1. IDIOMATIC AMERICAN ENGLISH 17 Lesson 34. Twiddling One's Thumbs Dialogue Lesson 33. Caught Short Dawn: I hate to break the news to you but I'm calling it quits. Dialogue Jeremy: I see you're beside yourself, but don't throw in the towel. Karen: At the end of the week, I'm always caught short. Dawn: I have to. Sales have fallen off and I'm sitting around twiddling my thumbs. Joanne: That's becausemoney burns a hole in your pocket. I don't feel sorry for you. Business stinks. Karen: How can I tighten my belt? Jeremy: The bottom line is that stores like yours are a dime a dozen. Joanne: You're going to have to do without in order to get along. Vocabulary Karen: I know. I'll try brown bagging it. Within a short time I'll be in the chips again - break the news: v.) tell a surprising fact Vocabulary - call it quits: v.) stop, finish, quit - caught short: adj.) having an insufficient supply (especiallyof money) when needed - be beside one's self: v.) be very upset, nervous, frantic - burn a hole in one'spocket: v.) to be spent quickly - throw in the towel: v.) surrender, give up - feel sorry for: v.) pity - fall off (drop off): v.) decrease - tighten one's belt: v.) economize, spend and use less - twiddle one's thumbs: v.) not busy, not working - do without: v.) live without something - stink: v.) to be of extremely bad quality, to be terrible - get along: v.) manage - bottom line: n.) end result, ultimate cause, deciding factor - brown bag: v.) bring one's lunch from home - a dime a dozen: n.) common, easily obtained - in the chips: adj.) having plenty of money PRACTICE PRACTICE l. Completethe sentences with the correct idiom. L Completethe sentences with the corcect idiom. a) moneyburns a hole in her pocket b) tighten his belt c) feel sorry for a) besideherself b) fell off c) a dime a dozen d) threw in the towel e) stinks d) caught short e) do without f) in the chips g) brown bag h) to get along f) the bottom line g) call it quits h) twiddle her thumbs i) break the news 1. Sometimes I don't have enough cake when company comes over. I'm 1. It is difficult to that a loved one has died. 2. She studied so hard for that exam but she failed it. 2. After many years of an unhappy marriage, they decided to 3. As soon as she gets sorne money she has to spend it. 3. When the mother could not find her child, she was 4. Arthur lost his job, He's going to have to 4. The salesgirls were not as busy after the holidays because business 5. I can't find a new car in my price range. I think I'll have to one. 5. She won the lottery. Now she can stay home and 6. He has a large family to support. It's not easy on his salary. 6. She never tried hard. She always 7. He went to work on the holiday but all the restaurants were closed. He had to 7. He never studied in school and is, he can't read well. it. 8. In Hollywood, pretty girls are 8. His family is very prosperous. They're 9. That movie is awful. It II. Rewritethe phrases in italics, using the proper idiomatic expression. II. Rewrite the phrases in italics, usingthe proper id.iomatic expression. 1. He's trying to save money so he's taking his lunch to work. 1. It's not easyfinding teachers today, but years ago, they were easily obtained. 2. She's on a diet. She can’t have ice cream. 2. Studying to be a doctor was too hard. He gave up. 3. They have a lot of problems. I pity them. 3. Tourist travel to Florida decreases during the summer months. 4. The bill came to $25 but I only had $20 with me. I didn't have enough. 4. He no longer wants to act. He’s ending his career. 5, They have a beautiful home. They're wealthy. 5. I was surprised when she told me they were getting married. 6. My car is being repaired. I have to manage without it for a while. 6. He failed his history class and is very upset. 7. I'm not making enough money. I'm going to have to economize. 7. She quit her job and now she doesn't do anything, 8. As soon as he gets some money, he spends it. 8. This product may be imperfect, but what do the sales figures say? 9. He's always depressed. He thinks his whole life is terrible. Thẩm Tâm Vy Dec 09th, 2019 IDIOMATIC AMERICAN ENGLISH 17
  2. ANSWER KEY Lesson 33. Caught Short I: 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. e 6. h 7. g 8. f II: 1. brown bagging it 2. does without 3. feelsorry for 4. was caught short 5. in the chips 6. get along 7. tighten my belt 8. money burns a hole in his pocket Lesson 34. Twiddling One's Thumbs I : 1. i 2 . g 3. a 4 . b 5. h 6. d 7. l 8 . c 9. e II: 1. a dime a dozen 2. threw in the towel 3. falls off 4. He's calling it quits. 5. broke the news 6. beside himself 7. twiddles her thumbs 8. what's the bottom line 9. stinks Thẩm Tâm Vy Dec 09th, 2019 IDIOMATIC AMERICAN ENGLISH 17