Đề thi giáo viên giỏi cấp huyện môn Tiếng Anh - Năm học 2018-2019 - Phòng giáo dục và đào tạo Đông Sơn

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Nội dung text: Đề thi giáo viên giỏi cấp huyện môn Tiếng Anh - Năm học 2018-2019 - Phòng giáo dục và đào tạo Đông Sơn

  1. UBND HUYỆN ĐÔNG SƠN KỲ THI GIÁO VIÊN GIỎI CẤP HUYỆN PHÒNG GD&ĐT Năm học 2018 - 2019 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh ĐỀ GIỚI THIỆU Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) (Gồm có 0 trang) PART A: PHONETICS (7.5 points) Question I: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. (3.75 points) 1. A. rivers B. temples C. students D. rulers 2. A. childless B. watching C. machine D. choose 3. A. psychology B. problem C. pupil D. stop Question II. Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the others. (3.75 points) 1. A. beautiful B. terrific C. wonderful D. marvelous 2. A. picture B. number C. water D. advice 3. A. mushroom B. sandals C. reliable D. singer PART B: LEXICAL & GRAMMAR ( 30 poimts) Question I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.(15 pts) 1. I am keen on ___ dolls. What is your hobby? A. playing B. taking C. looking D. collecting 2. I am not ___ a car. A. rich enough to buy B. too rich enough to buy C. too poor to buy D. enough rich to buy 3. We couldn’t reach the house the road was flooded. A. because B. because of C. despite D. though 4. His fans think that he is ___ talented ___ handsome. A. Either/ or B. not only/ but also C. neither/ nor D. so/ that 5. All that rubbish will have to be ___at once. A. get rid of B. got of rid C. got rid of D. getting rid of 6. This church was said ___ in the 19th century. A. to be built B. to build C. to have been built D. being built 7. This is the second time she’s been here, ___? A. isn’t this B. hasn’t she C. has she D. isn’t it 8. Physics___ us understand the natural laws. A. helps B. help C. have helped D. helped 9. Thanks for calling! I look forward ___ you soon. A. see B. to seeing C. to see D. seeing 10. - Margret: Congratulations to you on passing the math exam. - Peter: ___. A. You’re welcome B. Never mind C. Don’t mention it D. Thanks a lot
  2. 11. This knife is very blunt. It needs A. sharpeningly B. sharpen C. sharpening D. sharply 12. Although the exam was difficult, the students passed it. A. most of B. none of C. a few D. a lot Question II. Give the correct forms of words in the brackets (7.5 pts). 1. There are many forms of ___. You just have to find ENTERTAIN the right kind. 2. You have to practice a lot if you want to work as a ___ MUSIC 3. The forecast says the weather will be ___but cold. SUN 4. Like beverage cans and bottles, these ___ can be recycled. PRODUCE 5. Finding the film ___, they decided to turn off the TV INTEREST to go to bed. 6. She have treated her patients so ___ and they all love her. CARE Question III. Supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets to complete the sentences below. (12.5 pts) 1. When we arrived, the children (play)___ “Hide and Seek” 2. Since he (leave)___, I have heard nothing from him. 3. Last week, my professor promised that he (explain) ___ us the lesson the next week. 4-5. I (sit) ___down for a rest while the shoes (repair) ___. 6.Helen (give) ___ an impressive performance 2 weeks ago. 7. Up to now, my dad (read) ___ 20 pages of “The one from the star”. 8. By the time we finish that task, our children (sleep) ___ well. 9-10. If the taxi driver (be) ___ free at that time, where you (ask) ___ him to take you? Question IV: There is one mistake in each of the following sentences. Choose the underlined part that needs correcting and write A, B, C or D on your answer sheet. (7.5 points) 1. We had better to review this chapter carefully for our next exam this weekend. A B C D 2. Nam seldom pays his bills on time, and his brother does too. A B C D 3. When you will arrive, there will be someone to meet. A B C D 4. Every possible effort were made by the orphanage to find the boy’s parents. A B C D 5. She performed such attractively that all the audience stood up and applaused A B C D 6. The old man, that knocked at the door, was a stranger. A B C D
  3. PART C: READING (25 pts) Question I. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage. (6.25p) Mobile phones emit microwave radio emissions. Researchers are questioning whether exposure to these radio waves might (1) ___ to brain cancer. So far, the data are not conclusive. The scientific evidence does not enable us to say with certainly that mobile phones are categorically (2) ___. On the other hand, current research has not yet proved clear adverse effect associated with the prolonged use of mobile phones. Numerous studies are now going (3) ___ in various countries. Some of the results are contradictory but others have shown an association between mobile phone use and cancer. (4) ___, these studies are preliminary and the issue needs further, long - term investigation. As the scientific data is more definite, it is careful for people to try not to use mobile phone for long (5) ___ of time. 1. A. cause B. bring C. produce D. lead 2. A. risky B. secure C. unhealthy D. safe 3. A. about B. on C. through D. by 4. A. While B. Additionally C. However D. Though 5. A. quantities B. periods C. amounts D. intervals Question II. Read the following passage then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. Write the answers on your answer sheet. (12.5 points) It seems impossible to predict