Bài tập Luyện thi Đại học môn Tiếng Anh - Lesson 79+80 - Thấm Tâm Vy

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  1. IDIOMATIC AMERICAN ENGLISH 40 10. I like the open spaces of the country. Whenever I'm in the city, I feel cramped. Lesson 79 ~ SPRUCING UP Lesson 80 ~ MUDSLINGING Dialogue Dialogue John: We'll have to start from scratch to spruce up this house.I t's really going to pot. Tracy: It's too bad his political opponents resorted to mudslinging. I hate to see Sue: Maybe we could scrounge around fbr some second-hand furniture and other someone raked over the coals. stuff. Lola: They really put him through the wringer. They had the gall to hit below the John: I would like to make the house larger. We could use some more elbow room. I'm belt. beginning to feel hemmed in. Tracy: He won't take it lying down. He'll go down swinging. Sue: Forget it. Where are we going to dig up the loot for major repairs? Lola: You're right. He won't say "uncle." Vocabulary Vocabulary - from scratch adv.) from the very beginning; starting with raw materials - mudslinging n.) making malicious remarks to damage someone's reputation - spruce up v.) clean, redecorate - rake over the coals v.) scold, reprimand, blame - go to pot v.) deteriorate; become undisciplined, unkempt - put through the wringer v.) cause severe stress - scrounge around v.) look in a lot of'places for a certain item - gall n.) shameless, insolent attitude - second-hand ad.j.) not new, previously used - hit below the belt v.) hurt someonecruelly and unfairly [as in boxing] - stuff n.) things - go down swinging v.) lose but fight until the end - elbow room n.) enough space to be comfortable - say (cry) "uncle" v.) admit defeat - hemmed in adj.) crowded, cramped, uncomfortable - take something lying down v.) suffer without a fight - dig up v.) find, recall, discover PRACTICE - loot n.) money I. Complete the sentences with the correct idiom. PRACTICE e) raked him over the coals b) hitting below the belt c) mudslinging I. Complete the sentences with the correct idiom. d) gall e) take that lying down f) put through the wringer a) scrounge around b) from scratch c )sprucing up d) went to pot g) went down swinging h) said "uncle" e)stuff f) loot g) elbow room h) second-hand i) hemmed in j) dig up 1. He wasn't going to lose easily. He fought all the way. He 1. The best apple pie is one made 2. We had him down on the ground and wouldn't let him up until he 2. I have no money. I'll have to and see if there's anv money in the house. 3. He was not doing a good job so his boss 3. That's a fancy car. How much will I needto buy it? 4. The politician implied that his opponent's family was dishonest. Everyone agreed he 4. When springtime comes, most people feel like clothes. was 5. Sometimes it's better not to memories of the past. 5. Her husband just had an operation. By the time it was over, she had been 6. Usually the second or third child in a family gets clothes. 6. She spent all her money on clothes and records, then she asked to borrow money for 7. When I play golf, I don't want people all around me. I need groceries. She has 8. It's amazing how much you can fit into your closet. 7. She worked very hard for a promotion. One of her colleagues was jealous and 9. When there are too many people in one room, I feel mentioned she had been an alcoholic. That was 10. That house used to be very well kept. Now it's in very bad condition. It 8. Someone said he was dishonest. He's not going to II. Rewrite the phrases in italics. Using the proper idiomatic expression. II. Rewrite the phrases in italics, using the proper idiomatic expression. 1. It's too crowded. I need more space. 1. He won't admit he lost. 2. I'm looking for some junk food in this house. 2. It's not right to resort to malicious gossip about someone. 3. That's a lot of money. 3. Even though he lost, he fought to the end. 4. You have a lot of beautiful things. 4. Because he was late all the time, the boss reprimanded him. 5. Let's redecorate the house. 5. He is not going to endure this misfortune without fighting back. 6. What did you find in the basement? 6. Her child had a very bad accident. Until she was all right, the mother was under 7. You can't sell used merchandise in that store. terrible stress. 8. Let's not use a cake mix. Let's start from the beginning 7. She is not a very nice person. At times, she can be unfair and hurt people. 9. It was a beautiful neighborhood many years ago. It's too bad it deteriorated. Thẩm Tâm Vy, March 31st, 2020 IDIOMATIC AMERICAN ENGLISH 40
  2. 8. He never picks up a check. Everyone else pays. He has no shame. ANSWER KEY Lesson 79 ~ SPRUCING UP I: 1. b 2. a 3. F 4 . c 5. J 6. h 7. g 8. e 9. i 10 . d II: 1. elbow room 2. scrounging around for 3. loot 4. stuff 5. spruce up 6. dig up 7. second-hand 8. f'rom scratch 9. went to pot 10. hemmed in Lesson 80 ~ MUDSLINGING I+: 1. g 2. h 3. a 4. b / c 5. f 6. d 7. b / c 8. e II: 1. say "uncle" 2. mudslinging 3. went down swinging 4. raked him over the coals 5. take this lying down 6. put through the wringer 7. hit belowthe belt 8. gall Thẩm Tâm Vy, March 31st, 2020 IDIOMATIC AMERICAN ENGLISH 40