that which new technologies will become part of everyday life in the (1)___. Some of the most famous innovations, look (2)___ the Internet or text messaging on cellular phones, (3)___ have exceeded initial expectations and become essential part to modern life. Other technologies, though accompanied by great deal excitement and bold predictions when released (4)___ the market-place, end up with disappearing. Betamax VCRs are a good example. (5)___ Betamax boasted superior technology to VHS, they was sold (6)___ fewer units and lost their market share. Another (7)___ is that sometimes a technology is so hyped by the media (8)___ it cannot possibly to meet the advertised expectations. The Segway has already become a case study in this kind of disappointment. Touted as the next civilization- changing for innovation, the Sedway promised to revolutionize transportation. The public (9)___ asked to wait and see about what this mystery invention (10)___ look like! When this odd-looking little vehicle finally arrived, people asked a biting question. So what? That question remains be unanswered. Question III. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer. (6.25 pts) Rainforests are disappearing in tropical areas around the world. They are being cut down, burned, and damaged through a process called “deforestation”. This is a serious problem in developing countries within tropical regions. The impact of deforestation, though, also has vast global implications. It is, therefore, very important to find solutions
  4. to these problems. Unfortunately, progress in this area has been very slow. According to World Bank statistics, many developing countries, such as Brazil, Ecuador, and Indonesia had lost almost half of their rainforest by 1991. Worldwide, in 1800 there were 7.1 billion acres of tropical forests, while today there are only 3.5 billion acres. Recent statistics suggest that an area of tropical forest larger than North Korea is deforested every year. Most importantly, though, the rainforest plays an important role in the health of our environment. Trees and other plants act as filters that clean pollutants out of the air and produce clean air. With air pollution increasing as forests decline, the world is facing a potential crisis with regard to air quality. Poverty is one of the main forces behind deforestation in tropical countries, where many rely on farming as a way of life. The most practical method is “slash and burn” agriculture, in which a small area of trees is cut down and the burned to fertilize the soil. For a period of time, the soil can produce good crops, but rain gradually washes away the nutrients, reducing fertility and causing crops to grow at a slower rate. Eventually, the soil can no longer support crops, and farmers are often forced to abandon the land. Government policies also contribute to the destruction of rainforests. In countries like Brazil, much of the rainforests is owned by the state. However, the state does not have enough resources to control access to the forests. Therefore, the government allows people to claim areas of land within the forest. 1. The word “implications” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to___. A. suggestion B. policies C. long-term solution D. possible results 2. The author mentions North Korea ___. A. to demonstrate the impact of deforestation in North Korea. B. to demonstrate that North Korea policy is favorable to that of Brazil. C. to demonstrate how much forest is being destroyed each year. D. to demonstrate that deforestation is not as serious as we thought. 3. The phrase “way of life” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ___. A. daily living B. hobby C. interest D. future survival 4. The following things are considered the bad effects of the rain EXCEPT ___: A. washing away the nutrients B. reducing the fertility. C. causing crops to grow at slower rate D. cleaning pollutants out of the air 5. According to the passage, why does the Brazilian government allow farmers to make claims on rainforest land? A. They want to improve the living conditions of farmers. B. If the farmers don’t claim them, large companies will. C. They don’t have the resources to prevent it. D. The economy is based on agriculture. PART D: WRITING (25 pts) Question I. Rewrite each of the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that its
  5. meaning does not change. (7.5 pts) 1. He studied very well though his life was hard at that time. In spite of ___ 2. Scientists carried out researches on SIDA two years ago. Researches ___ 3. She is not strong enough and she must stay at home. Were ___ 4.They think that a villager cut down the tree for wood. A villager ___ 5. She visited him and he felt stronger. No sooner ___ 6. My mother was the most warm-hearted person I’ve ever known. I’ve ___ Question II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. (7.5 pts) 1. Would you turn off the lights, please? MIND Would you ___ 2. Nga likes playing basketball in the morning. INTERESTED Nga is___ 3. She is too young to ride a motorbike. ENOUGH She isn’t ___ 4. They didn’t go camping yesterday because it rained heavily. HEAVY Because of ___ 5. The minister’s popularity suffered as a result of the scandal. EFFECT  The scandal ___ 6. I’d like you to wait until they bring out a new model. RATHER I’d ___ Question III. (10pts) Write a paragraph (120- 150 words) to express your ideas about the women’s role in modern society. _ THE END _